Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/449

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IN I) E X invades the territories of Golcondah in conjunction with Ragogee Bonsola, and they make.peace with Salabadjing at Beder, 273. with whomBalagerow exchanges districts near Aurengabad for others near Brampore, 328. is feajjed by Ragogee Bonsola, 329. m, 347. ■ 1 7.5-4, invades and levies a contribution in My- sore, 388. 1755, invades Mysore again, but is prevented from attacking Seringapatam by the arrival of Salabadjing and Mr. Bussy, 404, 405., 17.3(3, joins Salabadjing and Bussy in the attack of Savanore and Morari- row, 427. rejectsthe proposal of assassinating Bussy? 428. to whom he makes offers, 429. and detaches Molargee Holcar to protect his retreat, 429, 430. Chiefs independant of him serving in the army of Salabadjing, 431. BALAZEROW. See BALAGEROW. Balapah, brother-in-law to Morarirow, gal- lant, killed at the battle of the Golden Rock, June '26th, 17.53,;;, 292. Baxcapore, fort, near Savanore, which from hence is called Savanore Bancapore, 426. Bancoote, on the Malabar Coast, the northern boundary of Angria's territory, 408. m, 410. 1750, April Sth, surrenders to Commo- dore James — Is now possessed by the English who caUit-Fort Victoria, and it supplies beeves t i Bombay, 413. Bang, an intoxicating plant, used by the assailants at the storm of Arcot, 194. Banqar Yatoham Naioce, a considerable Polygar, 60 miles k. w. of Math-ass. 1756, Compounds his tributes with Mahomed- ally, 417. Barnet, Commodore, sent with a squadron into the E. Indies in 17H. they take Fr. ships in the streights of Sunda and Malacca, and go to Batavia. 1715, July, arrive on the C. of Coromandel, p, 60. prohibited by Anwarodean from attacking the Fr. settlements, separates the squadron into various cruizes. 1746. they reunite on the coast in January. 2 ships arrive, and 2 return to Europe, 61. Mr. Bar- net dies lamented in April, p, 62. Basinrow, nephew of Morarirow, who sends him to the assistance of Clive besiegedin Arcot November 1751, p, 196. The Fr. beat up his camp, 196. marches with Clive and fights at the battle of Ami, 197, 198. quits Clive, 199. arrives with his Morattoes at Tritchinopoly in December, 205, 206 1753, April, killed, charging the Eng. line near Trivadi, 279. BATTALION. See under English and Frexch, the various terms relative to their European Soldiery. Butnir, taken by Tamerlane, 13. Batavia, Commodore Barnet's squadron there 1745, p, 60. m, 98. Bausset, one of the Fr. deputies at the con- ference at S'adrass, 337. Beder, a strong fortress, 60 m. N. w. of Gol- condah, Salabadjing makes peace there with the Morattoes in 1752, p, 273, 274. — - situated 50 m. e. of Caiberga, 328. Bedro'-r, Rajah of. The country lies near the eastern confines of Canara ; he is in- tirely defeated by Chitterdourg in 1749, p, 121. BEHARAM SCH AH, deposes his sister Radia- theddin, and after reigning 2 years at Delhi is killed in a revolt, 12. Bei Fakih, in Arabia. The Coffee-tree trans- planted from thence to the Isle of Bourbon, 93. BENGAL, Kingdom, Province, Government, Country ; the name is likewise used to denote the Fr. or Eng. or other European Settlements in the province. Homaion before his flight had taken the kingdom, 17. The Eng. Settle- ment in Beng. depend on Calcutta, 33, m, 34. 1745. Ships belonging to the Fr. in the * prov. taken, 61. 1746. one of Delabour- donnais' Ships bears away to Beng. 63. The Eng. Squadron sail to Beng, in August, 66.?», 86. Adm. Griffin arrives there, 87. The Medway refitted there, 88. The Nabobs extort monev from all the Eiu'opean settlements in the Prov. 120. 1752. February, 100 Europeans sent by the Eng. from Bengal to Madrass, 209. Ragogee Bonsola and Balagerow invaded Bengal in 1744, p. 273. one hundred Swiss soldiers sent from Bengal to the Eng. army in Coromandel, 279. 1756, July, Advices received at Madrass of the violences committed by the Nabob on the Eng. settle- ments in Bengal, 134, BENGAL BAT of, The hurricanes on the C. of Coromandel generally blow quite across the Bay, 70. Berar, Province, very extensive In 1730, Ragogee Bonsola established the Moral - toe dominion in Berar, 273. Nagpore is the capital, 328., 1753, August, defends Tri- nomalee gallantly, 30.5. and obliges the ene- my to raise the siege hi September, 317. Berxier, his history of the rebellion of Aureng- zebe, 18. quoted, 25. Biinlapatnam, Dutch factory in Chieacole, burnt and plundered by the Morattoes in 1754, p, 374. Bisxacak, city, in Viziapore, situated 30 m. s. e. of Sanore Bancapore, 426. Blarl: Toum. In 1746, one of the divisions of Madrass, 65. The walls weak and low, 74. In 1749 great part of it demolished by the French, 130. Bokerallv, nephew of Sadatulla, who gives him the government of Velore. He is father of Mortizally, 1710 to 1732. p, 37 and 38. BOMBAY, Island, and Presidency of the Eng. settlements on the western-side of India and in Persia, 13. The country of the Morattoes be- L 1 1 twecn