Nouns ending in c&>S$ change this termination optionally into "^^o O r 118 ; thus, S&DjgcCd3w a pearl, '<SoOo^oo a bracelet, ^8cCo5Soo &c. make SSiwj^Soo or SSiwetC^oo _ Jf oo O r oo . >oo O r this rule is also applicable to nouns in c&b. ft03- --
The changes which take place in the middle of words are few and easy, and consist chiefly of contractions which occur naturally in a quick pronunciation-
Present verbal participles ending in *& preceded by r&, optionally drop the ^ of <&, or sometimes change the &> into o, thus, 9i$j-v&> saying, seeing, &&>& hearing, make && - s ^ - Srfr^, or - &o& -c5b . -i5"?Sb-iS3 going, $J^&>-&> entering, and some other verbal paticiples do not change &> into o, but they frequently drop the "o in ?&.
Verbal Roots of more than two syllables, of which ^ - ew - &o - 5b or few are medials, frequently drop the ^ of these syllables ; thus, ~ld'&>&>t3 plait, to twist, often becomes ~^^^ and <^5Sb -Z& ; zoee/?, ?o cry, ^^^ ; but if, in such roots, one short syllable only precede <^o > or few, no elision of the "O takes place ; thus, &>2&-b to wipe, cannot become e$j<So^, nor
The words ^)& not^ t3^)^b then) "4)2^ when? optionally drop the o of the middle syllable, and become respectively ^) - 55^) - J^). da (K> Cs.
Nouns of three syllables, of which the middle one is &> ew or <2Sb, freqt^nt- 122 ly drop the N> of these syllables ; thus, -)<yo^ a parrot, ~$^tx> a watei^cottrse, make "^^ "^ T>e; ; and this elision of ^ takes place even in other words; thus, "S^ftoST 6 ?!) a buffalo 1&T""iW(i)0 a species ofjiger, sometimes become
A in the middle or end of a word is often changed into 3 ; thus, *fijfo J23 Y//, become also