Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/445

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INDEX. ABBREVIATIONS. .Coast. Eng, eng, English. Fr, fr, French. I, [sland. K, King, m, mentio m, miles. Nab, Nabob, p, page. Prov. pro-v. Province. Sep. Sepoys. ABDiiL* K ii a :c, with his brother Hossan Ally, all powerful at Delhi from 1713 to 1720. make 5 and depose 4 Empe- of Indostan. in 1720. Hossan is assassinated, and Abdalla dies wounded in battle, 19, 20, 21. ABDALLI, the name of a tribe of Affghans, annexed likewise to the name of Ahmed the king of Candahar, who was of that tribe, 122. Maixy, 122. See Abdull Rahim. Abdixl Rahim, a brother to Mahoniedallv. 17-31, marches with Lieut. Innis to Tnrivelly, 169, 170, and against Madura, — 1750, is defeated " with an I capes with him from Ch velpetore, 422. Ahkvll Wahab Kuan, brother to Maho- medallv. 17-51, February, marches with cap. Cope against Madura, 170, 171. April, joins cap. Gingen, with the Nabob's tropps from Tritchinopoly, 172. behaves with re- solution at the fight of Volcondah, 171. 1762, June, sent by the Nabob to Arcot to govern the countries north of the Paliar, 248. 17-53, April, hi, indolent character and profuse administration, 287. his troops rout- ed by those of Yelore, 288. 17-54, pro- mises to furnish money to Maphuze Khan proceeding to Tritchinopoly, 34ii. fails to supply it, 362. makes a treaty with Morti- zally in May, 372. 1755, has dissipated the revenues collected in the Arcot pro- vince, 397. "a Slaves, help to murder Subderally at Yelore, in October 1742,/;, 48. ACBAR, Emperor of Indostan, reigns SO from 1-556 to 1605, p, 17 & 18! m, 25. 30. Achavera ram, a Pagoda 5 m. s. w. of Devi Cotah. 1749, S taken, attacked by the Tanjorines, 117. defended bv cap. Cope,' 117, 1 IS. m, 3S5. Achln, Atl'hix, m, 60. 72. 84. 107. > Adams, commander of the Harwich ship of war, killed 748, p, 104. ! ox, Col. of the 49th regiment 1751, September, arrives with his regiment on the ('. of Coromandel, 371. and super- sedes Major Lawrence in the general com- mand. 371, 372. Adoxi, 249, AFFitHAXS, their origin, 7. easily and ei converted to Mahomedanism, 24. have of late years figured in the revolutions of Delhi, 24. opposed by the Morattoes, 40. In 1748, they invade the northern territories of the empire from Candahar, under the command of their new king Ahmed the Ab- dalli;;, 12 2. AFRICA, Coifreeslavespurchased on the eastern coast. 8 1 . m, 93. A ship lost on an island 800 miles E. of the Cape of Good Hope, within sight of the continent, 406. AHMED, the ABDALLI, Treasurer to Nadir S hah, on whose death in June 1747, he comes away from Persia to Candahar, and immediately gets possession of the provinces of Indostan ceded to the Persians by Mahomed Schah in 1739. In 1748 he invades the ad- joining provinces of Lndostan with an army of Affaghans, 122. AHMED SCHAH, HAMED 'SCHAH, eldest son of Mahomed Schah 1748, marches inst Ahmed the Abdalli, returns to Delhi on his father's death, and is proclaimed Em- peror in i 122. 1»52, appoints the young Scheabeddin captain general, 336. >«, I - reaty of, 35. 130. ALAEDDIN, succeeds Mahomed Nasseredin, and possesses the throne of Delhi until 1317, p, 12. ALKORAN, KORAN, when brought into India, 9. m, 26. 38. 52. 160. Alega, a river on the c. of Malabar, and the northern boundary of the country of Canara, 121. Allum Kuan, formerly in the service of Chundasaheb, enters into that of Tanjore, 169. 1751, gets possession of Madura, and maintains it for Chundasaheb, 169. March, defends it against capt. Cope and Abdul-