Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/458

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XIV INI) K X. the Fr. force on shore greatly superior to the Eng. 86. m, 92. the voyage from Mauritius to the C. is made in a month from April to Octo- ber, 56. m, 97. the nearest passage, 98. Dupleix vaunts to the princes of Coromandel, the repulse of the siege of Poadicherry, 106. the land near Devi Cotah the most fertile on the coast, 112. no port on this C. capable of receiving a ship of 300 tons, 112. boats used on the C. 113. 1749. the success of Chundasaheb and Murzafajing, raises much consternation throughout the Coast, 118 es- pecially amongst the enemies of Chundasaheb, 129. Fort St. Daivd continued the Presidency, 131. m, 133. The river Kristna bounds the Coast to the north, 146, 147. The Nations of Coromandel admire the politicks of Du, pleix after the deaths of Nazirjing and Murza- 1 fajing, 167. the harvest on the Coast of Coromandel is generally divided between the lord of the laud and the cultivator, 171. all the rivers on this coast subject to sudden alterations. 179. m, 229. m, 334. m, 33-5. m, 365. »i, 366. m, 371. 1754. what the Eug. andFr. were to possess on this Coast ad- justed by the conditional treaty, 375, 376. what revenues each had added to their former possessions, during the war, 377. »«, 405. m, 406, m, 408. m, 418. m, 420. 1756, the Fr. influence with Salabadjing deemed the greatest evil to the English affairs in Coro- mandel, 434. COTHBEDDIN IBEK, Slave of Scheabeddin, who gives him the government of Delhi, 10. he extends the dominion, becomes indepen- dent, and dies in 1219, p, 11. Cottapatam, on the sea shore 65. m. N. of Jla- drass, belongs to Bangar Yatchamnaigue, 417. Cocrepauk, fort in the road between Conjeveram and Arcot. 1752. Feb. battle near it gained by Clive, 210, 211, 212. surrenders to him, 212. m, 213. m, 217. »i, 347. Caow, Lieutenant, killed December 25th at the Choultry in Seringham, 271. Cudapah, Nabobship, under Golcondah, 158. 60 leagues from Pondicherry. 1751. Feb. Bussy and Salabadjing marched out of Cudapah, 166. m, 249. Maphuze Khan re- mained there after the death of Murzafajing, 346. Cudapah, Nabob op, — — 1750. One of the three Pitan Nabobs, who accompany Nazirjing into the Carnatic, and conspire a- gainst him in September, 142. and 143. and correspond with Dupleix, 145. He kills Nazirjing December the 4th, p, 156. appears satisfied with Murzafajing at Pondicherry, 160. 1751. attacks the rear of Murzafa- jing's army when arrived in the country of Cudapah, 163. flees wounded out of the bat- tle, l')4. Palamcotah in the Carnatic is the • Jaghire of the Nabob of Cudapah, 326. C ii d d a l o r E, Town belonging to the Eng. situated about a mile s. of Fort St. David, de- scribed, 78. 1746. December the 8th, the Fr. march to attack it, but retreat in confu- sion, 81, 82. the 30th, another attemps frus- trated in the embarkation, 83, 84. 1748. January, the prepare to attack it again, but are deterred by Major Lawrence encamping, 88. June 17th, deceived by a stratagem, they attack it in the night, and are repulsed. 91. m, 109. D. DABUL, on the Coast of Malabar, 8 m, s. of Severndroog, 407. which when at- tacked by Com. James in March 1755, ex-< pects assistance from Dabul, 412. April, Se- verndroog being taken, Ramageepunt pro- poses to Com. James to attack Dabul, 413. D a L a w a Y, or Regent, of Mysore 202. See Regent, under Mysore. Da/away's Choultry, situated close to the s. bank of the Caveri, 6 m, e. of Tritchinopoly. Major Lawrence returning with the army from Tanjore arrives there August the 7th 1753. p. 299. Dai.ton, Captain 1750. March, deputed with Major Lawrence to treat with Nazirjing 138, 139. 1751. June, commands the advanced post at the Streights of Utatoor, 174. is attacked in his retreat, and beats off the Enemy, 175, 176, 177. drives the Fr. from a battery on the s. of the Caveri, 201. October, with the company of grenadiers, res- cues the wood carts, 203. 1752. succeeds Captain Cope in the post at Kistnaveram, and sends forward the Mysore army, follows them, and arrives at Tritchinopoly February the 6th, 207, 208. March 28th, joins Major Lawrence and the reinforcement with a large detach- ment, 214, 215, active in the action of that day, 216. April 1st, sent with 400 Europeans to attack Chundasaheb's camp in the night, but is misled, 217. April 3rd, takes Elimise- rum, 218, 219. April the 9th, takes a gun from the enemy on the other side of the Ca- veri, 219. May the 9th, detached at attack D'Auteuil at Utatoor, who engages him, is beaten back, and abandons the fort, of which Dalton takes possession, 226, 227, 228. joins Clive at Samiaveram, serves under him as a Volunteer in the cannonade of Enemy's camp, and reduction of Pitchandah, 228, 229, 230. June 3d commands the advanced guards and receives the surrender of the Fr. troops in Jumbakistna, 239. appointed to command in Tritchinopoly, 244. is persent at the con- ference,