Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/485

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INDEX. xli row superior to most characters in Iudostan, 428. See India. See all the articles of Delhi. INDOSTAN, Cavalry of, licentious, 163. Language, 144. 213. Princes of, incurious of fo- reign affairs, faithless in their professions, 54. — • Provinces of, ceded by Ma- homed Schah to Thamas Kouli Khan in 1739, j>, 120. Trade of, become of little value to Europeans without territory, 120. I.njms River. Gelaladdin swims across it, 11. Mahomed Schah cedes to Thamas Kouli K'i, i all the countries w. of the Indus and v- 'ck, 23. Inxis Lieutenant. 1751. January, marches from Tritcliinopoly with 30 Europeans, and the Nabob's troops under Abdull Rahim to Tinivelly, 169. March, from thence joins Captain Cope at Madura, 170. October, pro- ceeds with a party from Madrass to reinforce Clive at Arcot, is surrounded at Trivatore, makes a gallant defence, and retreats to Pon- dainalee, 191, 192. November, where his party is put under the command of Kilpa- trick, 193. to, 122. [NlrtB Kuan - , the principal of Morarirow's officers 1751. December, arrives at Trit- cliinopoly with 500 Morattoes, and beats up 200 of Chundasaheb's cavalry, 204. cuts off the Fr. dragoons, 204, 205. his presump- tions on these successes, 205, 206. 1752. April 6th, accompanies Clive with 3000 Morattoes to Samiavaram, 221. the 16th, kills or takes 700, all the Fr. Sepoys who came to the attack of the posts there, 225. August, sent by the Mysorean to join the French ; but, on their defeat at Bahoor, joins the Nabob and the Eng. army, 261. Novem- ber, with whom he marches against Vandi- wash, and gets some of the money levied there, 268. 1753. June, detached by Morarirow in company with the Fr. rein- forcement to Seringham, 289. 1754. Fe- bruary the 15th, serves with him at the rout of the Eng. convoy and grenadiers, 344. Interpreter." Linguist. 1748. January trea- chery of an interpreter to the Engl, at Fort St. David, 8S. 1750. March, timidity of Major Lawrence's with Nazirjing, 145. 1754, April, treaeherry of the linguist Poni- apah, 34S. See Poniapah. Joguees, conjecture on their penances, 4. Jonaof.i:, Jonagi, Morattoe, commonly called Rajah Jonagee, accompanied Nazirjing into the Camatic, and is employed by Mahomed- ally after the death of tins prince to treat with Miirzafazing, December 1750,;, 162. Irishman, 223. t Iron mines, in Mauritius, 94. ISLANDS. Diego Beys, Mauritius, and Bour- bon, are out of the common track of the na- vigation to India, 96. Boscawen sails through the islands and shoals to the n. of Mauritius, 98. of Seringham ; which see, and in page 217 and 232. one 800 miles e. of the Cape of Good Hope in sight of the continent of Africa, 406. Isle of France. See Islands, See. Mauritius. Isoof Mahomed. See Mahomed 1 Jumbakistna, Pagoda in the island of Seringham, 178. 1752. "April, Mr. Law with the Fr. troops take post here, 21S, m, 221. 232. 236. June, 2d, surrendered to Major Lawrence, 239 and 240. m, 243. K. KALIF, meaning Valid, 9. of Egypt, con- quered by Tamerlane, 15. # Kandahar. See Caxdahar. Kaxoul. See Canoul. Karical, Carical. 1748. June, the Fr. set- tlement their informs Bouvet of Griffin's squadron, 90. 1750. February, the K. of Tanjore gives 81 villages there to the Fr. company 136. valued at 106000 rupees a year, 161. 1751. August, the Fr. army send for battering cannon from hence to Tritchi- nopoly, 200. 1752. May How Law and the Fr. army might have retreated hither from Seringharn, 232. Monacgee promises to escort Chundasaheb to Karical, 238. 1754, the Fr. possessions here confirmed by the conditional treaty, 375. amount by an- other valuation to 96000 rupees, 376. KASHMIRE, the King, a Mahomedan, in 1398, makes submission to Tamerlane, 15. Kav.n Bukscii, son of Aurengzebe, taken prisoner by his brother Bahadr Schah, and dies of his wounds, 19. Kekne, Lieutenant. 1752. February, takes the Fr.artillery at the battle ofCovrcpauk, 211. Kelli Cotah, a fort 15 m. e. of Tritchinopoly. 1753. September the 15th, the Engl. reinforcement arrives here, 308. the 16th, joins the army at Tritchinopoly, 308, 309. 1754. February, the Eng. convoy and escort, advancing from hence, cut off, 344 May, surrenders to Maissin, 357. who pro- ceeds from thence to Coiladdy, 360. Kellidar, Governor of a fort, 420. A. Ui Nelli Cotah, a fort, with districts producing 300000 rupees a year, given by Monacgee to Tondiman for his assistance in the reduction of Arandanghi ; but the King disavowing the ces- sion, it becomes the cause of a rupture between Tanjore and Toncliman in 1753, p, 402, 403. Kentassi, Mountains of in Thibet ; in which are the sources of the Ganges, 14. Kent, Ship of 64 guns, in which Admiral Watson hoists his flag ; the Nabob Mahomed- ally