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  • away; also, to estrange, turne, draw, or withdraw from.

Alier tremaillé. A Trammell net, or double net.

Alier. To allay; to stiffen, or imbase gold, &c, by mingling it with other mettals. Looke Allier. Aligné: m. ée: f. Made straight, as a line; set in a iust, and direct file, or line; drawne, or squared out by line, and leuell. Homme bien aligné. Well featured, well shapen, well proportioned, as straight as a line.

Alignement: m. A card, a draught, or thing drawne by line and leuell; also, a peece of ground in a street, or by the side of a high way, let by a lord vnto his tenant, (to be inclosed, or built on) by line and measure, to the end that the publique may not be incroached on; also, a making straight as a line; a setting in a iust line; a drawing, or squaring out by line, and leuell; also, the ligning of a bitch, &c.

Aligner. To make straight as a line; place in direct file, set in a iust line; draw or square out by line and leuell; also, to ligne, as a dog, or the dog wolfe, a bitch; also, to ioyne, or couple one plant vnto another, by graffing, &c.

Aliment: m. Food, sustenance, nourishment.

Alimenté. Fed, nourished, sustained, fostered, dietted, cherished.

Alimenter. To feed, nourish, diet, sustaine, foster, cherish.

Alimenteux: m. euse: f. Much feeding, very nourishing, full of nourishment.

Alimonner. To put into, or fasten vnto, the thill of a cart, &c.

Alipte: m. He that, in old time, annoynted wrastlers before they exercised.

Aliqualement. Indifferently, after a sort, so so.

Alis: m. ise: f. Solide, compacted, hard wrought, close layed together; in which there appeare no maner of holes, or pores.

Alise: f. The (sweet and wholsome) fruit, or berrie of the Lote tree; also as Alize. Alisier: m. The Lote, or Nettle tree. Alisier gris. The gray Lote. Alisier rouge. The red Lote; both (and all the kindes thereof) strangers in England.

Aliter. as Alicter. Alize. Any solide, well compacted, or close wrought thing.

Alkali. A medicinable salt made of the ashes of diuers sorts of hearbes, but most especially of Glassewort. Looke Sel. Alkatim. The most eminent part of the buttockes. ¶Rab. Alkerenge. The hearbe Nightshade, or Alkakengie.

Alkermes. A confection made of the decoction, and infusion of silke into the iuice of the graine chermes; (a soueraigne remedie for all swondings.

Allagant. Washing, watering.

Allaicté: m. ée: f. Suckled; fed with milke.

Allaictement: m. A giuing of sucke, or milke vnto.

Allaicter. To sucke; to giue sucke, or milke vnto.

Allaire. A little walk, or alley, in a wood; or, a tree growing therein.

Allambre. Copper. (In Spanish.)

Allan: m. A kind of big, strong, thicke headed, and short snowted dog; the brood whereof came first out of Albania, (old Epirus.)
  Allan de boucherie. Is like our Mastiue, and serues Butchers, to bring in fierce oxen, and to keepe their stalls.

  Allan gentil. Is like a Grayhound in all properties, and parts, his thicke and short head excepted. Allan vautre. A great, & ougly curre of that kind (hauing a big head, hanging lips, and slowching eares) kept onely to bait the Beare, and wild Boare.

Allanguir. To make languish, pine, or wast away.

Allant: m. A goer, a gadder; also, a subtile, craftie, wilie; or, a cousening, deceitfull, cheating, fellow.

Allant: m. ante: f. Going, walking, wending, pacing, marching, trauelling, iourneying; proceeding, departing.

Allantoïde. Membrane al. Looke Membrane. Allarme: m. An alarum.

Allarmé: m. ée: f. Roused, or affrighted, by an Alarum.

Allarmer. To giue an Alarum vnto; also, to rouse, prepare, or affright, by Alarums.

s'Alaschir. as s'Alachir. Allayé: m. ée: f. Allayed; stiffened, or imbased, as gold, or siluer (coyne) by the mixture of other mettals. Or allayé au blanc, ou sur le blanc. Gold allayed with siluer. Or allayé au rouge, ou sur le rouge. Gold allayed with copper.

Allayer. To allay, or mix gold, or siluer with baser mettals.

Alle: f. (The old drinke of England) Ale. Seeke Alles. Allé: m. ée: f. Gone, walked, went, iourneyed, departed. C'est bien allé. Matters are in good tearmes; the businesse goes well forward, goes well on.

Alleage: m. as Aliage. Alleboteur: m. A grape gleaner.

Allebouter. To rake, gather; or gleane after; Looke Halleboter. Allebrent. as Albrent. Allechant. Bayting, alluring, tempting, inueagling, inticing.

Allecher. Looke Allicher. Allecter. To wamble, as a queasie stomacke doth.

Allée: f. A going, walking, wending, pacing; a gate, walke, iourney, march, pace; also, an alley, gallerie; walke, walking place, path, or passage. Il eut l'allée pour le venir. Hee got his trauell for his paines; he might euen as well haue stayed.

Allegation: f. An allegation, alleadgement, alleadging.

Allege: m. An ease, lightning, disburdenment, easement, helpe towards the bearing of a burthen; a refreshment; asswagement; comfort, solace; any thing that lightens, or lessens a charge, care, griefe, or mischiefe.

Allege: f. A lyter (boat.)

Allegé: m. ée: f. disburdened, lightened, eased; helped; refreshed; asswaged; mitigated; solaced; also, lessened, diminished, extenuated.

Allegeance. as Allege. Allegement: m. A lightning, disburdening, easing; a lifting vp, or helping to beare, a thing that lyes heauie on; a refreshing; asswaging; mitigating; allaying; solacing; also, a lessening, or impayring of.

Alleger. To lighten, disburden; ease, or discharge, of part of a burthen; to lift vp, or helpe to beare, a loade; to refresh, asswage, mitigate, allay; solace; also, to lessen, diminish, extenuate.

Allegorie: f. An Allegorie.

Allegorique: com. Allegoricall.

Allegoriser. To allegorize it; To vse Allegories.