Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/490

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xlvi 1 N ) K X on the C. of Coromandci, 33.— — 171'-, re- quested to protect the family of SubderaHy, 60. 1745, threatened by Anwarodeau Khan, if the Eng. -squadron commit any hos- tilities against the Fr. settlements, 61. 1746, neglected to purchase his assistance against Delabourdonnais, 65. I N. li. Madrass surrendered to !'• rurie ov the 10th of September, 1746; and the Fr. remained in possession of it until August, 1749: e xchich time the presidency was at Fort St. Vacid, and continued there until May, 1752, when it was again removed to Madras), p, 248.^ 1752. November, determine to treat the Mysorean as an enemy, 268. 1753. August, send a reinforcement far the army to Devicotah, by sea, 307. send out) Sepoys from Arcot to the relief of Trinomalee, 316. Xeloor almost out of the reach of opei from Madrass, 317. m, 326. 1754, March, send a reinforcement to Devicotah, to repair the loss of the escort cut off on the loth ol February, and entertain Maphuze Khan with his cavalry. 345, 346. willing to give Tritchinopoly, if the Mysorean would re- imburse the expences incurred in the war, 351. May, pressed by Lawrence to hasten the reinforcements and Maphuze Khan, 362. advance Maphuze Khan 50000 rupees, 363. ordered from England to acquiesce to the terms on which they concluded the conditional treaty with Godeheu, 371. their assistance re- quested by Jafferally and Vizeramrauze, 373. m, 377. 1755. forbid Colonel Heron to make an alliance with the Moravar, 3S7. alarmed by the approach of Salabadjing, recall the army out of the Madura and Tini- velly countries, 38y. recall Colonel Heron to Madrass, 395. June, forbid Calliaud to op- pose Maissin at Teriore, 396. but order him, if he should attack Arielore or 'Wariorepol- lam, 397. re'quest the Nabob to come and settle at Arcot. 397. August, send a depu- tation to invite him to Madrass, 398. October, obtain from him assignments on the lands, 398. Ndvember,"and send a detachment with him against the Northern Polygars, 398. learn the Nabob's pretensions to the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 899. no hostilities with the French this year, 403. their mea- sures concerning the expedition projected to be carried on against Salabadjing from Bom- bay, 406, 407. 1756. January, to in- dulge the Nabob, permit Kilpatrick to march against Velore, 417. deterred by the motions of the Fr. from attacking it, send a deputy to negotiate with the Phouzdar, 418, 419. recall their troops, 420. April, send Mahomed Issoof with a detachment into the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 421. but had no occasion to take the field again in the Camatic after the retreat oi the army from Velore, 425. were ignorant of the proffers and represen- tations made to Salabadjing by the Naboj and Jafferally, 428. July, accept the invi- tation of Salabadjing, to send a detachment to his assistance ; but are prevented hy news of the calamities in Bengal, 434. MADURA, City, Country, Government, Poltoars. 1736, Uudasaheb placed by Chundasaheb, in the city and government, 39. 1740, advances with a large convoy and escort to his brother's assistance, and is de- feated and killed, 44. 1761, AUum Khan gets possession of the city, and declares for Chundasaheb, 169. the importance, extent, and antiquity of the city, 169. 1751. Fe- bruary, attacked by Captain Cope and Ab- dullwahab Khar, who are reptdsed, 170. 1762, Allum Khan joins Chundasaheb with a large body of troops, 208, m, 216. May, these troops return home, 231. June, Mahomedally means to give Madura and its dependencies to the Mysorean, instead of Tritchinopoly, 241. 1755, Detachment sent with Colonel Heron : Maphuze Khan appointed to govern the countries of Ma- dura and Tinivelly, 380. March, the army takes possession of the city of Madura, which is abandoned by the governor and garrison, 383 to 385. The country of Moravar ad- joins to the Western districts, 384. Colonel Heron lets the country with that of Ti- nivelly to Maphuze Khan, 388. Mag 28th, Colonel Heron, returning to Trit- chinopoly, leaves 1000 of the company's Sepoys in the city, 391. great advantages to the government of Arcot by the recovery of these countries, 395. the submissions made during his expedition proceeded en- tirely from the dread of the English arms, 398, 399. Mianah, Moodemiah, and Nabi Caun Catteck, left by Allum Khan in the government of the southern countries ; their profligate rule, 399. Mianah the fugitive go- vernor of Madura, 400. June, Maphuze Khan proceeds again to Tinivelly, 401. m, 402. m, 420. 1756, scheme of the Ti- nivelly Polygars and Allum Khan's gover- nors to take the city ; the Madura Polygars promise to join, 420, 421. evil consequences if lost, 421. the districts of Nadamundelum lie midway between the city of Madura and the Pulitaver's place, 421, 422. Chevelpe- tore 45 m. s. w. 422. The Madura Poly- gars with their troops join the confederacy, which resolve to attack Maphuze Khan, be- fore they attempt the city, 422. and March 21st, are entirely defeated; this victory saved the city, 423. April 6th, Mahomed Issoof with his detachment arrives there, and finds the garrison, the defences, and the stores, in