Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/451

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INDEX. eluded, 130. the ministry of Great Britain in- terfere in the affairs of Coromandel, 365. BRITISH arms have acquired much honour in Indostan, 34. BRITISH ministry, in 1753 begin to oppose Duplfix's schemes, 36.5. BRITISH nation, 293. UriiASAHF.B, brother of Chundasahtb. 1730, placed by him in the government of Madura, 39. 1741, Defeated and killed coming to relieve his brother besieged in Tritchinopolv, 44. Bvlkley, Lieutenant. 1751, December, killed at Cortjeveram, 200. BritY. 1746, December the 8th, marches with the Fr. troops against Fort .St. David. They retreat in confusion, 80, 81, 82. BUSSY. 1750, August, takes Gingee, 151, 152. December 4th, is second in command at the battle against Xazirjing. 1-3.5, 157. 1751, January, commands the Fr. troops sent with Murzafajing into the Decan, 163. retrieves the battle against the Pitan Nabobs, 163, 164. appoints Salabadjing Subah on the death of M irzafajing, 165, 166. March 15th, takes Canoul, 248, 249. provides for Sadoudin Khan the Bon of Murzafajing, 249. the army op- posed by Balagerow, 250, arrive at Golcon- dah, April 2d, 250. pay allowed to the French troops, 250. June 10th, arrives with Sala- badjing at Aurengabad, 251, 252. 1752, his campaign in the Morattoe country towards Poni, 435, 436. Defeats the Rajahs in the march to Golcondah, 436. October, his cam- paignagainst Balagerow and Ragogee Bonsola: peace concluded at Beder, 273, 274. obtains G'ondavir for the Fr. company, 328. the war renewed by Bagogee, and peace made with him at Calberga in Novembi r, 328, 329. becomes odious to, and is opposed by Seid Laskar Khan and others of Salabadjing's ministers, 329, 330, 1753, January, falls ill at Calberga, and goes to Masulipatnain, 330. during his absence Seid Laskar disgusts the Fr. troops, 330, 331, 332. returns to Hyderabad July 23. proceeds with them to Aurengabad ; arrives there No- vember 23d. His interview with Salabadjing : is reconciled to Seid Laskar Khan, and obtains the provinces of Elore, Mustaphanagar, Ra- jamundrum, and Chicaeole, 333, 334, 335. remains the rest of the year at Aurengabad, 336. m, 337. 1754, marches with Sala- badjing from Aurengabad into Berar against Ragogee Bonsola : peace made in April. May, Bussy comes to Hyderabad, 372, 373. goes to Masulipatnam in July, and from thence into the ceded provinces, 374. his merit acknow- ledged and distinguished by Dupljix, 379. m, 388. 1755, his powers continued by Gode- lieu, 403. returns to Hyderabad, 404. marches with Salabadjing into Mysore, to Seringapatam, they levy a contribution, and meet Balagerow there, 404, 405. return to Hyderabad, 405. 1756, marches with Salabadjing against Savanore and Morarirow, and makes the peace there in May, 426, 427. the rupture with Sa- labadjing's ministry, from whose service he and all the Fr. troops are dismissed, 427, 428. intention to assassinate him, 428. respected by Balagerow, and escorted by Molargee Holcar in his retreat, 428, 429. June the 14th, ar- rives at Hyderabad, 430. his agent Romi Khan kills the governor, and is killed, 431. followed by the Morattoes of Salabadjing, who gain an advantage over his hussars, 431, 432. resolves to make a stand in Charmaul, until reinforced 433. CADI, the Mahomedan judge in cases of property, 26. C'aitke, Caffrees, serving in La Bourdonnais' squadron, 62. some as soldiers, whom he leaves at Pondicherry : they were natives of Madagascar and the Fast coast of Africa, 81. are slaves in the isles of Bourbon and Mauri- tius, 93. where they are subject to the small- pox and other mortalities, 94. Anwarodean Khan killed by a Fr. Caffree, 128. 1750, July, a company of them serving in the Eng- li-h army, 148. 1751, July, march with Gingen, 171, and behave resolutely at Vol - condah, 174. and at Utatoor, 174 and 176. posted in the entrenchment at Tritchinopolv, 201. 1752. June, the Fr. Caffres taken at Seringham considered as strict prisoners, 239. July, the Eng. Caffres, the first cause of the rout at Vicravandi, 255. 1755, June, in the rear guard at Natam, 392. 1756, 100 sent with Mahomed Issoof yito the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 423. Calacad, fort in the Tinivelly country, 30 m. x. of Cape Comorin. 1752, sold by Moode- miah to the K. of Travancore, 400. 1755, April, taken possession of 8y Maphuze Khan's troops, 400, 401. who are beaten there in July, 401. and again in September, 402. Calberga, a considerable town and fortress n. w. of Golcondah, and 50 m. w. of Beder. 1752, November, Salabadjing makes peace here with Balagerow, and Ragogee Bonsola, 328. but Ragogee renews hostilities, 329. 1753, January, Bussy falls ill here, 330. Calancajidan, fort of a Polygar 13 m. N. E. of C'hevelpetore, taken June 1756, by Mahomed Issoof, 425. ( ALC UTTA, Presidency of the Eng. settlements in Bengal, 33; Medway hove down here in 1747, p, 88. Dupleix threatened to reduce it L 1 1 2 to