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- Le Blanc du Vernet. L'Art japonais. In L'Art, 1880 (i. p. 286; ii. pp. 132, 250; iii. p. 229).
- Leighton, J. On Japanese Art. A Discourse. London, 1863, fol., illustrated.
- Leroux, E. See under Catalogue.
- Madsen, Karl. Japansk Malerkunst. Kopenhagen, 1885. Illustrated.
- Matsumura, J. Nippon skokubutsumeii, or Nomenclature of Japanese Plants in Latin, Japanese, and Chinese. Supervised by R. Yatabe. Tokio, 1884. 8vo.
- Migeon, Gaston. Chefs d'œuvre d'Art japonais. Paris, 1905. Illustrated.
- Migeon, Gaston. Au Japon. Paris, 1908. English translation. London, 1908, 16mo, illustrated.
- Morse, Edward S. Notes on Hokusai. In the American Art Review, vol. i. (1880), pp. 145 et seq., illustrated.
- Morse, Edward S. Japanese Homes and their Surroundings. New York, 1889, 8vo, illustrated.
- Münsterberg, Oskar. Japanische Kunst und japanisches Land. Leipzig, 1896, 8vo, illustrated.
- Muther, Richard. Geschichte der Malerei im xix. Jahrhundert (vol. ii. pp. 583 et seq., chap, xxx., ii. Die Japaner). Munich, 1893, large 8vo, illustrated.
- Nordenskiold. See Rosny.
- Okakura, Kakuzo. Ideals of the East, with special reference to the Arts of Japan. London, 1903.
- Pagès, Léon. Bibliographie japonaise ou Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs au Japon qui ont été publiés depuis le xv. siècle jusqu'à nos jours. Paris, 1859.
- Reed, Sir Edward J. Japan, its History, Traditions, and Religions. London, 1880, 2 vols. 8vo, illustrated (chap, iv., Drawing and Painting).
- Régamey, Félix. Le Japon Pratique. Paris. Hetzel, n.d. (c. 1890). 8vo. With 100 drawings by the author (pp. 170-175, Les Images, Gravure, Impression).
- Renan, Ary. L'Art Japonais. Paris, 1884.
- Rosny, Leon de. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Japonaise de Nordenskiold a la Bibliotheque Royale de Stockholm. Paris, 1883, 8vo.
- Satow, Ernest. On the Early History of Printing in Japan. In Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, vol. x. (1881), pp. 48-83. Further notes on movable types in Korea, and early Japanese printed books. Ibid., p. 252.
- Satow, Ernest, and Lt. A. G. S. Hawet. A Handbook for Travellers in Central and Northern Japan. 2nd edition, London, 1884, 8vo. Section on Pictorial Art, pp. 92-100, by W. A[nderson].