Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/467

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INDEX. xxm the Nabob's troops, 172. fire the outward town of Volcondah, 173. the Eng. battalion retreats in a panic, 173, 174. why not pursued by Chundasaheb, 174. retreat to TJtatoor, 174. a small parti/ of Engl, officers and troopers sur- rounded and well nigh cut off, 175. July the 13th, retreat of the party under Dalton to the main body in the streights of TJtatoor. 177. the army encamps on the Coleroon, 177. where the battalion takes possession of Pitchandah, 178. crosses the Coleroon and goes in to the Pa- goda of Seringham, 179. is reduced to 400 men, crosses the Caveri and eneamps under Tritchinopoly, 180. July, the K. of Tan- jore suffers both the Engl, and Fr. troops to pass through his country, 182. Eight of the party at Condore, 182. notwithstanding the reinforcements, the battalion at Tritchinopoly does not exceed 600 men, 183. August, de- tachment marching with Clive to Arcot. 183. operations of this party at Arcot mentioned, 184, 185, 186. implied to 191. party going from Madrass to reinforce Clive at Arcot sharply attacked at Trivatore, 191. the defence of Arcot continued, 191 to 196. November, Bnsinrow with his Morattoes join Clive in the English camp, 196. the field pieces at the fight of irni serve well, 198. the Engl, find much baggage in the town of Ami, 199. take Con- jeveram, 199, 200. the battalion at Tritchino- poly despise the operations of the French, 201 beet them out of a battery of 2 guns, 201. the Fr. surprize the English entrenchment at the French rock, 201. fire cannon balls with the English mark, which had been fired by the Engl, ships at Pondicherry, 202. the expences of the Engl, battalion defrayed by the treasury of Fort St. David, 202. the superior numbers of Chundasaheb' s army deter the Engl, troops from vigorous efforts, 202. the grenadiers with Dalton rescue the wood carts, and give a good opinion of the English to the Mysoreans, 203. they bury the Fr. dragoons killed by the Morattoes of Innis Khan, 205. who proffer to engage the enemy's army with the Engl, bat- talion, 205. and reproach them for declining the risque, 206. Parties sent to Kistnaveram to escort the Mysore army, 207. who are amazed at the appearance and discipline of the Engl, troops, 207. 1752. February, Gin- gen refuses Morarirow and the Mysoreans to attack the enemy's posts with Engl, batta- lion until reinforced, 208. 1752. the Engl. troops in the province of Arcot are retired to their garrisons. 209. February the 2d, take the field at Madrass against Rajasaheb, under the command of Clive. 209. they fight Ra- jahsaheb and the French at Covwpauk, 210. when many of the Engl, gunners are killed, 211. totally defeat the enemy, 211, 212. March 15th, detachment of 400 Europeans and 1200 Sepoys, under the command of Ma- jor Lawrence, and accompanied by Clive, march from Fort St. David to reinforce the army at Tritchinopoly, 213. their progress, cannonade at Coiladdy, March 28th, 214. joined by detaehjnents from Tritchinopoly, 214, 215". March 29th. Clive advances with a detachment of grenadiers and artillery, 215. a hot cannonade, the Engl, fire from 9 pieces of cannon, 216. April 1st, the Engl. troops from their long inactivity knew little of the ground about Tritchinopoly, and the de- tachment sent to surprize Chundasaheb's camp is misled by the guides, 217. Dalton with the grenadiers takes Elimiserum, 218, 219. and a gun in the island of Seringham, 219. the enemy are now impressed with the same terrors they had formerly raised in the English " and Nabob's army, 220. A division of the army sent with Clive to Samiavaram, 220, 221. a detachment from which takes Mansur- pett, 221. and another party Lalguddy, 222. April 14th, the Fr. from Seringham attack the camp at Samiaveram in the night, 222, 223. 40 English deserters with the French, 223. give rise to mistakes and confusion amongst the Engl, troops, 223, 224, 225. the Engl. soldier suffer by the resistance of the deserters at the Pagoda, 225. May 9th a party from Major Lawrence's division march with Dalton toUtatoor,fightD'Autueil's detachment there, and oblige them to retreat, 226, 227. Law with all the French troops cross the Coleroon, the Engl, army under Clive draw out, but no engagement ensues, 228. May 15th, the ene- my'- camp in Seringham cannonaded by Clive from the mound at Pitchandah, the fire from whence cannot dismount theEnglish^wH*, 229. the troops with Clive attack Pitchandah, 230. their officers save the garrisoa from the sword of the Sepoys and Morattoes, 230. The English give their passports to Chundasaheb's troops, 231. are informed by deserters of D'Autueil's convoy, 23;3. Clive marches against him, the Sepoys forming the van of the Engl, column, 234. the Engl, troops attack the Fr. in the stone fort of Volcondah, and D'Autueil with his whole detachment surren- ders. 235. the Engl, preparing to batter the Pagodas in Seringham, 237. June 2d, D'Au- tueil in the Engl. Camp, 239. Surrender of Law and all the Fr. troops at Seringham to the Engl. 239, 240. who had acted with much ability and spirit in reducing the Fr. and Chun- dasaheb's army, 240. Dalton left commander of the Engl, garrison in Tritchinopoly, 244. Mysorean wishes for the departure of the Engl, battalion from Tritchinopoly, 247. they march awav dispirited, 247. summon Volcon- N n n 2 ' dah,