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Page:A dictionary of the Sunda language of Java.djvu/345

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Nyurup, to set as the sun. Disappeared under water, under the ground &c. Mata poi gěus nyurup, the sun has set. Nu alus iyo bisa nyurup ka jěro bumi, impalpable beings can disappear into the ground. (Cf. Nyěrěp.)

Nyuruwuk, to fall as water in a large body with a dull heavy sound, as is the case at some large waterfalls.

Nyusuk, to cut a canal, to cut a trench in the earth. See Susukan, a water course, a canal.

Nyusup, to creep into a hob or covered spot. To hide oneself; to stow oneself away.

Nyusut, to wipe away any wet or moisture, as the sweat from the face or body. To rub the nose against another person's face, as the sexes in amourous dalliance. To track as a dog by rubbing its nose on the ground or grass.

Nyu-uk, said of wood which is of coarse grain and will not allow the plane to pass smoothly over it. Rising in roughness when planed. Sticking unintentionally into the surface, as a stick pushed along the ground, or a cutting instrument going too deep into wood.

Oah, the wauwau monkey; Hylobates leuciscus. Of a large size, greyish colour and very shy. Found only among the mountains and in retired places. Called also Kuwěng.

Oar, name of a vigourously growing succulent reed. Flagellaria Indica.

Obah, and Obahkěn, moved, changed in place; to alter; to change, to vary. Ulah di obahkěn, do not move it. Lamun obah sia tiwas, if you move, you will be done for.

Obat, gunpowder. Obat bědil, gunpowder, sporting powder. Obat maryěm, cannon powder. The word is Malay and also more usually means in Malay-medicine, drugs, which in Sunda are called Ubar. In Sunda, Obat is restricted to gunpowder.

Obrog, a rude way of preparing tobacco leaves by the mountain humah makers, viz. by wrapping it up in some other leaves, and scorching it between two firy logs. The tobacco so prepared.

Obos, a corruption of the Dutch word Officier, officer. A military officer. (Rather from Overste, lieutenant-kolonel, unduly applied).

Ochon, a method of speaking, by which familiarity or affection is evinced. This is done by a slight modification of the word, as for inchu, they say onchu; for mama, they say ama; for aprok, they say apok and so forth.

Odéng, a bee; the bee which makes the honeycomb hanging from trees in the forests. Sayang odeng, a bee's nest.

Odoh, dirty, impure, nasty. Means the same also in a figurative sense unclean, defiled.

Ogah, to be unwilling, to have an aversion. Ogah těuyn kahujanan, I feel very unwilling to be rained upon. Ogah bai ha jélěma éta, I have an aversion to that man.

Ogé, also, although, notwithstanding, nevertheless. Kula ogé daih lěumpang, I also wish to go. Di béré ogé, mohal daik, although you gave it me, I should not be willing. Hadé ogé, it is nevertheless good.

Ogél, another name for the bambu music called also Angklung. Ogél is used about Buitenzorg.