Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/480

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XXXVI I N D E X. that Ghazi-o-dinhad ceded to him the Subah- ship of the Southern provinces, 124. 1750. but marches towards Delhi to oppose him, 136. 1761. Ghazi-o-din employs Balaje- row to oppose his brother Salabadjing, 250. obtains the commission for the Subahship of the Decan, and gives out that he is sending an army to Brampour, 250. Salabadjing affects to disbelieve his appointment, 251. -1752. Ghazi-o-din again encourages Balajerow to attack Salabadjing, 435. October, arrives with a great army at Aurengabad, and send for- ward De Volton with proffers to Dupleix, 273, 274. is poisoned at Aurengabad, 274. »i. 328. 1753. is succeeded in the command of the army at Delhi by his son Scheabbeddin, 336. his patents to Mahomedally, produced, 338. Ghbriah, in 1724, attacked by a Dutch arma- ment without success, 410. is the capital and strongest port of Angria, 414. 1756, re- connoitered by Commodore James in the Pro- tector, 414 described, 414, 415. February the 11th, 12th, and 13th, attacked and taken by the Eng. squadron commanded by Admiral Watson, the troops by Clive, and an army of Morattoes who did nothing, 414, 415, 416, 417. Gibraltar, Gheriah presumed to be as strong as, 414. Gixcee, situated 35 m. x. w. of Pondicherry. 1750. March, Nazirjing's army assem- bling there, 138 and 139. July, the Fr. have a station there, 149. formerly the capital of a Morattoe kingdom, Sevagee is erroneously sup- posed to be born at Gingee, 151. described, esteemed the strongest fortress in the Carnatic, 151. August, taken by the Fr. ledbyBussy, 151, 152. September, Nazirjing's army stopped by the rains between 2 rivers, 16 miles from thence, 153. - December, the French troops at Gingee summoned by the Pitan Nabobs to at- tack him, 154. the 4th, they march, 155. the action called, although erroneously, the battle of Ging3e, 162, 1751. November, Rajah- saheb retreats thither after he is defeated at Ami, 199. m, 247. 1752. July, the Eng- lish troops at the request of Mahomedally march against Gingee, and find it too strong, 253, 254. it is surrounded by mountains, 253. Yandiicash is 20 m. ST. 266. 1753. Du- pleix' s authority confined to the districts be- tween Pondicherry and Gingee, 275. 1754. the Fr. troops at Gingee march against Maphuze Khan, take Outramalore, aban- don it, and return, 363. Gixgen, Captain, 1751. commands the Eng. army, 171. Yerdachelum surrenders to him, 171 ,172. is joined by the Nabob's troops, !72. burns the subrubs of Valcondah, 173. encounters the Fr. and Chundaaaheb there, 173, 174. endeavours in vain to rally the troops, 174. retreats to TJtatoor, 174. sallies with a small party, and is well nigh cut off, 175. See English army, for the retreat to Tritchinopoly. Auyust, from whence Viingen detaches Trusler to take Coiladdy, 180. his military character, 201. his caution now ne- cessary, 201. concerts with Innis Khan the ambuscade, which cuts off the Fr. dragoons, 204. 1752. February, determines not to attacks the enemy's post till reinforced, 208. his caution displeases the Mvsoreans and Mo- rattoes, 213. March 28th and 29th, sends large detachments to join Lawrence and Clive advancing with the reinforcement, 214. July, May 6th, commands the army at Trivadi, during the absence of Lawrence, 2418. GINGIS KHAN, 1218, conquers and expels Mohamed the Khowarasmian, 11. 1221. defeats his son Gelaladdin on the banks of the Indus, 1 1 . Turmecherin Chan descended, from him, 11. m, 13. Glass Ensign. 1751. September 24th, serves well with Clive in the sally at Arcot, 187. is crippled by a fall, 189. taken with Revel by the Fr. garrison at Conjeveram, and ill used there, 199. GOA. 7», 9. 18. 88. 407. 410 See Portugal, Portugueze. Goa, fort, on the main land, opposite to Se- verndroog, taken by Com. James, April 2d, 1756, />, 412. Godaveri, River, Southern boundary of the Prov. of Chicacole, 335. passed at a ford by the Morattoes of Janogeein 1754, p, 374. GODEHEU. 1764. appointed in France to- settle the peace in Coroniandel arrives Au- gust the 1st at Pondicherry, when Dupleix re- signs the government to him, 366. corres- ponds with M. Saunders, and sends back the Swiss soldiers, 367. they agree to a suspension of arms, 371, 372. and conclude a condi- tional treaty, 375, 376, 377. Godeheu refers Dupleix's accounts to the company in France, 377. 1755. February, returns to France, having limited the power of the governor of Pondicherry in future, 380. m, 396. but con- tinued to Bussy the authorities which had been given to him by Dupleix, 403. m, 406. Golcondah, Province of, comprehends the Nabobships of Areot, Canul, Cudapa, Ra- jamandry, and Chicacole, 158. N. B. it com- prehended more, m, 162. 1752. October, in- vaded by Balagerow and Ragogee Bonsola, 273. GOLCOXDAJI, was formerly a City, and the Capita', of the Province, and stood at the foot of the rock and fortress of the same name : but the city has long since been de- serted!