Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/448

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I N D E X Ariancopang, a fort built by the French, about 2 m, g. v .. of Pondioherry, and 1± from the sea, 80. In Decenlber 1746, the station of the Fr. troops in their attempts against Fort St. David and Cuddalore, 81 i 88. 1748, August, attacked by the Eng. army unskilfully , and abandoned by the garrison, 99, 100, 101. blown up by the Eng. in October, 104. Time, men. and officers lost in the unnecessary re- duction of this place, 105. Polygar of, his woods begm about 60 in, k. e. of Tritchinopoly, and ex- tend northward to i . 396. —1755, July, summoned by the Fr. army, acknow- ledges Mahomedallv, and is protected by the Eng. 390, 397. m, 403. Armenian merchants, in 1746 had manj houses in one of the divisions of Madras which the Fr. destroyed whilst in possession of the town. 130. ARMY, ARMIES, forthe vastness of the ar- mies of Indostan, Set those ofAzem Schah and Mahomed Mauzm, 18, 19. Of Maho- med Schah, 22. -of Nizamalmuluck, 50. Of Nazirjing, 138 & 133. Of Ghaziodin Khan, 273. See Camp. English. See French. Arxi, a strong fort 20 m. s. of Arcot.- — 1751, Clive defeats b near Ami, 198. Whose baggage the governor surrenders, L99. February, the Fr. army advances from Pondi- cherry to Ami, 427. ASIA, »<,/>, 1. Turmechirin Khan one of the at Emperors of Asia, 11. ■ rders on the east to Indostan, 2. Astruc. 1753, May 10, commands the Fr. army when attacked by Major Lawrence in the Island of Seringham, 284. 23d is defeated by hit ittleofthe golden rock, 290, 291, 2 needed in command by Mr. Brenier, 297. com- mands again in September 307, 308, 309 • .:u, and intirely. defeated by Major Law- rence at the battle of the Sugar-loaf Rock, {ember 21st, and taken prisoner, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313. was of undoubted bravery, 313. Atehateram. See Achaveram, ih, a town in the woods belonging to the colleries 12 miles w. oi Tanjore. 1751, July 22d, the Eng. army encamp there, 365. are again there August the 16th, p, 368. Atchix. See A . Attocr, river and city. Nadir Schah in 1739 reserves to himself all the countries of Indostan west of the Indus and Attock, 23. ArRENGAUAD. in, 153. m, 162. 1751, April, Salabadjing proceeds thither from Golcondah, 250. practices of Shanavaze Khan there before his arrival, 251 . arrives there June- the 10th, 252. Importance and populousness if the city. 175-', Salabadjing marches from thi towards l'oni, 435. In October, Ghaziodin Khan arrives with his army, and is poisoi there, -73, 274. Balagerow exchanges districts near Aurengabad for others nearBrampore,328. Nagpore, 350 m. x. w. m, 329. , 1753, June, Salabadjing proceeds again to Auren- gabad, 331. Bussy goes after him, 332. Dol- tabad 8 miles from Aurengabad, 333. Bussy arrives here Novem. the 2:>d, anil is reconciled to Salabadjing, 333, 334, 335. remains there the rest of the year, m, 375. It lies 150 miles w. of Bombav,'40o. m, 426. 436. ATJRENGZBBE, Great Mogul, son of Schah Gehan, whom he deposes in 166u ; his rebel- lion well written by Bernier ; his abilities, con- quests, revenues,' 18, dies in 1707, p. 18. Weakness of his successors, 20. m, 22. Bernier' s history of him quoted, 25. The Mogul empire declines after Ms death, 36. A vast cannon said to be sent by him to Arcot, 191. AiTiEiL. See D'avti eii.. ArDEH {BAD. See // YDERAB.-W. A/.EM SCHAH, son of Aurengazebe, disputes the empire with his brother Mahomed Mauzm, 18 His army 300,000 fighting men, half ca- valry, lie is defeated and killed in the battle, 19. B. BABR, Si, first, and founder of the present Dynasty of Great Moguls, his de- nt, expeditions into Indostan, commenta- ries, dies in 1530, p, 17. BAHADR SCHAH, Great Mogul, son of Au- ogzebe, took that name on his accession, being before called Mahomed Mauzm. Wins the throne from his brother Azem Schah. He ■-'iied about 6 years, 19. Uncertainty of the exact terms of his reign. 19 and 20. Bahoor, a village between Fort St. David and Pondicherry. 1752, August, motions of the armies near this place, 255, 256. Battle in which the Fr. are intirely routed by Major Lawrence, 256, 257, consequences, 261, & 267. BA.TAZET vanquished by Tamerlane, 15. BALAGAT, Mountains of, the river Gheria descends from them, 415. Balasore Road. 1745. French ships taken there, 61. BALAGEROW, BALAZEROW, General of' the Sahah Rajah, or king of the Morattoe na- tion. 1751, March employed by Ghazio- din Khan, opposes Salabadjing in his march from the Kristna to Golcondah, but makes peace with him for money, 250. m, 252. 1752, In the spring relieves the war in the country between Poni and Aurengabad, and again makes peace for money, 1 35, 436. In October j