Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/474

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x I N D E X. tachment from Devi Cotah relieves Palam Co- tah, 327. and returns with them in January, 1754, p, 358. Fkazer Mr. original histories of Indostan, and of Sultan Babr, brought by him into England 17. quoted, 19, has published an account of the ex- pedition of Thomas KouliKhan into India, 22. Fit nch accounts of their own affairs, m, 249. French Arms. 1750. reputation of them sunk after the mutiny of the officers, and the retreat of the battalion, 145. December, high after the death of Nazirjing, 167. FREXCH Army. Its operations. Under this head are included, whatsoever material mentions are made of Artillery, Batta- l i o n, c a m i', coxto y, 1) e i a ch m e n t, Dragoons, Hussars, Force, Garrison, Gunners, Party, Reinforcement. 1746, force of Labourdonnais when he at- tacked Madrass, 67. their operations ; surren- der of the town, 07, 68. September '27th, a reinforcement of 1300 men arrive at Pondi- cherry, 69. October 20th, on Delabourdon- nais' departure, the force of Pondicherry amouut to 3000 Europeans, 73. the Fr. gar- rison defend Madrass against Maphuze Khan, 73, "4, 75. who is intirely defeated at St. Thome by Paradis with a detachment from Pondicherry, 76. this the first victory of a long time gained by Europeans over the Moors, 77. December, Paradis returning to Pondi- cherry with a detachment, is harrassed by M.i- phuze Khan, 79. Bury, the oldest officer in India, commands the troops sent against St. David, 80. December 8, the French army march against this place, 81. and retreat in confusion the 10th, 82. the 30th, embark in boats to attack Cuddalore, but are beaten back by the wind, 83. 1748. January 10th, attack Cuddalore in the night, and are re- pulsed by Majpr Lawrence, 91. August, de- fend Ariancopang, 100. a Fr. trooper takes Major Lawrence, 100. defence of Pondicherry 102, 103, 104. strength of the garrison and loss in the siese, 104. -1749. June, a considerable body join Murzafajing and Chundasaheb ; and on the 23d of July gain the battle of Amboor, in which a Fr. Coffrec kills the Na- bob Anwarodean, 126, 127, 128, 129. troops, m, 132. December, are attacking Tanjore, 135. 1750. March, the Fr. battalion con- sisting of 2000 Europeans under D'Autueil encamp at Villanore, 138 and 139. the offi- cers mutiny, 139, 140. cannonade on the quarters of the English, 140. the battalion retreats to Pondicherry, attacked by Mora- rirow, 142. their gunners saved by the Eng- lish, 142. the army encamp again, 143. Dupleix says, he ordered the Fr. troops to re- treat, 144. "arms, m, 145. m, 146. July, the Fr. take Trivadi, 146. the 19th, are encamped on the Fannar, 8 in. e. of Trivadi, 148. en- trench there, and cannonade the English com- manded by Cope, 148, 149. Augsut 21st, entirely defeat Mahomedally as soon as the English leave him, 150, 151. beat the fugi- tives again at Gingee, and take their artillery 151. take Gingee, led by Bussy, 152. . i, 154. her 4th, attack Nazirjing's camp, who is killed, 155, 156. Dupleix offers a body of French troops to Murzafajing. 162. 1751. January, a detachment under the command of Bussy proceeds with Murzafajing into the De- can, 1G3. and contributes much to the rout of the Pitan Nabobs, 164, 165. February, 800 Europeans march with Chundasaheb from Pondicherry to Arcot, 168. July, with Chun- dasaheb's army, they cannonade the Eng. troops from the Fort at Voleondah, and drive them from the field, 173. follow them to Utatoor, 174, 175. and in August to Sering- hain, 180. they take Coiladdy, 180, 181. en- camp to the E. of Tritehinopoly, 181. send a detachment from Coiladdy, which is beaten by Clarke and dive at Condore, 181. their battalion 900 men, 183. September 23, 150 of their Europeans arrive with Rajahsaheb at Arcot, 1S6. September 24th, cannonade in the streets there, 187. batter the fort, 190, 20 Europeans and 2 of their field pieces detached with Rajahsaheb's troops, attack Lieutenant Innis's party at Trivatore, 191. during the assault of the breaches at Arcot the French look on at a distance, 195. they encamp with Rajahsaheb at Velore, and beat up Bazinrow's camp, 196 march with Rajahsaheb to Arni, and are joined there by another party from Pondicherry, 197. are defeated by Clive at Arni, 197, 198. cruelty of the garrison and illiberality of the officer at the pagoda of Con- jeveram, 201. who after some resistance aban- don the pagoda to Clive, 201, 202. Ineffec- tual operations of their battalion against Tritehinopoly, 201, 202. the Fr. dragoons beat off in a skirmish by the Eng. grenadiers, 203. they bombard Tritehinopoly until the end of November 203. December, all their dragoons cut off by Innis Khan, 204, 205. who despises their battalion, 206. then- de- tachment at Kistnaveram stops the Mysore army, and repulse the Eng. detachment, 206, 207. is recalled, 208. 1752. January, 400 of theFr. troops withRajahsaheb's army near Madrass, their motions, 209, 210. are entirely defeated by Clive at Covrepauk, 210 to 212. and recaUed to Pondicherry, 213. March 29th, a hot cannonade between the Fr. and Engl, on the arrival of the reinforcement with Lawrence and Clive at Tritehinopoly, 215, 216,,£17. April 2d, their posts strongly fortified, 217. they quit their encampment at Chucklypollam, cross into the island of Se- ringham much against the opinion of Chun- dasaheb, and take post in the pagoda of Jum- bakistna,