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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/342

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Nyénang, sharp sighted; having a quick clear eye.

Nyéot, rapid in stream; said of water which runs freely down a slokan; said of water running down an inclined plain.

Nyépak, to kick as a horse, to strike out with the leg.

Nyĕpét, always having an arm or weapon about the person. Kris njĕpét bai tilok katinggalan, his kris is always stuck about him , he never leaves it behind. ( Jav. Tjapit , Nyapit. Batav. Nyiĕpit, to comprime, to stick fast to).

Nyĕrat, scribbling. Nyĕrat bai tulis surat, scribbling, he wrote a letter. (Jav. sĕrrat, to write).

Nyéré, the mid rib of a cocoa nutleaf. The mid-rib on each side of which the leaflets of a palm frond grow. When the leafy part is stripped off, these ribs are tied together, and they then make very good brooms and are called sapu nyéré, nyéré brushes, and are in use in every house.

Nyéré, a count kept of cotton thread in weaving. Five threads tied together.

Nyĕré, scattered about, loose. Superfluous. Not being made use of. Owoh bakakas nyĕrė di dinyo, are there no spare tools there; or — are there no tools there which are not being used.

Nyĕréké, to tiller out as corn, or other plants which grow from a bunch root, as Séréh. To set out side shoots from the roots as paddy. See Nyorėkė.

Nyĕrélék, to trickle as water; in a small stream.

Nyĕrĕp, to sink into the ground, as water running over gravelly or sandy soil; to be absorbed ; to disappear mysteriously, to be kept profoundly secret. Chai na to ngochor ka hilir nyĕrĕp bai, the water does not flow down along its course, but sinks into the ground. Kĕbo bĕunang maling di bawa ka Meester nyĕrĕp bai, when stolen buffaloes are taken to Meester Cornells (near Batavia) they disappear mysteriously (as if they sank into the ground). (Cf. Jav. Surup, Sĕrap, to get into, to go under).

Nyĕrét, to smoke opium.

Nyĕri, in pain, painful, sore, aching, ill of. Nyĕri bĕulĕung, stomach ache; Nyĕri hulu, head ache. Di gĕbugan nyĕri nakĕr, when thrashed he was very sore, or felt much pain

Nyésang, enraged, in a passion, furious. Said also when straining every effort to do something.

Nyĕsĕp, to smoke — said of the act of a great man. (Gf Asĕup, Mai. asĕp, smoke).

Nyété, to copulate.

Nyĕuksĕukan, to jeer at, to ridicule. To say something by which another person is made vexed, but not with ourselves who speak. To irritate , to cause inward vexation.

Nyĕungĕut, to put fire to, to set alight. Nyĕungĕut bĕdil, to fire a gun.

Nyĕupah, to partake of a chew of sĕurĕuh; to chew sĕurĕuh, to chew betle.

Nyĕurĕud, to sting as a wasp.

Nyéwot, in a passion, furious, in a violent anger.