which is termed (Telugu characters) bound to the head, invariably retains its place at the top of the consonants to which it can be attached, unless its situation is occupied by another symbol.
22. For the same reason also, in adding to the consonants (Telugu characters) gꞕ, (Telugu characters) jꞕ, (Telugu characters) m, (Telugu characters) y, and (Telugu characters) h, the long vowel (Telugu characters) a, which is affixed to the latter part of these letters, the (Telugu characters) affixed to the former part, is not removed; thus, (Telugu characters) ma, (Telugu characters) ya, &c.: but as the consonant (Telugu characters) h already terminates with a symbol resembling (Telugu characters) a, when that vowel is added to this letter, it is written thus, (Telugu characters) the mark (Telugu characters) being substituted for (Telugu characters) a.
23. Instead of adding the long vowel (Telugu characters) ee, to the consonants, (Telugu characters) gꞕ, (Telugu characters) jꞕ, (Telugu characters) sh, and (Telugu characters) s, the short vowel (Telugu characters) i, with the symbol (Telugu characters), is frequently used to represent its sound; thus, we may write either (Telugu characters) see or (Telugu characters) see. In such cases, the symbol (Telugu characters), which is named (Telugu characters) long, is to be considered as lengthening the short vowel (Telugu characters) i, rather than as representing the long vowel (Telugu characters) a; indeed this sign, in two other instances, is used to lengthen the short vowels; as (Telugu characters) oo, from (Telugu characters) oo, and (Telugu characters) roo, from (Telugu characters) roo.
24. In adding the long vowel (Telugu characters) ee, to the letter (Telugu characters) m, it must always be written in the manner above mentioned; thus, (Telugu characters) mee, never (Telugu characters): in adding it to the consonant (Telugu characters) h, it is written thus (Telugu characters) hee, or (Telugu characters). The vowel (Telugu characters) i, or (Telugu characters) ee, can never be added to the consonant (Telugu characters) y: to express, in Teloogoo letters, the sounds yi, or yee, we write the consonant (Telugu characters) y; in the former case, without the (Telugu characters) u, (Telugu characters), and in the latter, with the (Telugu characters), and under it we place its double form (Telugu characters) y, thus (Telugu characters) nĕyi, ghe, (Telugu characters), Iyeeta chĕttoo, this date tree.
25. In adding the short vowel (Telugu characters) ŏ or (Telugu characters) ŏ, to the consonants (Telugu characters) gꞕ, (Telugu characters) jꞕ, (Telugu characters) m, and (Telugu characters) y, it is invariably written in the latter form, never in the former shape; thus, (Telugu characters) mŏ, (Telugu characters) yŏ, &c., and in adding to these consonants the long vowel (Telugu characters) ō or (Telugu characters) o, it is also written in the latter form only; but, in this case, the last part of these consonants themselves are considered as representing the (Telugu characters) of (Telugu characters); and, therefore, instead of adding (Telugu characters) to the consonant, the (Telugu characters) or (Telugu characters)