Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/470

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XXVI 1 M) E X ning of the year, are reinforced from England by 3 ships, andsendback tow, 61. 8ee Baunht. June 2.3th, meet and light Eabourdonnais, are commanded by Peyton, sail to Trincouo- malee, 62, 63, 64, August 6th, they see La- bourdonnais again, and avoid the encounter, 61. weresenl tnt > India I i protect the Eiiii. settlements on the C. of Coromandel, 66. August 23d appaer off Paliacate, and sail for Bengal, 67. 5 8th, Labourdonnais be-

Madrass afraid of their return, 67.

1747. March 2d, the squadron, now commanded by Admiral Griffin, arrives from d. at Fort St. David, on which the French i retire, 87. stationed in sight of Pon- dicherry, 87. attempt to ride out the mon- soon in October, 87. but most of them forced to bear away to Trine onomalee, where Mr. Griffin in his ship goes in December, 88. . ill except the Medway re- turn to Fort St. David. 8S. June 29th, the 20 gun ship discovers Bouvet's squadron, 89. which the Eng. follow to Madrass, but he was gone, 91. Force of Mr. Boscawen's squa- dron, 91, 92. arrive at the Cape of Good Hope in March and April, sail joined by 5 Dutch ships to Mauritius May the Sth, 92. arrive there June 23d, 96. reconnoitre the island and leave it, June 27th, 97 and 98. July 29th, arrives at Fort St. David, and joins Mr, Grif- fin's squadron there, who resigns the com- mand to Mr. Boscawen, and proceeds with a 60 gun ship and two frigates to Trine onomalee, and from thence, in January 1749, to Eng- land, 98. Great force of the two squadrons when united under Mr. Boscawen, 9S. ug, 8th, the ships proceed before the army, and anchor two miles to the South of Pondicherry, 99. September the 27th, they COnnonade the town, but with little effect. Captain Adams of the Harwich, "killed, 103, 101. October, the sailors and stores reimbarked intheships which return to Fort St. David October 6th, 101. leave the coast, some go to Atchin, some to Trinconomalee, '107. 1719. January, all return to Fort St. David, 107. April 13th, the Apollo, Pembroke, and Namur lost with all their crews in a hurricane, 109. July, three ships of the line and three of the Company*s carry the artillery and stores of the array to Devi Cotah, 113. October 21st, Mr. Boscawen sails with the fleet from Frot St. David for England, 133. 1751. October, the same shot which the Engl, ships had fired against Pondicherry, tired by the Fr. against Tritchi- nopoly, 202. 1754. September, Admiral Watson arrives with asquadron, which with the Company's ships bring Adlercron's regiment, and 40 of the King's artillery, 371. Godeheu 8 afraid of the advantages which the English might derive from their squadron, 371. Octo- ber, Mr. Watson proceeds with the squadron from the C. of Coromandel to Bombay. In December, Commodore Pocock arrives at Ma- drass with a70 and 60 gun ship, 375. — —1755. January, the squadron arrives at Fort St. David from Bombay ; able passage, 380. the Nabob goes on board the Admiral's ship at Fort St. David, 398. their- presence on the C. of Coromandel awes the Fr. government ; they depart in October, and on the 10th of November arrive at Bombay, 405. jre, 414. 1756. proceed with the marine force of Bombay and troops against Gheriah, and take, it 414 to 417. return to Bombay and repair there in April, arrive on the 12th of M<'!/ at Madrass, 117. English Ships, meaning those belonging to the East India Company, commonly called East India ships. 1746. August the 18th, the Fr. squadron attempt to cut one out of the road of Madrass without success, 66. Sept. 10th, this ship surrenders with the town, 68. 1' cember, another nearly taken in Madrass road by the French, 85. 1747. January, another taken stupidly, 86. another sails with- out landing the treasure at Fort St. David, but the ship, which had escaped from Madrass, comes there, and lands 60,000/. in Februarm 86. 1748. one taken in sight of Bombay 89. Eleven serve as transports in Mr. Bos- cawen's armament, 92. three employed to, transport the artillery and stores for the attack of Devi Cotah, 113. 1751. July, the ships from Europe bring recruits to Fort St. David, 181. 1754. the Company's ships, with Watson's squadron, bring Adlercron's regiment, 40 of the Kings artillery, and 200 recruits for the Company's troops, 371. 1755. Several bring a considerable body of troops to Bombay, 405. one lost on an island on the C. of Africa, 800 m. e. of the Cape of Good Hope, 406. 175G, the Darby taken by Angria 28 years ago, 410. English Deputies at Saclrass, 337, 338. 340. English drums, 327. English flag. 1749. hoisted by Mr. Boscawen at St. Thome, 131. 1755. May, three given by Col. Heron to the Moravar, in to- ken of their friendship, 384. Commodore James, on delivering the forts of Severndroog to the Morattoes, takes down the English flag, 414. English -.force. 1753, August 23d, a reinforce- ment to the enemy's army equal to the whole of the Eng. force appears on the bank of the Coleroori, 304. ENGLISH Government in the island of BOMBAY