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Page:A dictionarie of the French and English tongues - Cotgrave - 1611.djvu/44

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Aloine. as Alvine. Alonge: m. as Alongement. des alonges. Haukes Lunes.

Alongé: m. ée: f. Lengthened; extended, wire-drawn; prolonged, delayed, driuen off.

Alongeail: m. as Alongement. Alongement: m. A lengthning, drawing out in length, extension, prolonging, delaying, driuing off.

Alonger. To lengthen, draw out in length, extend, wire-*draw, prolong, proroge, deferre, delay, driue off. Alonger la courroye. To lengthen out a matter, to prolong a suit. Alonger les estriers. Looke Estrier. Alonger les ss To play false in accompts; as, to set downe an f (which stands for a franc) in stead of an s, which stands but for a sol.

Alongissement. as Alongement. Alopecie. The foxes euill; a disease causing the haire of the head, or beard to fall of.

Alors. adverb. Then; at that time.

Alose: f. A Shad (fish).

Aloser. To colour, or cloake a matter.

Aloud. franc al. as Aleu. ¶Bourgongnois. Alouër. as Allouër; Also to let out to hire; also, to appoint, or set downe a proportion for expence, or for any other imployment.

Alouette. A Larke. Alouette de la gorge. The flap that couers the top of the wind-pipe. Alouette huppée. as Cocheuis. Alouette de mer. The little sea foule called, a Purre. Alouette de pré. The chit, or small meddow-larke. Petite alouëtte. as Alouette de pré. Pied d'alouette. The hearbe, larks spurre, larks claw, larks heele, larks toes, Monks hood. Donner la bourde de l'alouette. To misse-lead, or traine along from the place he would find; (from the larke, which euer flies fromward her neast, when shee sees any bodie eyes her.) Il pense que les alouettes luy tomberont en la bouche toutes rosties; He vainely thinkes, that good fortune will come a wooing to him.

Alourdi: m. ie: f. Dulled; besotted, made blockish.

Alourdir. To dull, besot, make blockish.

s'Alouser. To praise, or commend himselfe; to brag, or boast, of himselfe.

Aloy: m. Th' allay of gold, or siluer, coyne; the (mixed) matter, or mettall whereof it is made; also, fine bell-*mettall; also, a kind of larke; also, as Aleu. Aloyau de bœuf. A short rib of beefe, or the fleshie end of the rib, diuided from the rest, and rosted; a little piece of (rosted) beefe hauing a bone in it.

Aloyne. as Alvine. Alozer. as Alouser; (An old word.)

Alpes. The Alpes; the mountaines which are betweene France, and Italie.

Alpestre: com. Mountainous, craggie, wild, hillie.

Alphe: m. A morphue, or stayning of the skin.

Alphitomantie. Diuination by barley meale.

Alphonsin. A coyne of gold, worth about seuen shillings. Sterl.

Alquemie. Alchumie, Alcumistrie. Faire l'alquemie des dentes, ou, auec les dents. To fast.

Alquequanges. The hearbe Night-shade, Alkakengie, Winter-cherries.

Alte. as Halte.

Alteratif: m. iue: f. Thirst-breeding, thirst-increasing.

Alteration: f. An alteration, change, or changing; also, thirst, or drouth.

Altercateur. A brabler, brawler, brangler, wrangler, contentious, or litigious person.

Altercation: f. Altercation; brabling, brawling, wrangling, brangling; strife, debate, contention in wordes; contentious proceeding, litigious pleading of one against another.

Altere: m. A poise of lead, which dauncers on ropes hold in their hands for a counterpeise; also, a piece of lead to lift vp, for exercise.

Alteré: m. The spotted, and small-headed Viper Dipsas, whose biting causeth an extreame, and vnquenchable thirst.

Alteré: m. ée: f. Altered, changed, varied, different from what it was; falsified, sophisticated; also, drie, athirst, almost dried vp; also, extreamely passionat, exceedingly angred, or moued; in a chafe, in a fime.

Alterer. To alter, change, varie, turne from what it was; also, to adulterate, falsifie, sophisticate; also, to breed, or increase thirst, or drouth; to make drie, or adrie; to drie vp. s'alterer. To grow drie, or athirst; also, to fall in a chafe, or grow into choler.

Alteres: f. Vehement passions of the mind; strange, and doubtfull conceits floating in the thoughts; also, diuine furie; or, inspirations from aboue, rauishing, and transporting the spirit out of her proper seat; extasies, transportations of spirit.

Alternatif: m. iue: f. Alternatiue, interchangeable, succeeding in course, done by turnes, or immediatly one after another.

Alternation: f. An alternation; a succession by turne; an interchange; a variation of one immediately after another.

Alternativement. Interchangeably; by course, or turns, one presently after another; one in the necke of another; one for another.

Alterner. To interchange, to doe by course, or turnes.

Alterquer. To brabble, wrangle, brawle, chide, brangle, contend in words; to plead one against another.

Altesse: f. Highnesse; (the title of a Soueraigne, Duke, or Prince.)

Altier: m. ere: f. Proud, loftie, stately, disdainefull, haughtie.

Altitonant. Thundering from high, or from aboue.

Alveole. The pit, or hollow part of the iaw, whereinto a tooth is fastened.

Aluette. The Vuula; a little piece of flesh in the roofe of the mouth, like a cockes spurre; See Gargatte. Alueux; ou Aluex. as Aleu. Alvine: f. Wormewood; Looke Absynthe for the seuerall kinds thereof.

Alvineux: m. euse: f. Bitter as Wormewood; of Wormwood; full of, or fraught with, Wormewood.

Alumelle: f. The blade of a sword, or knife.

Alumette. Seeke Allumette. Alumineux: m. euse: f. Full of Allum; belonging vnto Allum. Eau allumineuse. Allum water.

Alun: m. Allum.
  Alun d'escaille. A kind of Allum thats made of the transparent stone called, Miroir d'Asne.
  Alun de glace. Roche Allum; See Glace.
  Alun de plume. A hard, and white Allum, full of streakes, or flakes; we call it, stone Allum, or itching pouder; Looke Plume.
  Alun saccharin. That is as white as sugar; or, as