Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/469

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INDEX. xxv taken by the Mysorean and Morattoes, 345. the gallant company of grenadiers lost in this action, 315. the Sepoys suffered to return to the camp, the officers give their parole to Salabadjing, 345. detachment sent by sea to Devi*Cotah, 345. not strong enough to March, 346. the K. of Tanjore forbids his merchants to supply the English with provisions, 316. Mahomed Issoof commander in chief of all the Sepoys, 346. the enemy might easily have cut off the provisions of the camp, 347. April, some Colleries belonging to the camp discover the parcel of letters, which were in- tended*by Poniapah to ruin Mahomed Issoof, 348. the sequel of Poniapah's treachery is from p, 348 to 353. in which the Regent of Mysore schemes to prejudice Mahomed Issoof in" the minds of the English, 349. the In- terpreters of the commandant at Tritchino- poly and of the commissary concerned, 350. troopers, m, 352. May 12th, a. party sent with Calliaud to bring in a convoy of provisions, meet and attacks a detachment of the enemy, both armies move, a general action ensues, in which Calliaud beats off the enemy, 354 to 357. field pieces m, 355, 356. number of the army 355. army, 357. troops, 356. 7, 356. the attachment of Tondiman had en abled the English to stand their' ground at Tritchinopoly, 357. their Sepoys at Kil- lanore distressed, 357. May 23d, the army marches for Tanjore, 358. the party sent to Palam Cotah returns to Devi Cotah. February, another, sent against Chillambrum, routed : the officer insufficient, 358 the reinforcement at Devi Cotah relieve Palam Cotah, the troops harrassed in their- return, 359. the army ar- rives at Tanjore, and is joined there by the detachment from Devi Cotah, 361. Reinforce- ments arrived at Madrass, 400 men in battalion sent to join Maphuze Khan at Conjeveram, 362. a platoon with Maphuze Khan's force take Outramalore, 362, 363. army, m, 364. Garrison at Tritchinopoly get convoys from the woods 364. July 22d, Major Lawrence marches with the troops from Tanjore to At- mempettah, where the Tanjorines jon on the 27th, p, 365. Godeheu sends back to Madrass the Swiss soldiers, which Dupleix lad taken, 367. the detachment with Maphuze Khan leave him at Fort St. David, 367. and m the 14th of August arrive at Atchempet- ah, 368. Review of the army there, the jattalion, 1200 men, 368. August the 17th, March and action on the plain of Tritchino- poly, 368 to 370. troops, m, 368. line, m, 369. fire of the Eng. cannon, 369. officers, n, 369. August 20th, Major LawTefcce moves to the Facquire's tope, 370. some artillerymen with 200 Seppys placed in Elimiserum. which Monacgee had taken, 370. the Fr. fearing the Engintendtoattack them at Mootachellinore, cross over into Seringham, 370. A party with Jo. Smith sent to protect the labourers at Coi- laddy, 371. with the reinforcements, the Eu- ropean force consists of 2000 men, and su- perior in quality to the French, 371. all places in which either nation had troops included in the suspension of arms, 372. Adlercron com- mands all the Eng. troops in India, 372. the Eng. have 900 French prisoners, the Fr. only 250 English, 376. after the exchange have 650 Fr. prisoners, 377. 1755. February, detachment with Colonel Heron sent into the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 380. Col- leries employed to steal the enemy's horses, 381. the Engl, officers have not seen the atro- cious custom imputed by Father Martin to the Colleries, 382. the army attack Lachen- aigue's district, 383. take possession of Madura, 384. take Coilguddy, and plunder the temple of the images, 385. detachment sent against Catabominaigue, 386. another takes Nelli Cotah, cruelty of the English troops there, 387. they drive awav the Moravar's troops, 387. the garrison at Tritchinopoly informed of the Mysorean's schemes against the city, 388, 389, the army before Nellitangaville. 890. Return of the army and detachments from the Tinivelly country to Madura, May 22d, p, 390, 391, May the 29th, the army attacked by the Colleries in the pass of Nattam, 391 to 395. encamp at Wariore pagodas, June the 5th, 395. Polier escorts the Nabob to Arcot, 397, 398. October, detachment commanded by Kilpatrick sent with the Nabob against the northern polygars, 398. dread of the English troops in the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 398. 400 and 401. troops, m, 406. 800 Euro- peans and 1000 Sepoys proceed in the squadron from Bombay against Gheria under the com- mand of Clive, 414. they land, 416. take possession of the fort, 416. progress of Kil- patrick' s detachment, 417. encamp and sum- mon Velore, 418. deterred* by the approach of the Fr. troops, return to Arcot, 420. tn, 421. March 24th, detachment sent with Ma- homed Issoof into the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 423. the English arms had left the Fr. no great gainers in the province of Arcot, 428. See Europeans in the service of the English, and English Sepoys under English. ENGLISH SQUADRON, Ships of War. 1744, a squadron in the Indian Seas, which, after cruizing successfully in the streights of Sundah and Malacca, 60. arrive from Batavia on the Coast of Coromandel in July, 1745, p 60. alarm Dupleix, 61. commandedby Commodore Bamet, leave the coast in October, 61. — 1746, return from Merghi and Bengal in the begin- ning