Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/489

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1 N D E X xlv commisskin of Lieutenant Colonel in the King's service, and a sword from the Company ; but brooks ill the appointment of Colonel Adler- i ron, to the general command of the English troops in India, 372. story of his horses stolen- by *e colleries, 3S1, 382. m, 387. 175.5. August, deputed with Palk and "Walsh to com- pliment the Nabob at Arcot, 398. Lin Captain. 1755, May 29th, sent for- ward to examine the pass of Nattam, and does not perceive an}- danger, 391 m, 392. m, 395. •-V. 1752, the recruits sent to Ma-

the refuse of the villest employments in

London, 261. 1753, 1751. Duvelaer and I)e Lude, Fr. commissaries at London, to treat on the affairs of Coromandel, 365. 1755, an expedition projected in London against Salabadjing, and Fr. troops in his service, 405. Lude, Count of, 1753, 1754, with his brother Duvelaer, commissioned from Paris to treat with the ministry in London concerning the affairs of India, 365. M. Tk/fADAGASCAR, island. 1746, La-

  • K* bouxdonnais refits his squadron, there 62.

Caffre slaves from thence, 81. m, 92. m, 93. Beeves imported from thence to Mauritius, 94. MAD HAS S, meaning the town of. 1736. visited by Subderallv and Chundasa- heb, 3S. 1742, Subderallv sends his fa- mily thither, 45. his son Seid Mahomed removed to Vandiwash, 50. 1746. Sep- r, Delabourdonnais resolves to attack it, 64. founded about the year 1646, described, 65. its trade and garrison, 65, 66. August 18th, cannonaded by the Fr. squadron, 66. deserted by the English, 66, September the 3d to the lOfli, attacked by Labourdonnais, 67, 68. capitulates on ransom, 68. Anwarodean's messages forbidding the F. to attack it, 68, Dupleix protests against the ransom, 69. the effects are shipped, 69. October 2d, the Fr. squadron ruined, by a hurricane, 70. October ldh, the treaty of ransom signed by Dela- bourdonnais. 71. the 12th, he sails, and leaves the town to one of the council of Pondieherry, 71, 72. the town attacked by Maphuze Khan, 73, 74, 75. who retires to St. Thome and is defeated there, 75, 76. Sfc Thome is 4 m. s. 75. October, the capitu- lation declared void, the inhabitants des- persed, 77, 78. m, 78. Sadrass 30 m. s, 79, m, 79. m. 81. December, the Fr. garrison ruin the neighbouring country, 84. Novem- ber, attempt to take on of the Eng. compa- ny's ships which anchored in the road, SJ. 1747. January, one taken, 85, 86, June, the Xeptune, a Fr. 50 gun ship, destroyed in the road by Criffin's squadron, 87. m, SS. 17 48. Jtme the 10th, Bouvet lands troops and treasure, 90, 91. followed by the Eng. squadron, which arrives too late, 90. m, 91. m, 98. 1749. January, Bou- vet arrives again, and lands troops and trea- sure, 107. restored to the Eng. by the treaty of Aix laChapelle. August, 'ill. Boscawenreceives it from the French, 130, 131. 1750. March Nazirjing will not confirm the grant of territory near Madrass, given by Maho- medally to the Eng. company, 145. 1751, Mahomedally's offers of a considerable ter- ritory, 17J. August 21st, Clive marches against Arcot, 183. 2-eighteen pounders and some stores sent to him, 185. October 20th, - and a reinforcement with Lieutenant Innis, 191. Pondamnlee, 15 m. w. 191. Kilpatrick sent w-ithlnnis's detachment augmented, 193, December, the communication with Arcot in- terrupted by the Fr. at Conjeveram, 199. December, Clive returns from Ids successful campaign, and goes to Fort St. David, 200. 1752. February 2d, he takes the field again from hence. Vendalore 25 m. s. w. 209. June, the presidency again established at Madrass, 248. July, LawTence goes thi- ther, 353. Two companies of Swiss, sent in boats to Fort St. David, taken, 255. August, LawTence returns to Fort St. David with another, 255. September, Clive marches against Chinglapett and Cobelong, 261. Cobelong 20 m. s. 262. m. 262. The cannon which La- bourdonnais had taken at Madras recovered at Chinglapett, 264. m, 266. 1753. Sep- tember, a detachment marches to protect Tri- petti, 318. Sadrass 6 hours from Madrass, 337. a ground-rent paid to the Nabobs of Arcot, 338. 1754. August, Godeheu sends back the 2 companies of Swiss, 367. October 11th, suspension of arms proclaimed, 371, 372. December, Commodore Poeock arrives, 375. m, 375. Dupleix uAd to say he would reduce it to its original state of a fishing town, 378. 1755. January, Governor Saun- ders sails for England, 379. communication by sea with Tiuivelly, 384. Heron recalled, 395. August 30th, the Nabob Mahomedally comes to Madrass, 398. and in November, marches with a detachment against the North- ern Polygars, 398. the squadron arrived in July, sailed in October, 405. the districts of the 3 Northern Polygars, 50 m. to the N. 417. 1756. April, Moodilee comes hi- ther from Tinivelly, 421. ?■[ A D R A S S, PliESI DENCT, GoVERXMEXT. rules all theEng. establishments and possessions Q q q on