Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/499

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1NDE X. Iv brum, and proceeded with them to Sering- ham,- 305, 306. presses Astruc to attack the Eng. before their reinforcement arrives, 307. m, 316. m, 326. (1200 of his Morratoes cut off by Monacgee, 341, 342). 1754. Fe- bruary 12th, leads with all his Morattoes in the attack and destruction of the Eng. convoy and grenadiers, 344, 345. his brother arrives with 2000 horse, 347. the Mysore money failing, tires of the war, 353. leaves the Re- gent, and encamps with all his Morratoes to the north of the Coleroon, 354. receives pro- posals from the Nabob, 360. brooding schemes 361. .crosses suddenly from Pitchandah, and defeats Gauderow at Tricatopoly, 361. gets money from the Nabob, Tanjore, and the Mysorean, and returns with all his Morratoes to his own country, 363, 364. which is 100 m. north of Arcot ; it was granted to him when he resigned Tritchinopoly to Nizamalmuluck in 1741. Ms abilities ; excellence of his troops and officers, 389. 1755. his Country lies 220 m. s. of Goleondah, joins on the N. to Canoul, on the s. to Colala, on the w. to Sanore, 426. goes into Sanore with a consi- derable force, to assist the Nabob against Salabadjing and Balagerow, 496. is pardoned by Bal^erow through the mediation of Bussy, to whom he gives up the bonds of a debt owing to him by the Fr. company, 427. MORRATOE, the, meaning or applied to in- dividuals. Balagerow, 347. Basinrow, 197. Morarirow, 50, 51. 238. 243. 245. 305, 306. 363. Ragogee Bonsola, 329. 332. 336. 372. Raja Jonagee, 162. Rama- gee Punt, 411. 415. MORRATOES, when meaning the nation in general, or armies employed by the sove- reignty of the nation, or under either of its two principal generals Balagerow and Ra- gogee Bonsola. In 1739 permitted by Nizamalmuluck to invade the Carnatic, 39. their country lies between Bombay and Goleon- dah, 40. their origin and history little known to Europeans, 40. their military character, ca- valry, warfare, 40. strict observers of the reli- gion of Brama, eat nothing that has life, nor kill anything except in war, 40. had possessions in the Carnatic before it was conquered by the Moguls, 41. and, on retreating out of it, stipu- lated to receive apart of the revenues, 41. ■ army of 100,000 invade the Carnatic under Ragogee Bonsola,41. May the 20th, defeat Doastally at Damalcherri, who is killed in the battle, 42. 'ransom the province by the negotiation of Meerassud, 42. and con- sent to his scheme of returning to attack Chundasaheb in Tritchinopoly, 42. 1741, return, besiege the city, defeat Budasaheb andSadducksaheb : Chundasaheb surrenders ; they carry him away a prisoner, and leave Morarirow in Tritchinopoly, with 14,000 Morratoes, 44. Velore built by them, 45. the ransom levied, 45. strict in demanding it, 46. In 1680, Sevagee was K. of all the Mor- ratoe nations, and sent his brother to assist Tanjore against Tritchinopoly, who be- came K. of Tanjore, and is the foun- der of the present reigning family, 108. 1749. make exorbitant demands for the ransom of Chundasaheb, 118. again 119. con- clude for 700,000 rupees, and lend him 3000 horse, 120, 121. and give him a patent of protection from their King ; which procures his release when taken by a Rajah, 121. were bribed by Anwarodean Khan to protract his imprisonment, 126. were incited by Tanjore and other princes of the Indian religion to invade the Carnatic in 1740, p, 129, 130. how* disastrous that incursion to the reigning fa- mily, 130. 1750. three bodies, each of 10,000 men accompany Nazirjing into the Car- natic, one commanded by Morarirow, 137. a race of Morratoe Kings at Gingee were the ancestors of Sevagee, 151. December the 4th, 20,000 drawn up in the field of battle, when Nazirjing is killed, and do nothing, 156. they rate not the life of a man at the value of his turband, 231. 1751. March, 25,000 under Balagerow, oppose Salabad- jing and Bussy between the Kristna and Gol- eondah, 250. Balagerow, the principal Ge- neral of the Saliah Rajah, who is the King of all the Morratoe nations and the defendant of the famous sevagee : but Balagerow was in possession of the whole authority of the state Nanah is the appellative of Balageroic, con- tinued from a nick name given to him, when a child, by his father. 1752. In the spring, 40,000 with Balagerow invade the country of Aurengabod, 4,35. from which the Gunga separates their territory, 435. Salabadjing and Bussy march towards Poni, burning their country ; their cavalry always repulsed by the French musketry and field pieces, 435, 436. peace made in July, 436. 1752. October, 100,000 with Bala- gerow and Ragogee Bonsola attack the provinces north-west of Goleondah, 273. are met by Salabadjing and Bussy at Bedcr, 273, * 274, are joined there by some of Ghaziodin Khan's troops 274. Salabadjing and Bussy advance again towards the country of Balage- row ; the Morratoes suffer by the French ar- tillery, and make peace at Calberga in the middle of November, 328. the war renewed by Ragogee, 328. peace made with him, 329. 1753. a large body brought in by Jaffier enter Chicacole, beat Vizeramrauze, ravage the countn burn Bimlapatam. spare Viza- rd i r 2 gapatam.