Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/486

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xlii INDEX. ally goes on board in the road of Fort St. David, July -V 55, p, 398. K i r o e a n , Nephew of Dupleix. 1746. October, sent out of Madrasa to treat with Maphuzc Khan, and detained by him a pri- soner, 73. 1747. January, released by Anwarodean Klian. S4. -1752. March, leads at the storming of Canoul, 249. Au- . commands the Fr. troops at Bahoor, 256. is defeated there by Major Lawrence, and made prisoner, 2-57. 1754. January, is din of tin deputies at the conference at Sadrass, 887. i ' . ! ii of Tamerlane, on whose death he proclaims himself Emperor at Samarcande, 16. Khan, signifies Lord, m Chieftain, 52. KHKiWABASMIANS, Dynasty of, p, 10. supplants and succeeds the Gaurides in 1214, but dues not appear to hove had much influ- ence in India : ends with Gelaladdiu in 1231, /', 11. KiUan ein the woods about 12 m. from TritcMnopoly, uhoretheEng. army in 1754 keep 300 Sepoys to collect and escort provisions, .".!'■. who in March repulse a party of the Fr. and Mysoreans, 347. Way, but disperse on the appearance of the French army, commanded by Maissin, 357. June, July, prevented by the enemy's patroles from passing with any more provisions, 364. Killidar. See Kellidar. KiPATBicK. 1751, May, serves in the fight at Volcoudah, 174- A member, marches with a detachment to relieve Clive at Arcot, 193. joins the day after the repulse of the storm, 196. left in the command there, 196. 1753. ',"', detached from Trivadi to retake Bo- naghcrry, which the enemy abandon, 280. I the 7th, in the action of the convoy, heads the grenadiers on the death of Captain Kirk, 802. September 21st, leads the first division in the battle of the Sugar loaf rock, 310. and falls desperately wounded, 312. November 27th, commands in Tritchi- nopoly when assaulted, but is confined by his wounds, 322. m, 348. 1754. April, is appointed with Calliaud to examine the treachen y of l'oniapah, 348 &c. seg. m, 352. oust 17th, sallies during the engagement, and prevents a party of the enemy from taking possession of the Fr. Rock, 370. 1755. April, offers in contempt to leave the gates open, if the Mysoreans will attack Tritchino- poly, 3S8. November, commands the de- tachment, against the Northern Polygars, 398 and 417. 1756. January the 30th, encamps before Yelore, 418. February, ne- gotiates with the Phousdar, 418, 419, 420. and returns with the army to Arcot, 420. Kineer, Major. 1753. July, lately arrived from England, commands the army against Gingee, 253. is convinced he cannot take it, 254. attacks the Fr. force at Vicravandi, is beaten, and dies of vexation, 254, 255. KING, meaning of Great Britain. of Mysore, 348. of Tanjore, 386. 357. 361. of Trarancore, 400. Kingdom, meaning Tanjore, 361. Kimmir uldien, Favourite and vizir of Ma- homed Schah, killed April 1748 in the camp against the Abdalli, his death causes that of Mahomed Schah, 122. Kihk, Captain of grenadier, gallant. 1753. August the 9th, killed in the action of the convoy ; the grenadiers revenge his death, 302." Kiroodin Khan, brother-in-law to Mahomed- ally. 1752. July, left governor of Tritchinopoly, 258. spares two Mysore con- spirators, 2.58. informs the regent of Dalton's preparations to repulse Ms attack, 259. re- proach the Mysore commissaries with their treachery, 200. 1753, has sold all the store of grain, 280, 281. Kistiiaieram, a fortified village 30 m. w. of Tritchinopoly, in the high road to Mysore. 1751. December, the Fr. send a detach- ment thither, which deters the Mysore army from advancing, 206. Lieutenant Trusler detached with a party, and afterwards ('ope with a strong >r, art ick the French posts ; at e repulsed, and Cope and Felix are killed, 206 207. 1752. Dalton takes the command, the Mysore army passes by another road, and both the Fr. and Engl, detachments return February 6th, 207, 208. m, 282. 'v. See I 'oiladtiy. KORAN. See ALCORAN. KOSROW SCHAH, the 13th and last of the Ghaznavides, deposed by Hussain Gauri in 1155 or 1151, p, 9. KOULI KHAN THAMAS KOULI KHAN, NADIR SCHAH, invited by Nizamalmuluck, Invades Indostan, conquers, and reinstates Mahomed Schah, 1738, 1739, p, 22, 23. m, 39. 1747, June 8th, assassinated in Persia : Ahmed the Abdalli was his trea- surer, 122. Krjstna River. 1750, all the Nabobs and Rajahs s. of the kirstna summoned by Nazirjing, 1 37, Masulipatnam is situated at the mouth, 146. Dupleix declared governor of all the countries s. of the Kristna, 161' m, 248. 1751. March, crossed by the army of Salabadjing and Bussy, 250. m, 274. Condavir extends between the Kirstna and the Gondegama, 335. m, 338. 1755, June, Malidarao, Polygar, near the Kirstna, opposes B assy, whose army fords the river, 1, which swells suddenly, and detains ths van of Salabadjing's 15 days, 430,, but a few Morattoes crossed it before it rose, 131. Kupele