Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/500

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lvi INDEX. gapatam, give battle again to Vizeramrauze, now joined by the Fr. troops, by whom they are repulsed, and retreat with their booty through Condavir, 373, 374. 1755, a large army under Balagerow approaching Mysore, 388. they enter the country, and meet Salabadjing and Bussy there, who deter them from committing hostilities, 404, 405. project formed in England, to remove the French troops from Salabadjing, by an expedition from Bombay in conjunction with the Morra- toes, 405, 406, 407. they had formerly a fleet and possessions on the coast of Malabar, and made war by land and sea against the Mogul's Admiral, who interrupted their pira- cies, 407. In this war Conagee Angira re- volts and gets possession of their fleet and all the forts and country belonging to them, 407, 408. they made peace with his successors, on condition of paying a small tribute, 408. In 1722, Angria throws off his allegiance, and cuts off the noses of their ambassadors, 410. 1755. after repeated applications, the presi- dency of Bombay agree to attack Angria in conjunction with the fleet and an army of Morratoes, commanded by Ramagef. Punt, 410. Indolence of their fleet, inactivity of their army, successes of Commodore James in this expedition, 410, 411, 412, 413. April, who delivers to them the forts he had taken without their assistance, 414. 1756, an- other expedition from Bombay, with the squa- dron under Admiral Watson, and the Morra- toe army from Choul, 414, 415. attack of Gheria, intention of Ramagee Punt and the Morratoes, to get the fort in exclusion of the English ; the fort surrenders to Admiral Wat- son, 415, 416, 417- and the Morratoes im- mediately recover all the territories which had been wrested from them by the Angrias, 417. Morarirow refuses his allegiance to the Sahah Rajah, or King of the Morratoe nations, 426. Balagebow with his army proceeds to attack Morarirow at the same time that Salabadjing and Bussy proceed against the Nabob of Sa- nore. Morarirow joins the Nabob in Sanore ; but both submit to their respective superiors, 427, 428. on the rupture which ensued be- tween the ministry of Salabadjing and M. Bussy, Balagerow proffers to take him and the Fr. troops as auxiliaries to theMorratoes,429. and detaches 6000 with Malaiigee Holcar to escort them until out of the reach of Sala- badjing's army. 430. 12,000 Morratoes, under chiefs independant of Balagerow serve in Salabadjing's army, holding fiefs under the Mogul government in the Decan, on condi- tion of military service, 431 See Morratoes of Morarirow, and Morratpei in the service of Salabadjing. MORRATOES, of, or under the command of MORARIROW and his officers. 1741. Fourteen thousand left with him in Tritchino- poly, 44. 1743. August, they quit the Carnatic with him, 51. 1750. he is hired with 10.000 by Nazirjing : they arrive it the Coleroon in Fcbniary, and harrass Murzafa- jing's army returning fram Tanjore, 157. March 23d, attack and break through the Fr. battalion, 142. 1751, he is hired with 6000 by the K. of Mysore to, assist Mahomed- ally, they encamp in the mountains 30 miles w. of Arcot, 192. November 9th, a detach- ment endeavours to get into the town, but can- not, 193. Morarirow proceeds to the s. with 5000 and detaches Basinrow with 1000 to Clive, 196. these plunder the country, are beatupby the Fr.andRajahsaheb ;join Clive, 196. march with him and fight at Ami in a manner peculiar to themselves, 197, 198. proceed from Arni to Tritchinopoly in De- cember, 199. 500 detached by Morarirow with Innis Khan to Tritchinopoly, 204. activity of this body, 204. beat up a small camp of cavalry, 204. cut off the Fr. dragoons, 205. offer to stand the whole of the enemy's ca- valry, 205. -Basinrow arrives at Tritchino- poly with his detachment, 206. k?52. Four thousand with Morarirow join the Mysore army at Caroor, 206. and come with them to Tritchinopoly, where the whole body in Fe- bruary is 6000, 208. March, displeased with the caution of Gingen, 213. act faintly in the canonade of March the 29th, 215 some go with Daltonto the attack of Elimiserum, 218. their high opinion of Clive, 220. April 6th, 3000 with Inxis Khan detached with Clive to Samiavaram, 221. these cut off 700 Se- poys, who came with the Fr. party to surprize the posts there, 225. May 9th, 500 cross with Dalton to Utatoor, behave with activity in the fight against D'Autueil, but neglect to watch him in the night, 226, 227. rejoin those at Samiavaram : and all on this side the river serve at the attack of Pitchandah, some ride up the breach, 230. aU averse to giving any terms to Caundasaheb's cavalrv, 231. m, ) 232. May 27th, 2000 march with Clive from Samiavaram in quest of D'Autueil, 233 whom they harrass and amuse in his retreat to Vol- condah. 234. charge the flanks of his line there, 234. the Morratoes would have sold Chundasaheb to the highest bidder, 236. m, 246. the Nabob wiU not admit them into Tritchinopoly, 246. remain after the Nabob and the English army had marched away, 247. their interest to protract the war, 260. Durjleix ascribes to them the late suc- cesses of the Eng. at Seringham, 260. August 3000 detached with Inniss Khan to join the Fr.