- Yehon Fudetsubana. 1747.
- Goriu yehonzoroye (various sketches). 1748.
- Yehon Yoshinogusa, 3 vols. 1759.
- An erotic work in 3 vols.
Reprints of his books continued to be published as late as the eighties of the eighteenth century.
Reproductions of his work may be found in Gonse[1] (weaving women) and Anderson[2] (genre-picture).
Tachibana Morikuni, Sukenobu's contemporary, was still more fertile, varied, and important; he gave his figures more life and expression, and paid more attention to the artistic execution of his wood prints.[3] He lived from 1670 to 1748. His numerous model sketches, as well as reproductions of his work, have already been detailed on p. 59. In his illustrations he follows the style of the Kano school; Tsuruzawa Tanzan is mentioned as his teacher.
He illustrated legends as follows:—
- Yehon kojidan (ancient myths), 8 vols. Osaka, 1714. (Reproduction in Strange, p. 10.)
- Yehon shahobukuro (legends, &c.), 9 vols. 1720. (A good specimen in Anderson, Japanese Wood-Engraving, No. 10, a dance of children).
- Yehon Tsuhoshi, 9 vols. 1725. He here signs himself T. Yuzei. The first volume treats of agriculture, the chase, fishing; the second, of dancing and riding; the third, celebrated localities; the fourth, portraits; the fifth, tales and legends; the sixth, fantastic representations; the rest, landscapes. A later edition in 1772.
- Gwaten tsuko (legends), 10 vols. Osaka, 1727.
- Yehon Oshikubai, 7 vols. Osaka, 1740. (Rep. Strange, p. 11.)
Illustrations of poems are to be found in the following works:—
- Wacho meisho gwazu, 4 vols. 1732
- Fuso gwafu, 5 vols. 1735. Treats of the celebrated localities of Japan. A later edition, Kioto, 1784.