Ogoan, proud, vain, boasting.
Ogong, a largish shell fish resembling the Tulut, found in the rivers of the South coast of Bantam. Ogong bĕurĕum bĕungĕut, Ogong with red face, is another variety.
Ohol, one of the numerous names for a wild pig.
Ojoi, feeling inclined for, disposed to grant or concede. Having an inward disposition towards.
Ojol, to change, to give or take any one thing for another; to swap, to exchange. Ojol kuda, to swap horses. Wang pérak di ojolkĕn, to exchange, or get change for, silver money.
Okol, energetic, doing work by oneself. Persevering without assistance.
Olah, to cook meat or vegetables—not rice.
Olé-oléan, a child's trumpet made of paddy straw, something after the fashion of a clarionette, and blown by sticking one end into the mouth. Called also Ĕmpét-ĕmpétan.
Oliah, Arabic, the most High; Saints. See Aulia.
Olok, using profusely, using without thrift or economy. Squandering away especially either money or household stuff. Said also of other matters.
Olongan, to make love to — as chowéné éta di olongan ku aing, that young maid is courted by me. See Ngolong.
Omar, the second Caliph in Arabia — same as Umar, a common name for a native. (عمر)
Omas, a small variety of rattan, of no particular use.
Ombak, a wave, surf, surge, swell on water.
Ombol, said of planting out paddy on sawahs, where the binih is stuck in by handfulls at a time, and thus carelessly, whereas only four or six stumps ought to be put in at one place.
Omé, to repair, to put in order, to take of; to interfere with, to molest. Ulah di omé d'ont molest it.
Oméan, to repair, to put in order. Molesting. Imah kudu di oméan, the house must be repaired. Oméan chukang, to repair a bridge. Oméanan tĕuyn, d'ont meddle with it, literally, meddling too much.
Oméanĕun, something which has to be repaired.
Omong, to talk, to converse. Conversation. Omong kosong, empty talk, said of conversation which is only fishing for information; Gĕdé omong, a great talker, a chatter box. (Jav. Batav. idem).
Omongan, to talk over, to persuade by talk.
Ompong, toothless, said when the whole or a great part of the teeth are wanting.
Ondang and Ondangan, to invite to a feast, or any other occasion of ceremony. When a native wants to hold a feast, he either goes himself, or sends a friend to the neighbours or such persons as he wishes to see, and over a quid of sĕurĕuh makes his communication. (Batav. Kondangan, a person called to a feast. Jav. Undang to call, to invite).