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- Goncourt, Edmond de. Hokousai; ses albums traitant de la peinture et du dessein, avec ses prefaces. In the Gazette des Beaux Arts, iii. pér. vol. xiv. (1895), pp. 441 et seq.
- Goncourt, Edmond de. Hokousai. Paris, 1896, 8vo, with a portrait of Hokusai at the age of eighty, by his daughter Oyei.
- Goncourt, see also under Catalogue.
- Gonse, Louis, L'Art japonais. Paris, 1883, 2 vols, large 4to. Profusely illustrated (vol. i., Painting and Wood-Engraving).
- Gonse, Louis. L'Art japonais. Paris, 1883, 18mo, illustrated.
- Gonse, Louis, see also under Catalogue.
- Gookin. See under Catalogue.
- Gowland, W., late of the Imperial Mint, Osaka. The Naturalistic Art of Japan. In Transactions and Proceedings of the Japan Society, i. 73-110. London, 1892.
- Griffith, W. Elliot. The Corean Origin of Japanese Art. In The Century Magazine, December 1886.
- Guide to the Chinese and Japanese Illustrated Books exhibited in the King's Library, British Museum. 1887, 8vo.
- Guimet, Emile. Promenades japonaises, vol. ii. Tokio, Nikko. Paris, 1880, 4to, with drawings by Félix Régamey (pp. 175-192, dealing more especially with Kiosai).
- Hayashi, T. Dessins, Estampes, Livres illustrés du Japon, réunis par T. Hayashi. Vente 2-6 juin 1902, 8vo. Paris, 1902.
- Hirth, Frdr. Über fremde Einfliisse in der chinesischen Kunst. Munich and Leipzig, 1896, 8vo (pp. 45 et seq.).
- Histoire de l'Art du Japan, fol. Paris, 1900. Commission impériale du Japon à l'Exposition Universelle de Paris, 1900.
- Huebner, Baron de. Promenade autour du Monde, 1871. Paris, 1873, 8vo (ii. 118-127, Peinture).
- Huish, Marcus B. Japan and its Art, London, 1889; 2nd edition, 1892, 8vo (pp. 242 et seq., Xylography).
- Japanese Wood-cutting and Wood-cut Printing (from Report of U.S. National Museum), 8vo. Washington, 1894.
- Japanese Books and Albums of Prints in Colour in the National Art Library, South Kensington (compiled by Mr. Edward F. Strange). London, 1893, 8vo.
- Japanese Colour-Prints. New York, W. H. Ketcham, 1895, 8vo.
- Japon artistique et littéraire. See Le Blanc du Vernet.
- Koehler, S. R. See Tokuno.
- Kokkwa, Tokio, 1890 et seq., fol. Reproductions of works of art, with explanatory text in Japanese and in English.
- Le Blanc du Vernet. Le Japon artistique et litteraire. Paris, 1879, 16mo.