Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/468

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XXIV I N D E X, dah, 247, 248. take the Pagoda of Triyadi, and encamp there, 248. They march against Gingee under Major Kineir, 253. are beat at Vicravandi, 254! retreat to Triyadi and to Chimundelum, 255 Dupleix folates their colours on the sea by taking 200 Swiss going in boats to Fort St. David, 255. August, they defeat the French army at Bahoor, the batta- lion, m, 256. the grenadiers break the enemy's center, 257. the Mysoreans schemes to sur- prize the Engl, garrison in Tritchinopoly frus- trated (257 to 259). August, the recruits from England vile, 261. they attack, and after several panics take Cabelong, 262, 263, 264. and beat a Fr. party coming to surprize their, 264. take Chinglapet, 265, 266. a garri- son under an Engl, officer left there, 266. The main army with the Xabob and Major Law- rence summon and bombard Vandiwash (266, 267). return to Triyadi, and November the 15th to Fort St. Dayid, 267. at Tritchi- nopoly, the Engl, jarraon attacks the Regent's camp at Seringham in the night, 269. their party in the Choultry routed with great loss, (269, 270, 271). the garrison beat up the ene- niv at the Pagoda of Velore, and a body of cavalry on the plain, 272.) but the Mysoreans cut off" their provisions, 273. the French pri soncrs at Arcot conspire to overpower the Engl. garrison there. 275 -1753. January, Ma- jor Lawrence with the army and the Nabab encamps at Triyadi. January 9th, encounter of the battalion with the enemy and Morat- toes, in which the soldiers and artillery behave calmly, 276. Marches of the army to Fort St. David for provisions harrassed by the Mo- rattoes, who, on January the 28th, lost 300 horses by the fire of the field pieces, 276. the guard at "Chimundelum cut off by the Morat- toes, 277. Skirmishes of the Engl, battalion with the Morattoes. 279. April 1st, action of the battalion escorting a large convoy of pro- visions against the Fr. and Morattoes, who are beaten, 279, 280. a detachm'nt retakes Bonagherry. 280. April 20th, Major Law- rence with the army march to Tritchinopoly, leaving a. garrison in Triyadi, 281. detachment at Kistnaveram, m, 282. April, at Tritchino- poly Dalton throws up a redoubt on the plain, and" cannonades Verana's camp, who quits it. 283. May the 6th, the army arrives at Trit- chinopoly, its force, 283. the 10th, attack the Fr. and Mysoreans in the island, 283 to 285. the artillery m, 284. troops, m, 285. en- camp at Facquires tope. 285. success of a de- tachment at Trivadi, 286. defeat, mutiny, and surrender of the troops there, 287. the Engl, serjeant and artillery men retire from Chillam- barum, 287. April 21st. a party from the garrison of Arcot, with the Nabob's troops, beaten by those of Velore, 288. the enemy's cannon plunge into the Engl, camp at the Fac- quires tope, 289. the army distressed for pro- visions, 290. June the 26th, battle and vic- tory at the Golden Rock, 290 to 294. bat- talion, m, 291, 292, 293, troops 291. 294, in great want of cavalry, apply to the K. of Tanjore, 294. Dalton with the garrison and the grendier company rescues the Nabob from his clamorous troops in the city. 294, 295. the army marches to Tanjore. 296. the garri- son of Tritchinopoly blow up the defences of Wariore, but the explosion sails at Weycon- dah, 296. scheme of de Cattans to attack the Engl, quarters in the city with the Fr. pri- soners, 297. detected by a Fr. soldier who was faithful to the English, 298. August the 7th, the army with the convoy from Tanjore, arrives at Dalaway's Choultry, 299. the 9th, beat the French and their allies, who endea- vour to oppose their passage to the city, 299 to 303. Engl, party, m. 300. troops, m, 301. artillery, m, 301, 302, 303. battalion, 301. grenadiers revenge the death of their Cap- tain Kirk, 302. the English trusted the collec- tion of the provisions to the Nabob's officers, who failed in this duty, 303. the army en- camps at the 5 rocks, 303. the Engl, ought not to have hanged De Cattans, 304. August 24th, obliged to act again on the defensive, 306. an escort of 100 Europeans repulses 3000 Morattoe and Mysore horse. 306, 307. the camp moves to the Fr. rock, to receive the re- inforcement coming from Devi Cotah, 306 cannonade at the water course, 308. arrival of the reinforcement , 309. September 21st. battle and victory at the Sugar loaf rock, 309 to 313. English battalion, m, 311, 312. troops, 313. grenadiers, 312. artillery, 313. the Eng- lish loss, 314. the Engl, fag planted on the Sugar loss rock, 314. attack and take Wey- condah, 314, 315. the army encamps at the French rock, 315. October 23d, reinforces Tritchinopoly, and goes into cantonments at Coiladdy, 316. an Engl, detachment defeats Mahomed Comaul near Tripetty, 313, 319. the troops at Coiladdy, m, 320. November 27th, assault of Tritchinopoly repulsed by the Engl. garrison (320 to 324.) November 27th, a parly from Coiladdy reinforce the garrison ; the army arrive December the 3d, 324. the camp receive convoys of provisions from Tricatapoly, 326, Detachment from Devi Cotah relieve Palam Cotah, 327. The K. of Tanjore, on Monac gee's victory over the Morattoes, will not seni his troops to join the Engl. -army, 342. Num- bers of the garrison iu Tritchinopoly, and oi the armi in the field at the end of December, 1753, p, 343. February 12th, convoy of 180 Europeans and 1500 Sepoys destroyed and taken