*passed currantly.
Alleud: m. Free hold, free tenure; as Aleu; also, inheritance that comes freely, and by discent, not by purchace; and which one leaues, or may leaue, vnto his heire.
Alleuf. as Aleu; ¶Poicteuin. Alleure: f. as Allure. Alleut. A free hold, or free tenure; or, as Alleud. Alleutier. A free holder, or, free tenant.
Alleyer. A Marchant to declare (vpon his oath) vnto a Toll-gatherer, through whose libertie he passes, what, & how much, ware, and chaffer he caries along with him. ¶Gasc. Alliage: m. as Aliage. Alliaire. Sauce alone, Iacke of the hedge; (an hearbe.)
Alliance: f. Alliance; confederation, fellowship, combination; agreement, consent; a league of friendship. Alliances. Gimmoules, or Gimmoule-rings. Alliance Theutonique. The Companie, or Corporation of Marchants of the Hanse.
Alliché: m. ée: f. Allured, inueagled, inticed, tempted, drawne; tolled, or brought on by flattering, and faire meanes.
Allichement: m. An allurement, inueaglement, inticement, bait; a temptation, or flatterie; or, an alluring, inticing, inueagling, tempting, drawing on by flattering meanes.
Allicher. To allure, inueagle, intice, tempt, toll, draw on, bring vnto, by flatterie, or faire meanes.
Allichoir. as Allichement; (in the first sence.)
Allidade. as Alidade. Allie: m. An allie, kinsman; confederate; a companion, mate, associate; also, an accessarie, or fellow in an offence.
Allié: m. ée: f. Allied; confederate with; ioyned, coupled, knit, neere vnto in fellowship, and friendship; also, accessarie, or, as farre in as another; also, allayed, or stiffened; as gold, &c.
Allier. To allie, ioyne, knit, couple in fellowship, and friendship; to associate, accord, confederate together; also, as Alier; to stiffen, or mingle gold, or siluer with other mettals.
Allignée: f. A Vine tyed to, or coupled with, an Elme tree, braunch, or stake.
Allignement. as Alignement. Alligner. as, Aligner. Allitti: m. ie: f. Bedred; or, layd sicke in bed.
Allochons d'un rouët. The teeth, or toothing, of a wheele, in a clocke, &c.
Allode: f. Free possession, free tenure; or, as Alleud. Allodial. terres allodiales. Free lands, for which no rents, fines, nor seruices are due; of whose soyle there is no lord; which are held immediatly from God; (yet are they (vnlesse they be noble) subiect vnto iurisdiction.)
Alloigné: m. ée: f. Driuen, chased; gone, got, farre from, or farre before.
Alloigner. To chase, or driue farre from, or before. s'alloigner de sa maison. To abandon, or get far from his house.
Allonge. as Alongement. Allongement; &, Allonger; as Alongement, & Alonger. Allotement: m. A parting, diuiding; an allotting, or laying out, vnto euery one his part.
Allotir. To diuide, or part; to allot, or lay out, vnto euery one his part.
Allou. as, Allodial; ¶Namur.
Alloué. as Alleut; also, a Seneschals Lieutenant.
Allouër. To allow, aduow, approue, like well of.
Allouette. Seeke, Alouëtte. Allouvi: m. ie: f. As hungrie as a Wolfe; also, fleshed, or cruell, as a Wolfe.
Alloyandier. ¶Rab. A roster of short ribbes of beefe; seeke Aloyau. Alloyé: m. ée: f. Seeke Allayé. Allumé: m. ée: f. Lighted, kindled, set on fire, or on a flame.
Allumelle. Seeke Alumelle. Allumement: m. A lighting, a kindling, inflaming, a setting on a flame.
Allumer. To lighten, kindle, set on a fire, or on a flame. Vieilles amours, & vieux tisons s'allument en toutes saisons: Prov. Old loue and brands are kindled in all seasons.
Allume-sang. Bloud-inflaming.
Allumetier: m. A maker, or seller, of matches for tinder-boxes.
Allumettes: f. Matches for tinder-boxes.
Allumeur: m. A kindler, inflamer, or setter on fire.
Allure: f. A gate, pace, traine, treading, or going. D'une allure. At once; at one, or of equall, length, or motion; also, with one continued gate, motion; breath, or length.
Allusion: f. An allusion, or likening; an alluding, or applying of one thing vnto another.
Alluvion: f. A still increase, rising, or swelling of waters, which in time, and by degrees, growes to a deluge, or inundation.
Alluz. All-out; or, a carouse fully drunke vp.
Almadie: f. as Almande; A kind of boat.
Almanach: m. An Almanacke, or Prognostication. petits Almanacs. The flowers called Pinks.
Almande: f. An Amande; Also, a little, narrow, and long boat, made of the barke of a tree; and in vse among the sauages of Africke, and India.
Almandine: f. A certaine stone like a Rubie; or a Rubie of the coursest; (for it is much browner in the eye, and rougher in handling, then the best.)
Alme: com. Faire, beautifull, cleere; calme; gracious, propitious; nourishing.
Alme-beau. Goodly, gracious; most cleere, most beautifull, fairely-propitious.
Almicantarat. as Almucantarath. ¶Rab. Almoire. An ambrie; cup-boord; box. Looke Armoire. Almucantaraths. Are, in an Astrolabe, certaine circles denoting the heights that be aboue our Hemisphere.
Alocation. An allocation, placing; fitting with, setting in, a place.
Alo; & Alod; as Aleu; ¶Lang. Alode. Free possession, free tenure.
Alodial. as Allodial. Aloë: m. as Aloës. Aloë: f. A Larke.
Aloës: m. The hearbe Aloes, sea houseleeke, sea aigreene; also, the bitter iuice thereof congealed, and vsed in Purgations.
Aloës Cicotrin. The best, most liuer-coloured, most cleere, and most transparent kind of Aloes; called so, of th' Island Succotora, whence it comes.
Aloës hepatique. Looke, Hepatique.
Aloës de vessie: as Aloës Cicotrin; Tearmed so, because it is ordinarily kept in bladders.
Bois-d'aloës. The sweet, and precious wood called, Lignum Aloës.
Alogique: com. Vnreasonable, imprudent, inconsiderat.