Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/452

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Vlll ] N > E X. to a fishing town, 378. See Bengal mp, 66. 87, 88. 209. 279. 434. Cau.ia.ud, Captain. 17-33, September the 19th, arrives with the reinforcement at Trit- chinopolv, 309. September 21st, serves at the battle of the Sugar-loaf Rock, 310. and con- tributes much To gain it, 312. 17-31, April, examines Poniapha's treachery, 34S. May 12th, sent to bring in a convoy of provisions, which brings on a general action between the 2 armies, in which Calliaud boats oil' the c-ne- mv, 3 34. 355, 356. deputed to the K of Tan- jore, 331. 17-5 3, April, commands, in Trit- chinopoly, active, prepares to oppose Maissin, 396, 307." endeavours to reconcile Tanjore and Tondiman, 402, 403. 17-36, ordered to equip Mahom I 21. releases the hos- tagi porum and Catabonunaigue, Camels, carry dispatches of expedition, 68. and in armies, 392. Camp, des ription of a camp in India, 228, 229. of the Mysore camp Cam tin. 17-53, Septem- ber the 19th, defends tin arse before ■rves at 310. Canaba, Co Coast, ex- etween the rive. id Cangre- cora, Bedrour adjoins to it on the AVest, 121. Candahak, Kandahar. 1738, I Nadir Schah invades Indostan from hence, 23. 1747, Ahmed the Abdalli becomes King of Candahar, and from hence in 174S, invades Indostan, 122. C A x D a x o B !', C o x o A s o E c, Province. 1750, t, the Nabob serves in Na- zirjing' s army, i . River, Southern boundary of Cana- ra, 121. Canibals, some in India according to Thcvenot, 6. Cannon, a vast piece found at Arcot and em ployed by Clive, 190, 191. Camul, KiNon, City, Country, under the Subah of the Decan, 168. 17-52 1 . the City 'sacked by Mr. Bussy, who gi c-rnment of the country to Sa- tin Khan, the infant son of Murzafajing, 249. Morarirow's Cotmtrv adjoins on the K. to Canoul, 426. Can or i. Nabob of, a Pitan. 1750, ac- companies Nazirjing into the Carnatic, 142. confederates against him. 143. m, 14-5. . 4 th, in the battle when Nazirjing is killed, 156. 17-51, February, kill* Murza- fajing, 164. CAPE COltORIN. See Comorin. CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. 1748, March, . Boscawen's fleet there. 92. joined there by -5 Dutch ships, sail May the 8th, 92. arc 3-5 119. 121. 135, 136, 161, 162. 239. 241, 27S. 285. 337, 338, 389. 397. < in the passage to Mauritius, 96. an ]?rt ship wrecked on an island 800 m. i. of the Cape, 406. '■ , fort with districts s. of Chinglapen 17-5-5, disputed between the Eng. and Fr. Governments, 403. I ■I, m. 136. See Karical. CARNATIC, the ancient, mueh'more extensive than the present, 37. the river Kristna bounded it to the x. 146. CARNATIC, the present, synonymous to the country meant by the Nabobsliip of Arcot, under which head, every material mention of the Carnatic is classed. Enumeration of the pages in which the Carnatic is mentioned; 37. 39. 41. 43, 44, 4-5, 46. 4S, 49. 51, -52, 53, 54. 56. 59. 61. 78. 84. 118, 125, 126, 127. 129, 130. 132. 134, 137, 138. 142. 144. 1.31. 153, 154. 105. 168. 177. 181. 202. 213. 220. 212. 213. 217. 262. 273, 271, 275. 287. 301. 316. 320. 329. 33-5, 336, 339. 341. 346. 367. 373. 37-5, 376. 401. 103. 417. 421. 425. 436. ' « , Carour, the strongest of the frontier towns belonging to the Mysoreans towards Tritchi- nopoly, from whence it had been besieged by Chundasaheb, 202. i- 50 m. u. of Tritchino- poly, 203. 17-51, November, the Mysore army assembles there, 203. and in Dec'en marches from thence to Tritchinopolv, 206, 207. amungalvm, a viUage near Trivadi. 1753, - Ipril, a Fr. party driven out of it, 280. C i.STS, the tribes of the original natives of Indostan, uncertain how many, have insur- untable distinctions, !, 5. all acknowledge the Bramins, 5. peeularities in food and shedding of blood, 5. ( ! A i a li o M IN AIGTJ t:, Polygar, Ms cotmtrv, 50 in. x. f.. from Tmive'liy. 1760, i /-,', Colonel Heron sends a detachment him, 386. to whom he gives hostages at Slii- linaikenpettah, 390. iVoBi ruber, he is head of the Eastern Polygars, and refuses to join the Pulitaver, 420.- 1756, March, joins Ma- phuze Khan, and tights in company with him, 422, 423. treats with Calliaud for his hostages, 423. June, redeems them, 424. Caftans, de 1753, July, employed by Du- plets and Brenier to betray Tritchinopolv, is detected and emploved bv Dalton to deceive Brenier. 297, 298, 299. August, is hanged, 304. m, 320. m, 321. Catwall, the Mahomedan Court of criminal cases in. Indostan, is cruel and corrupt, 26. CAVALRY, of Indostan in general. For the great numbers employed in one army, See Armv. How lined and enlisted. 49, and 121. CAVALRY,