Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/473

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INDEX. XXIX Devi Cotah, 113. the government accommodate with the K. of Tanjore, who cedes Devi Cotah, 118. August, the army returns from thence, 130. news received of peace con- cluded in Europe, 130. Solicitude concern- ing %he revolution at Arcot, 130. Mr. Bos- cawen sails to relieve Madrass, 130. Fort St. David still continues the Presidency, 131. October 31st, Mr. Boscawen sails with the fleet for England, 133. leaves a reinforce- ment of 300 men, 133. 1750. March 22d, the army commanded by Major Law- rence, joins Nazirjing at AValdore, 138. with whom, he, Dalton and a member of the council are empowered to treat for the com- pany, 138, 139. April, Major Lawrence leaves Nazirjing, and returns with the army, 146. Triradi is 15 m. w. 147. July, the army commanded by Cope joins Mahomedally, 148. Cope instructed not to let his communication with Fort St. David be cut off, 149. August 19th, he returns with the troops, 150. October 19th, Lawrence departs for England, 167. Robins arrives, 168. the troops of Fort St. David, might have intercepted the Fr. return- ing to Pondicherry with the treasures of Na- zirjing, 168, m, 169. 1751. March, Du- pleix plants flags round the bounds, 171. April, the army takes the field under the com- mand of Gingen, 171. July, a detachment sent with Pigot and Clive to relieve Ycrda- chelum, 181. Pigot and Clive return, 182. August, Fort St. David left with only 100 men, in order to supply dive's detachment aganist Arcot, 183. recruits arrive from Eng. and 100 are sent to Madrass, to be sent from thence to Clive, 191. the treasury of Fort St. David begins to supply the expences of the Company's troops in the field, 202. December, the army at Tritchinopoly expect a reinforce- ment from thence, 206. Clive with the troops in the Arcot province recalled in order to proceed to Tritchinopoly ; they arrive : March 15th Major Lawrence arrives from England, takes the command of the detach- ment, and proceeds with them accompanied by Clive to Tritchinopoly, 213. June, 400 of the Fr. prisoners taken at Seringham sent to Fort St. David, 243. LawTence leaving the army at Trivadi, goes to St. David for the recovery of his health, 248. July 23d, expedition under Major Kineer against Gingee, 253. Major Lawrence goes to Madrass to dis- suade it, 253. the Fr. army encamps close to the bounds, 255. Chimundelum a redoubt in the bound hedge 3 miles to the w. 255. the Eng. troops return and encamp here, 255. two companies of Swiss coming fromtMadrass in boats, taken, 255. August the 16th, Major Lawrence arrives with another company ; the 17th, takes the field with the army 225. after the victory at Bahoor, marches again from Fort St. David to Trivadi, 261. Novem- ber 15th, the army, compelled by the Mon- soon, return to Fort St. David, 267. 1753. January 3d, 9th, the army returns to Trivadi, 276. several marches of the army to Fort St. David to get provisions, 276. February, the guard at Chirnundelum, the western redoubt, cut off, 277. a company of Swiss arrive from Bengal, 279. April the 1st, the army and a large convoy march to Trivadi, and are at- tacked, 279. Fort St. David drew large sup- plies pf grain from Bonagherry, 280. April the 20th, the army marches from Tri- vadi to Fort St. David, before they proceed to Tritchinopoly, 281. the sick sent back, 283, m, 286. reinforcement expected by the army, 296. joins at Tanjore, 299. 1754. August. in, 367. Maphuze Khan with his troops ar- rives at Fort St. David, 367. December, and is still there, 372. m, 375. 1755. January, the squadron arrives here from Bombay, 379 . July, and the Nabob from Tritchinopoly, 397. August, who proceeds to Arcot, 398. in July, the squadron sails to Madrass, 405. Clive appointed Governor of Fort St. David, 406. FORT ST. GEORGE, the name given to the White Town of Madrass when first established, preserved in the acts and deeds of the Com- pany ; but Madrass, has prevailed in com- mon usage. See Midrass. FRANCE, war declared with, in 1744. p, 35. Labourdonnais worthy of the highest com- mands in the navy of France, 72. 1747. October 3d, ships of force sent to Mauritius. 88, 89. June 11th, 400 soldiers with 200000/. in silver sent from France, landed by B ouvet at Pondicherry, 90. the Fr. inhabitants of Mauritius, mostly natives of France, 94. Ar- maments sent in detail from France, may ren- dezvous at Mauritius unknown to the Eng. 96. — ■ — 1748. April, cessation of arms between Gr. Britain and France, 107. Dupleix did not think the trade of India without territory worthy the attention of J?ranee, 120. Peace between Gr. Britain and France, 130. 1749. Dupleix's views agreeable to the mo- narch and ministers of, 132. 1752. June, ships from, expected at the Pondicherry with considerable reinforcements, 233. arrive with them, 252. the officer of Gingee says he keeps, the place for the king, 253. September, so likewise the officer of Cobelong, 263. the ad- ministration support their E. India Company 365. but give up Dupleix, 366. the laws of France superseded by orders of arrest from the king, 367. probable consequences if the ex- tensiveprojects of Dupleix hadbeen adequate- ly supported in France, 378. Godeheu re- turns to France, 380. .Sec French nation. Frazfr Lieut. 1753. September, with a dc- O o o tachment