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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/141

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hard wood, mostly teak, are laid, longer at one end than at the other. When such bars are struck with a small mallet, they give out musical sounds. Another variety of gambang has brass bars instead of wooden ones.

Gambar, a picture, a representation. An historical table or account.

Gambir, Nauclea Gambir, a shrub, the leaves of which are boiled down and yield an inspissated juice which dries, and is then cut into small cakes. This material is also called Gambir and is eaten every where in the Archipelago along with the Sĕurĕuh or Siri, which see. It is produced in large quantities at Singapore and Rhio.

Gambos, soft and yielding; not hard and firm; said of softish vegetable materials.

Gamĕlan, a set of native musical instruments, of which the Gambang and Go-ong form part. A native band.

Gamĕlan Saléndro, a full assortment of native musical instruments is so called.

Gampang, easy facile. Éta gampang, that is easy.

Gampangkĕn, to make light of any matter; to trifle with.

Gamparan, a wooden sandal or sole of thick wood, held to the foot by a peg with a round knob, which passes between the toes.

Gamplĕng, conceding or giving way; doing something rather unadvisedly. Gampleng bai di jual, he threw it away in a sale; he slapped it off at a sale.

Gamudra mupu, a main receptacle; a place where every advantage exists. Quere is Gamudra a wrong expression of Samudra, C. 711. the sea, the ocean? Mupu is togather up, and would then mean- „the sea which gathers up or acts as a receptacle“. The sea being large receives all rivers and all they bring down into it.

Gana, C. 164. One of the names of Ganesa. The troops called Gandharwa, a kind of inferior deities considered as Sivas attendants, and under the especial command Gane'sa , the Hindu god of wisdom.

Ganchang, quick, fast. Ganchang lumpat na, he ran fast.

Ganda, shalots, a kind of small onion grown in the humahs amongst the mountains Ganda, C. 165. smell, odour, perfume. Whether om Sunda word has any more than resemblance of name to boast of, it is hard to tell, as the shalots are not particularly noted for smell. (Gandha, smell; means also Morunga hyperanthera; Aloewood; and the bud of the Champaka flower; a diffusive fragrance).

Ganda rusa, a fruit resembling a mangga. (Rûshaka is a plant, Justicia Ganderussa).

Gandasoli, name of a plant growing among grass with a small yellow flower. The word sounds Sanscritical. Ganda, C. 165 smell, odour, Suliya C. 755. the curve or groove of a screw; mischief, deceit. It is a variety of Hedychium.

Gandéng, making a noise or disturbance; boisterous, noisy.

Gandĕt, cut but not quite through; cut with a notch. A notch or catch of any kind. A ridge or impediment.

Gandol, to carry anything, as a bundel or the back folded up in the Samping or Sarung.