Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/479

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IN 1) E X. squadron was composed, 88, 89. m, 90. 1752. May, ships from France with reinforce- ments expected at Pondicheny, 233. June arrive with them, 2-52. See French squadron' hot, 140. -Mdier, one ensnares de Cattans, 298. soldiers, encouraged at the battle of Amboor by the hopes of plunder, 127 FRENCH SQUADRON, in 1715, no French squadron in India, 60. 1746. June 25th, urdonnais' equipped, shattered, refitted, and fights Peyton's 62, 63. August 6th, offers battle again, 64. August 18th, nade Madrass, but cannot cut an English ship out of the road, 66. September 3d, land the army for the siege of Madrass, 67. Octo- ber 2d, ruined by a hurricane there, 70 the 20th, depart, 72. four sail toAchin, the rest to Mauritius, 72. 1747. January the 9th, the four ships from Achin return to Pondieherry, 84. February 8th, sailed to Goa, 85. from thence to Mauritius. In October, are joined there by three from France, two of which had taken an Eng. East India ship near Bombay, 89, 1748. June, Bouvet arrives with a' squadron from Mauritius, eludes the English, lands troops and treasures at Madrass, and returns, 89, 90, 91. 1749. January Bouvet re- turns with the same squadron, and again land s reinforcements and monev at Madrass, 107. rench stations, in 1750, 'Gingee, Waldore, Trivadi, 149. rench territories, meaning the Northern pro- vince, invaded by the Morratoes in 1754. P, 374. rench troops. See French Army. rench tumbrils, one blows up during the fight at Volcondah, 173. L ■RRUCKSIR, Mahomed Furrucksir. Great Mogvl, the date of his accession not certain, 19. 1719. February the 16th, deposed and murdered by Abdalla Khan and Hossan Ally Khan, 20. G. "1 AIATHEDDIN, gd of the Gal-ride em- Jf perors, 10. aUivats described, 409. indeleu. River, passes near Trivadi, 279. ANGES, River, crossed by Tamerlane at Tog- lipore ; its sources, and entrance into Indostan, 14, 15. Tamerlane repasses it, 15. liis em- pire extended from Smyrna to the Gauges, 15. the road of Ealasore at the entrance of the river ; Fr. ships taken there in 1745. p, 61. 1746. June, one of Labourdonnai's ships proceeds to the Ganges, 63. ' irden-hctise at Fort St. David, 1746, December 9th, the Frenoh troops halt there, and retreat rxxv in confusion on the appearance of the Na- bob's army, commanded bv his sons Maphuze Khan and Mahomedally, 81, 82, S3. Gal-derow, uncle to the K. of Tanjore. 1753. December, sent with a body of troops toTricatopoly, unfit for the command, amused by the Morattoes who pass him and ravage the Tanjore country, 325, 326. and 341. 1754. January, removed and succeeded by Mo - nacgee, 341. May, reinstated after Monacgee's success and intirely defeated by Morarirow 360, 361. m, 363. GAUR, Province, h. of Gazna, gives it* name to the Dynasty of the Gaurides, and to the founder Hussain Gauri, 9. GAURIDES, Dynasty of, foimded by Hus- sain Gauri in 1157, p, 9. succeed the Gaz- navides, and make Gazna their capital, 9, 10. the 2d Emperor wanting : Gaiatheddin the 3d : Scheabbeddin, the 4th : Mahomed the 5th, with whom the Dynasty ends in 1212. p. 10. Indian dominions of the Gaurides, 11. GAZNA, City, Province, s. of Gaur, gives name to the Gazna vide Dynasty, 9. the Gaurides likewise make Gazna their capital, 10, the government given bv Scheabbeddin to Tageddin lldiz, 10. In 1214" taken by Maho- med the Khowarasmian, 10. who is driven out in 1218 by Ginghischan ; and his son Gela - laddin likewise in 1221, p, 11. Pir Moham- med Gehanguir, in 1397, 1398, marches from Gazna against Multan, 13, and from Gazna rides the conquests of Tamerlane in India un- til 1404, p, 16. GAZNAVIDES, Dynasty of, 13 Emperors from Mahmood the first, to Kosrou Schahthe last, from the year 1002 to 1157, maintain the conquest made by Mahmood in India, 9. and make Gazna their Capital, 10. the history of this Dynasty is written by Feritsha, 30. Gehanguir, Pir Mohammed, See Pir Moham- med Gehanguir. GEHANGUIR, .V. B. that the Great Mogul whom we write Jehanguir, is by maryy written Gehanguir. GEHAN SCHAH, Great Mogue. p, IS. See Schah Gehan. GELALADDIN, son of Mohammed the Kowa- rasmian, makes head in Gazna against Gingis- chan, in 1221 flies before him, is defeated by him on the Indus, swims the river, remains in Multan until 1224, is killed in 1231, ia Mesopotamia, 11. m. 13. Ghaziqdin Khan, father of Nizamalmuluck. was Subah of Guzerat, appointed Anw&ro- dean Khan to a post in the government of Surat, 63. GHAZI-O-DIN KHAN, eldest sen of Nixamal- muluck. 1743, is Captain General atDelhi, 50. 1749. Nazirjing his brother gives out that