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- Yokioku gwashi (the No dance), 10 vols. Osaka, 1732.
- Honcho gwayen, 6 vols. 1782.
Ooka Shunboku, who died about 1760, at the age of eighty-four, also illustrated legends:—
- Wakan koji Bokuo shingwa, 5 vols. 1753.
- Hisei Musha Suguri. 1736. Reproductions after his works by an anonymous pupil.
As a copyist of ancient paintings he has already been mentioned (p. 56).[1]
Other illustrators are:
Kokan, who published in the year 1722 a collection of popular sketches called Jimbutsu sogwa. Duret mentions a work of 1724 in three volumes.
Hokio Tachibana Yasukuni, a son and pupil of Morikuni:
- Yehon Noyomagusa, studies of flowers. 1755, 5 vols.
- Yehon Yabutsusen, illustrations of historical poetry. Osaka, 1778, 5 vols.
Tsukioka Masanobu, died 1786:
- Yehon Komei futubagusa, stories of the childhood of famous men. Osaka, 1759, 3 vols.
- Onna buya Kebai Kurabe, heroines. Osaka, 1766, 3 vols.
Hayami Shunshosai, about 1775:
- Korobanu sakino zuye, very spirited scenes with landscapes. Kioto, 3 vols.
- Roren gwafu, facsimiles of expressive brushwork drawings. Yedo, 1763.
Tsukioka Tange (1717-86), of whom the following works are mentioned:[2]
- Yehon musha tazuna, also named the Yehon Komio futubagusa 1759, representations of heroic deeds.