Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/455

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I X D E X. xi the English and Mahomedally. In August, with 1000 of Chundasaheb's horse, they intirely rout Mahomedally's army, left by the English, 146 to 151. and take Gingee, 151, 152, 1-53. the conspiracy of the Pitan Nabobs proceeds at th#same time that Dupleix is negotiating with Nazirjing, who on the 4th of December is attacked by the Fr. troops, and killed by the Nabob of Cudapah, 153 to 1.56. Mahomed- ally dreading Chundasaheb flies, 15". Joy of Dupleix and Chundasaheb at Pondicherry, 158, 159. December, Murzafajing comes there and declares Chundasaheb Nabob of Arcot, 161. 1751. who marches with his own troops and 800 French from Pondicherry to Arcot, where he is acknowledged Nabob, and even by Mortizally, 168. The officers in Ti- nivelly inclined to' him ; Allura Khan at Ma- dura declares for him, 169. Mutch, preparing to march against Tritchinopoly, 171. April, his troops in Verdachelum surrender, 172. encounters the English and Nabob's army at Volcondah, and gains an advantage over them, 172, 173, 174. follows them to Utatoor, 174. op rations between the two armies there, 174. 175, 176, 177. follows them to Seringham, and takes possession of the great Pagoda, 180. the Fr. take Coiladdy, 180, 181. They with Chun- dasaheb's army cross the Caveri and encamp to the E. of Tritchinopoly, 181. his troops greatly out-number Mahomedally's, 183. September, 4000 of his troops detached to attack Clive in Arcot under the command of his son Rajah- saheb, 186. m, 192. In the interval beleaguers Tritchinopoly, 200, 201, 202. some of his cavalry skirmish with the partv of Mysoreans and Captain Dalton, 203. December, 200 of them beaten up by Innis Khan, 204. who prof- fers with his 500 "to stand the whole of Chun- dasaheb's which were 12,000 p, 205. 1752. February, state of his army, which is now equalled by Mahomedally's', 208. m, 209. Ms son's troops in the Carnatic take service with chiefs attached to him, 213. Morarirow be- gins to treat with him, 214. March 28th, cannonade between the two armies on the arri- val of the reinforcement with Lawrence and Clive ; AUum Khan killed, 214, 215, 216. April 1st, Dalton sent to surprize his camp, is missed, 217. on which the Fr. oblige Chunda- saheb much against hi3 own opinion to cross over with them into the I. of Seringham, 218. Morarirow quits his correspondence with Chundasaheb, 220. April 6th, Clive detached to Samiavaram, his successes on that side the Coleroon until the 14th of May, 221 to 22S. when he cannonades the camp of Chundasa- heb in the island, 228, 229. most* of whose officers and troops leave him, 231. with the rest he goes jnto the Pag. of Seringham, 231, 232. Law despairing of succour, anxious for 2 the fate of Chundasaheb, 2S3. and treat* with Monacgee for his escape, 236, 237. puts himself into Monacgee's hands, and is made a prisoner, 237, 238. disputes amongst the allies concerning him, 240. his army to- tally reduced and dispersed, 239. is put to death by Monacgee's order, and his head sent to Mahomedally, 240, 241. who treats it with ignominy, 241. merits of his character, 242. July, the Chiefs in his interest in the Carnatic are not yet reduced, 243. the reduc- tion of his power, an advantage to the Myso- reans, 244. Pondicherry alarmed, but Du- pleix not depressed at his death, 248. m, 252. before Chundasaheb's death Bussy obtained a commission from Salabadjing, appointing Du- pleix Nabob of the Carnatic, 436. Dupleix proclaims his son Rajahsaheb, 253. m, 266. his talents not equalled in Ms son, 274, 275. praised by Dupleix, 278. Ms fate deters Ma- homed Comaul, 317. m, 337. 1754, Jan- " ar y, patents of Ms titles produced at Sadrass, 338. m, 339. he brought Maphuze Khan from Arnboor to Pondicherry, 346. m, 378. »i, 381. The Moravar apologizes for having sided with him, 381. the Fr. assert his preten- sions to the Madura and TiMvelly countries, 396. m, 399. m, 403. Clvrke, Captain, 1751. July, Ms party with Clive'sfights a Fr. detachment at Condore, 182. CLIVE. 1748, September, as Ensign, and dis- tinguishes Mmself before Pondicherry, 102. 1749. August, and at Devi Cotah, 116. went to India in the mercantile service of the Company, is appointed Commissary to the troops, 181. 1751. May, serves in the fight at Volcondah, 174. and in the detach- ment which relieves Verdachelum, he and Pigot attacked in their return, 181, 182. July, is appointed a Captain, and with Captain Clarke beats the Fr. party at Condore, 182. marches from Madrass on the 26th of August with 200 Europeans and 300 Sepoys, 183. Sep- tember 1st, takes possession of the fort of Arcot, 184. various operations, siege and defence of the fort, and repulse of the storm November 14, from p, 184 to 196. November 19, Clive takes the field, Ls joined by Basinjow the Mo- rattoe, 196, 197. they defeat Rajahsaheb at Ami, and get some of Ms effects from the governor, 197, 198, 199. he inlists 600 of the enemy's Sepoys, 199. December, takes the pagoda of Conjeveram, 199, 200. returns to Madrass and Fort St. David, 200. m, 204. 1752. February, takes the field from Madrass, 209. follows and defeats the Fr. and Rajahsa- heb at Covrepauk, 210, 211, 212. marches to Arcot, from thence towards Velore, is re- called to Fort St. David, and destroys the town of Dupleix Fateabad, 213. the extent of territory recovered by Mm in the Carnatic, 213.