provided the drootuprukrmlmloo terminate in a short vowel, but if it end in a long vowel r we may insert C n only ; thus, deprived for the sake of example of all arootuprukrootica affixes, the accusative ^58 an enemy, and ~7^ !)>$> / won or conquered, make t98$~KO-)& by affixing in consequence of ^59 ending in ; or e>81?e)-a9 or e>8-~^0-a8 by affixing o n ori~; or es8ol?)-aSS> or ^>8c~XO-a:0 by affixing o or C ; or as the whole of these affixes are optional, we may say simply e95~^>-8<0 / conquered the enemy : thus also deprived, for the sake of example, of all drootuprukrootica affixes, the accusative TT'dxc&O Giants, and 3 : oc-g)7T t> <5b they killed, make ~& by affixing &>, or T^vlxJobotfo&o-a^Sb or TP'&Joo by affixing ^ n or i~ ; or as the whole of these affixes are optional, we may say simply ~G*&'&vSpoo--^>&> ffoy killed the Giants; but we cannot here affix o or C, and say Tr > &&oo<Son3 1 5b d r ~S^<& ?oooc3Jo<So->l3" 5o, because 4> follows, and the affixes o or C precede the letters X K to 55o & & $ >cdx only : deprived of all its drootuprukrootica affixes, the 3d person in the first form of the past tense of ^"^^ to come viz-SS'liS^ he, she, or it came, and TS^OVSOCI^ o, coxcomb, make ^ : ^f&~C5~ olp?ioCi2b by affixing &>, or ^"^o-fs^o^^c^ or ^"^C-cjoo^soca^b by affixing o O r C ; or, as the whole of these affixes are optional, wemay say simply 55"^^ "i^ov^C^b a coxcomb came, but we cannot affix n & or i~", and say r 'm~ oQ&cSfe or " "W 6fi j because these affixes never precede the consonants
Certain masculine nonns in *^> C-5^> form their accusative singular either by changing C&b into > or by dropping C^ altogether ; thus, Nom : T^S&DC^ Rama, Accus: l^s&oiO or l^sSixD: in the latter case, it must be observed, as an exception to rules 115 and U6,-that to such accusatives in > the drootu- prukrootica affix $ is to be added, instead of the affix ?& ; thus, ~S"S&o , one of the accusatives of Rama, and ">>> / served, make lTS&o<C'K / " r )>;>?$ never "^S5bo^)K^D-5)^ I served Rama.