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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/40

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  • buglasse, the lesse wild buglasse.

Alcofribas. A greedie glutton; a great deuourer.

Alcoran: m. Mahomets Alcoran; (The word signifies a true Law; and is therefore most vnfit for that most false one.)

Alcret: m. as Halecret. Alebastre. Alleblaster.

Alebastrin. Of Alleblaster; white as, like or belonging to, Alleblaster.

Alebrenne. A Salamander.

Alebromantic. Diuination by barley meale mixed with wheat.

Alectoire. The Cocke stone; a Christall coloured stone (as big as a beane) found in the gyzerne, or maw of some Cockes.

Alectorophoneme. The song, or crowing of a Cocke.

Alectryomantie: f. Diuination by a Cocke; or by the Cocke stone.

Alegerir. To lighten, or make light. Alegerir vn cheval à la main. To bring, or cause a horse to be light borne.

Aleine. as Haleine. Aleiner. Seeke Halener. Aleman: m. An Almaine, German, High-Dutchman; also, the Almaine, or German language. Peigne d'Aleman. The hand; or foure fingers and a thumbe. Querelle d'Aleman. A quarell, or brable, entred into vpon a sleight, or drunken, occasion. Theriaque des Alemans. The iuyce of Ginepar berries, extracted according to art; called so, both because it is good against poison, & because the Germans haue vsed to take it much. Il n'en entend que le haut Aleman. Tis Greek vnto him; he vnderstands no part of it; hee is neuer a whit the wiser by it.

Alembic: m. A Limbeck, or Stillitorie.

Alembiqué: m. ée: f. Distilled, or extracted, by Limbecke, &c; Seeke Alambiqué. Alembiquer. To extract, or distill by Limbecke; or as Alambiquer. Alemelle d'espée. as Alumelle. Alenois. Cresson Alenois. Kers, garden Cresses, town Kars, towne Cresses.

Alenti: m. ie: f. Slackened; loosened; softened; allayed, appeased; growne remisse; not so hastie, or violent as it was; also, weakened, enfeebled.

Alentir. To slacken, loosen; soften; be allayed, or appeased; wax tractable; grow remisse; or not so hastie, hard, nor violent as it was; also, to be weakened, or infeebled.

Alentissement: m. A slackening; loosening, softening; allaying, appeasing; a weakening, enfeebling.

Aleron. A little wing; also, a twig, sprig, or smal branch.

Alesne: f. An awle; or (Shoomakers) bodkin; also a spotted, and long snowted Ray, or Thornebacke, tearmed by some, the sharpe-snowted Ray.

Alesnes. Cockle, Corne-rose, field Nigella, wild Nigella.

Aleu: m. Libertie, freedome, franchise, immunitie; also free tenure which holds of no man, and for which no seruice, nor fine is due to any; (it hath commonly the addition of, franc; and franc-aleu is also, a free subiect, or tenant.)
  Franc aleu noble. High iurisdiction, and Seigniorie, held without homage, fealtie, fine, or seruice.
  Franc aleu roturier. A tenure without iurisdiction (whereunto it is subiect) but otherwise (as the other) exempted from all seruices, rents, fines, &c.

Aleve. The wild Pine tree; so called in Dauphinois. Aleuf. as Aleu. Alexandre. Alexander; a proper name; also, the hearb great Parsley, Alexanders, or Alisaunders. Pied d'Alexandre. The hearbe Bartrane, Bertrain, Pellitorie of Spaine. Alexandrin. A verse of 12, or 13 sillables.

Alexandrin: m. ine: f. Of Alexandria, or belonging to Alexander. Persil Alexandrin. The hearbe Alexanders.

Alexitere. A preseruation against poyson.

Alezan. A sorrell horse; or the sorrell colour of horses. Alezan toustade. A darke reddish colour, as of mettall burnt in the fire; a burnt sorrell.

Algame. Mixtion of gold, and quicksiluer.

Algarade: f. An vnexpected incursion, assault, or brauadoe of horsemen, seamen, or other souldiours against their enemies; any swaggering and sudden florish, rauage, tumult, vprore.

Algarie: f. A kind of instrument wherewith Chirurgians prouoke vrine; some tearme it, a Catheter.

Alge: f. Sea-weed, sea-grasse, Reets; a kind of wrinckled, and broad leaued weed, that grows on rocks in the sea.

Algebre: f. The art of Equation; or of figuratiue numbers; an Art consisting both of Arithmetick and Geometrie; also, a breach, fracture, diuision, solution of continuitie, especially in bones.

Algisié. The Lote, or Nettle tree.

Algorisme: m. The Art, or vse of Cyphers, or of numbring by Cyphers; Arithmetick, or a curious kind therof. Fol d'Algorisme. A foole by figure, an Asse in grain.

Algousant: m. A Lieutenant.

Alhatrat (In Rabelais, is Auicennaes Alhatraf) a Dragon, or Serpent, whose biting wounds, but impoisons not.

Alhidade. as Alidade. Aliage: m. The stiffening, allaying, or imbacing of gold, or siluer, by mingling them with other mettals.

Aliayre. The hearbe, called Iack of the hedge; Looke Alliaire. Alibi. The being in another place then was obiected. Alleguer son alibi. A prisoner to alledge for his iustification his being elswhere when the fact was committed.

Alibi-forains. Crafty shifts, cunning euasions, or appeals, vsed for the auoiding of an accusation, or delaying of an action. Alibis forains. ¶Rab. All the corners.

Aliboron. A Polypragmon, medler; busie-bodie; one that hath his hand in euery dish, an oare in euery boat; also, one that pretends skill in all things, and indeed knowes nothing.

Alicacubut. The hearbe Alkakengie, or winter cherrie.

Alican. Bossu alican. Looke Bussu. Alicté. In bed, layed a bed; bedred.

Alictement. A lying sicke in bed; a lying bedred.

s'Alicter. A sicke man to get himselfe to bed; or to lye sicke in bed; or to lye bedred.

Alidade d'un Astrolabe. Th' Alhidada of an Astrolabe; the rule which turneth on the backe thereof.

Alié: m. ée: f. Allayed, or stiffened, as gold, or siluer, by other mettals.

Alienation: f. An alienation; a selling, putting, or making away of; also, an estranging, turning, or withdrawing from.

Aliené: m. ée: f. Aliened; alienated, altered; sold, or made away; estranged, or withdrawne from. Aliené de son entendement. Distraught, franticke, sick-braind, out of his little wits.

Aliener. To alien; alienate; alter; to sel, put, passe, or make*