Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/457

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INDEX. X.U1 army in the I. of Seringham encamp along the Coleroon, 218. May, dive detached to take post Xorth of the Coleroon, .220, 221. Lalguddy close to the Coleroon, 222. »», 222. m, 225. Pitchandah is on the n. bank, 22*5. nt, 2^8. a mound on the bank from Pitchan- dah to the w. 228. 15 Frenchmen jump from the wall of Pitchandah into the river and are drowned, 230. m, 231. m, 232. m, 268. m, 277. the river is near Chillambrum, 281. m, 304. »n, 316. m, 342. m, 354. May, some of the Eng. Sepoys retreating from Palameotah, drowned in the Coleroon, by a sudden swell, 359. Hie mound at Coiladdy prevents it from running into the Caveri, 360. m, 363. 367. the woods of Wariorepollam extend almost to the Coleroon, 396 1755. July the 9th, the Coleroon and Caveri swelled, 397. Comora bay, on the C. of Malabar, 15. m. > of Severndroog 1755. April, the Bombay and Morattoe fleets anchor there, 411. Comorin Cape, m, 40. from Musulipatnam to C. Comorin, there is no port capable of re- ceiving a ship of 300 tons burthen, 112. m, 125. The Subah of the Decan rules from Brampore to C. Comorin, 158. the territory

  • i'inivelly extends to C. Comorin, 169.

The Colleries are the inhabitants of the woods which extend from Tritchinopoly to C. Como- rin, 208. The authority of Arcot extends from the It. Penar to this Cape, 245. On the Malabar Coast, it terminates the kingdom of Travencore, 400. the Malabar Coast from C. Comorin to Surat is intersected by many Rivers, 407. Angria. See Angria. Conandercoile, a town in the woods halfway be- tween Tritchinopoly and Tanjore. 1753. July, the Eng. army halt there, 296. Condamnaigne, Polygar of Coilorepettah. June 1756, made a prisoner when his place was stormed by Mahomed Issoof, 425. Condanore See. Candanore. Condavir, Province, 1752. November, ob- tained by M. Bussy ; it adjoins to the districts of Masulipatnam, 32S. m, 334. extends be- tween the rivers Kristna and Goudegama, 335. its annual revenue rated at 180,000 ru- pees, 335 1754. The Morattoes, who had ravaged Chieacole, pass through Condavir in their return, 374. m, 376. Condore, Condoor, a town 10. m. from Tanjore. 1751. July, Captain Clarke and Clive defeat a Pr. party there, 182. 1753, April, the K. of Tanjore visits the Nabob Maho- mcdally and Major Lawrence here, 281. 1756. July, the K. deputes Monacgee to visit the Nabob here, 397. # Co-njeveram, a considerable town and pagoda. 40 m. inland from Madrass. 1751. August 29th, Clive marching to Arcot passes tlirough it, 183. — Kajahsaheb's troops take post in the pagoda to intercept 2 eighteen pounders, going to Clive, but retire on the approach of a de- tachment from Arcot, 185. the Pagoda gar- risoned by the French during the siege of Arcot. Clive takes it in December, 199, 200. m, 208. 1752. January, Rajasaheb takes possession of it again, and repairs the Avails, 209. it surrenders again to Clive, 210. 1754. April, Maphuze Khan loitering there, 347. until the month of July, 362. when he marches with the Eng. reinforcement from thence to Tritchinopoly, 362, 363. m, 372. Coolies, the carriers of burthens in Indostan, 79 '«, 81. 1749. many of them drowned at Devi Cotah, 112. m, 115. m, 170. m, 371. Cooper, Lieutenant. 1752. September,* killed at Cobelong, 262. Cora Gehanabad. Anwarodean Khan had been the governor there 52. Cootaparah, 5, m. ». e. of Elimiserum, and 5, w. of Kelli Cotah, 344. 1754. February the 12th, the Eng. detachment with the com- pany of grenadiers cut off, 344, 345. Cope, Captain. 1749. commands the first expedition into Tanjore, 109, 110, 111, 112. serves under Major Lawrence in the second, and defends Achaveram, 117, 118 1750. July, commands the Eng. forces sent to join Mahomedally at Trivadi, 148. a cannonade with the French, 149. differs in opinion with Mahomedally concerning the operations, and is recalled with the troops to Fort St. David in August, 149, 150 December, thinks it hazardous to attack the Fr. troops returning to Pondicherry with the treasures of Naziijing, 168. 1751. sent with a detachment of Europeans and Sepoys to Mahomedally at Tritchinopoly, 168. attacks, Madura and is repulsed, 169, 170. sends 100 Europeans to join the English army, 172. December sent to command the detachment at Kistnaveram, 206. is mortally wounded there, 207. COROUANDEL, COAST OF, m, 25. Madrass the Presidency of the English settlements on this C 33. m, 34. m, 35. 1745. Barnet's squadron appears on the Coast, 60. and leaves it, 61. 1746. Delabourdonnais appears, 62. »i, 64. m, 65. m, 66. the Coast, dangerous for ships from the 15th of October to the 20th of December, 69. and 70. the Southern moonsoon sets in in April, 70. the ruin of Delabourdon- nais squadron, the cause of the subsequent events on the C. 73. after the loss of Madrass, Fort St. David takes the rule of the English settlements on the C. 78 1747. Feb. the Fr. ships sail away to avoid the English, 85. M m m the