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Galadag, to floor with sticks; to lay down sticks in even order to serve as a foundation of anything, as of Paddy, grass &c. To lay down sticks on a muddy road so that a cart may be able to pass along. To make what the Americans call a corduroy road.

Galadag, a hack-horse, a pack-horse. A horse got from the authorities to perform a stage of a journey; often heard pronounced Gladag.

Galagar, cross sticks or beams used in any rough work made of wood, as in a bridge &c.

Galai, to mix, to knead, to trample down.

Galak, fierce, furious, savage as an animal, daring, venturesome at any work or enterprise. Orang galak, fierce people. Anjing galak, a fierce dog. Awéwé galak, a women who makes overtures to a man. Galak meuli na ari murah, people will buy venture somely when it is cheap. See Lak.

Galang, a chock or block placed under any object to keep it from the ground.

Galangan, the partition or small earthen embankment between the different divisions or pétaks of Sawahs.

Galar, a cross piece of wood in a timber framed house.

Galar-gilir, to come frequently to any place; to keep walking round; to frequent much.

Galék, a variety of Chaw or plantain; it is the same as is sometimes called Chaw Tanduk.

Galéong, to turn round.

Galér, a piece of split bambu tied transversely on other bambus or pieces of wood, so as to hold them at proper distances a part, especially on roofs of houses.

Galih, the heart wood of trees which is generally hard and enduring. The heart and hard part of any substance, wood, stone or other object.

Galing, curled, crisped, said of young paddy which grows luxuriantly, which throws out abundant leaves which spread out and soon cover the ground. Curly hair.

Galinggěm, a shrub planted about fences of roads and gardens. Bixa orellana.

Galu, name of a district in the interior of the residency of Cheribon, from whence Chiung Wanara and Raden Tanduran, the founders of Pajajaran and Majapahit were descended. Raffles Vol. 2 Page 99/100. Galu in former times appears to have been a place of some note, and held sway even over the eastern part of the Prianger Regencies.

Galuga, another name for Galinggem, Bixa orellana.

Galugur, the trunk of a tree fallen on the ground. Galugur kawung the palm kawung fallen on the ground, blown down.

Galunggung, name of a volcano south of Bandung which had a great eruption in 1822.

Galur, the beaten path, or even, only trace of a wild beast in the forest, or through jungle. Any jungle or grass beaten down by an animal passing.

Gamah, frightened, disturbed, on the qui vive; as a man at an improper act, or a wild animal in the jungle.

Gambang, a native musical instrument, being a wooden trough, across which bars of