Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/454

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1746, December 10th, Anwarodean Khan's army arrives there, 82, 83, a redoubt there in the bound hedge, 255.——1752, August, the Eng. troops, defeated at Vicravandi, retire hither, 255.——1754, February, the Serjeant and his guard cut off by the Morattoes, 277.

CHINA, comprehended in the East Indies, 1. ——1744, three Fr. ships from China taken by Barnet's squadron, 60.——1752. Dupleix keeps the sailors, and mans the China ships from Pondicherry with Lascars, 252.

Chinglapett, Fort, with considerable districts, n. of and near the Paliar, 261.——1752, September, troops coming from thence to the relief of Cobelong are taken by Clive, 263. stands 30 m. w. of Cobelong, 40 s. w. of Madrass, ½ a m. n. of the Paliar, 264. fortified with judgment, 265. October, attacked by Clive, and surrendered the 31st, 265, 266. December, the Fr. prisoners at Arcot conspiring, are removed hither, 275.——1753. its districts often harrassed by neighbouring petty chiefs, 319.

Chiitapei, Fort. 1750, December, Shana- vaze Khan escapes thither, 157. and returns from thence to Murzafajing, 163. 1751, October, a French party sent from Pondicherrv arrive there, and from" thence join Raiasaheb at Arcot, 197.

Chitterdouro, Country, adjoins on the e to Canara. 1748, the Rajah with the assistance of Chundasaheb defeats the Rajah of Bedrour, 121. Chundasaheb goes from thence to Murzafajing, 125.

Chitigan, on the s. e. confines of Indostan, 2.

Choul, a harbour, and fortified city belonging to the Morattoes on the C. of Malabar, 410. ——1755, March 23d, their fleet from thence join Commodore James, 411, and return thither in April, 414. 1756, February, their army marche.s from thence to the attack of Gheriah, 414.

Choultry, a building in India, for the shelter of travellers, very frequent, described, 187. m, 187. at Samiaveram, 223, 224, 225. the English party defeated at the great Choultry at Seringham, 269, 270. m, 280. the Fr. dislodged from that near Mootachellinoor, 284.

{sc|Chuckly-pollam}}, a village on the s. bank of the Caveri, 2J m. e. of Tritchinopolv. 1751, November, December, Chundasaheb encamped there, 200. 1752, March, Apr,/, still there, 215, 217. move from thence into the I. of Seringham, 218. the Engl, encamp there, and cross over into the Island, when the Tanjorines take post there, 232, and 237. Chundasaheb put to death there, 241. m, 268. m, 313. 1754, the Fr. encamp there, 361. a water-course from the river there, 368. m. 360.

CHUNDASAHEB——1732 to 1736, a relation of Doastally, whose daughter he marries, give his own to the Duan Gollam Hussein, and administers the office in his stead, 37, 38.—— 1736, goes with Subderally to Pondicherry, 38 inveigles the queen of Tritchinopoly, and gets possession of the city, 38, 39. suspected by Meerassud, 39. puts his brothers Budasahet and Saducksaheb in Madura and Dindigul, 39. vexes the Tanjorines and Mysoreans, who invite the Morattoes, 41.——1740, takes the field, but delays to join Doastally, 42. after whose death, he visits Subderally at Arcot goes with him to Pondicherry, and leaves his women and son there, 42, 43. December, unexpectedly besieged in Tritchinopoly by the Morattoes, 43.——1741, his brothers defeated and killed, he surrenders the citv March 26th and is carried prisoner to Satarah, 44. his connexions with Dupleix suspected by Meerassud 45——1748, still a prisoner, 118. his character respected; on the death of Seid Mahomed, the chiefs in the Camatic look up to him; Dupleix corresponds with him, and aids in obtaining his release, 118, 119, 120, 121. leaves Satarah with 3000 Morattoes, is defeated and made prisoner, but immediately released, gains a victory for the Rajah of Chitterdourg, and is at the head of 6000 men, 121. with which he joins Murzafajing, and persuades him to invade the Camatic, 125.——1749. they approach and are joined by troops from Pondicherry, 126. and July 23d defeat Anwarodean at Amboor, who is killed in the battle, 126 to 129. Murzafajing appoints Chundasaheb Nabob of the Camatic, 129, m, 130. they settle the government and proceed to Pondicherry, 131. Chunda gives the Fr. 81 villages in the neighbourhood, 132. his title reprobated by Mahomedally, 132. he marches with Murzafajing and the Fr. troops against Tanjore, summons the K. to pay arrears of tribute, and invests the city, 133, 134. their stay protracted until Nazirjing approaches, 135, 136. on which they march back to Pondicherry harrassed by the Moratoes, 137.——1750, Dupleix aids Chundasaheb with 50,000l. and 2000 Europeans to serve against Nazirjing and the English, 138. On the mutiny of the Fr. officers and the retreat of their troops, Murzafajing surrenders himself to Nazirjing, but Chundasaheb goes with the Fr. troops to Pondicherry, behaves gallantly in the retreat, 140, 141, 142. Dupleix negotiates with Nazirjing in behalf of Murzafajing, and Chundasaheb, 143, 144, 145. Chundasaheb with the French troops beat up a part o£ Nazirjing's camp, 145. m, 146. April. on the retreat of Nazirjing to Arcot, the Fr. troops take Trivadi. In July, skirmish against the