Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/444

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French musketry and artillery. Nevertheless the Soubah's army was almost famished: and the countries of both having suffered equally by this wasteful war, Balagerow consented to a cessation of hostilities for a present of 100,000 rupees. This treaty was concluded in the beginning of July; when Salabad-jing, without returning to Aurengabad, proceeded with his whole army towards Golcondah; and in the rout exacted the submissions and received the tributes due from several refractory Zemindars; but the Rajah of Neirmel, the most powerful in these parts of the Decan and several others of inferior note, united, and opposed the army of Salabad-jing, with all their forces, which were very numerous, but irregular: a general battle ensued, in which the Rajahs were routed, and Neirmel himself slain; after which Salabad-jing met no farther opposition during the rest of his progress to Golcondah. In the beginning of this campaign, Mr. Bussy hearing of the decline of Chunda-saheb's fortunes at Tritchinopoly, employed the influence which the expectation of his immediate services gave him over the councils of Salabad-jing, to obtain a commission, appointing Mr. Dupleix Nabob of the Carnatic, notwithstanding that Chunda-saheb was at that time alive; this, with several other pompous patents, was sent to Pondicherry, and Salabad-jing promised they should soon be followed by an ambassador from the Great Mogul.