Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/506

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Ixii 1 N D E X. Nelii Cotah, a Collery fort, 40 m. s. of Tini- velly. 1755. May, stormed by the Eng. troops, and all within put to the sword, 3m'.. its fate terrifies the Travencores at Calacad, 400. N anoaville, a Collery fort 30 m. w. of Tinivelly. 1755. May, summoned by Colonel Heron, who is amused there, 390. it is the residence and strong hold of the Puli- taver, 400. »i, 401. X. B. it is often tolled the Pulitacer's Place. N E L O O R, N E L O R E C I T Y, COUNTRY, St. E. part of the dominion of Arcot. 1753. the city surprized by Mahomed Comaul, and the Governor Nazeabulla flees to Arcot, 317. Nelore Subahdar, meaning Mahomed Issoof, 252. Neptune, a Fr. 50 gun ship of Labourdomiais' squadron, burnt by Mr. Griffin's in Madrass road, September, 1747. p, 87. NEW HOLLAXD, the East Indies extend to, p, 1. NIZAMALMVLUCK, Si bah of the Decan, bred under Aurengzebe, offended by Mahomed Schah, invites Thamas Kouli Khan to invade India, 22. is averse to the succession of Doast Ally in the Carnatic, 37. — —1739. and en- courages the Morratoes to invade it 39. 1740. by whom he was much respected, 41. 1741. dreaded by Subdi rally, 45, m, 46. 1743. marches into the Carnatic with a great army, 50. regulates the province, Tritchino- poly surrendered to him by Morariro w, 5 1 . appoints Coja Abdulla Nabob, and returns to Golcondah, 51. ■ 1744. on Coja Ab- dullah's death, appoints Anwarodean, 52. m, 53. whom he had appointed Nabob oftheElore and Rajahmundrum provinces in 1725, p, 53. Ghaziodean Khan father of Nizamalmuluck was Sitbah of Guzerat, not of the Decan 53. m, 53. Nizamalmuluck appoints An- warodean to govern the Carnatic, only during the minority of Seid Mahomed, 54. m, 58. but confirms him on the death of Seid Ma- homed, 60. — ■ — 1748, dies, his age great, 104. his sons, 122, 123. his affection to Hidayet Mohytdean, 123. uncertainty con- cerning his will, 124. m, 129. Mahomed- ally iisserts that Nizamalmuluck had given him the reversion of the Carnatic, 132. m, 135. Nazirjing proud of being his son, 139. his of- ficers attacked to his family after his death, 143. great extent of his dominion, 158. the Pitan Nabobs never took the oath of allegiance to him, 160. m, 251. Seid Laskar Khan his cap- tain general, 329. m, 363. In 1755, Mysore had paid no tribute since his death, 388. Northern Maritime Provinces of the Decan ceded to the French on condition of military service, 404. Nourjehan, Mistress of the Mogul Jehanguir, whom she governs, 18. OGilhy, Ensign. 1753. defeats Ma homed Comaul, 318. Ommiaijf.s, Califs, 9. See Valid. «• Opium, the soldiery in Indostan smoke it at night, 115. 1753. December, the Myso- reans intoxicated themselves with it, before they attacked the English in the Choultry on the island of Seringham, 270. OHIXA, COASI'OF, 334, 335. Ostend Company, had a fort near Cobe- long, 262. Oulgarry, U'oolgarry, a village 2 m. 8. w. oi Pondicherry. 1748. August the 26th, taken possession of the Eng. army, 101. G utra mal ore, Fort, nearly 20 m. vr. oi Sadrass. 1754. May, taken by a French detachment from Gingee; retaken by assault by an Eng. party under the command of En- sign Pichard, 362. 1755. a controversy be- tween the Eng. and Fr. governments concern- ing the districts, 403. G x fobs, the commentaries of Sultan Babr. written by himself, are there, 17. Pagoda, Pagodas, in general : the temples in which the Indians worship their divini- tes. (N. B. They are tinder a multitude of dedi- cations almost as numerous as the ifirinities tl, em selves,) the structure of their capital Pa- godas beyond the present reach of the Indian; in mechanics, 7. all on the coast of Coroman- del built on the same general plan, 117. which is described, 117. vastness and veneration ol Seringham, 178. collections at Tripetti, 317 the great men of the Indian religion on dan- ger or disappointment, visit some famous Pr goda at a great distance, 361. Pagodas, mentioned or described ia this ti lurne, are ACHA VERAM, CHILLAMBR V. COILGUDDR, CONJEVERAM, JAGGE XAIT, Jl'MBAKISTNA, MANARCOI MVNSURPETT, PITCHAXDAH, SAMB XAItAM, SERINGHAM, TRIPETTI, TR VADI, VELORE near Tritchinopolv. VE. DACHELVM, WARRIORE, WERCOND, near Tritchinopoly : all which See. Palam Cotah, Fort with districts near Chili brum. 1753. Morarirow wishes to fc it, 305. it is the Jaghire of the Nabob Cudapah, 326. September, attacked by troi from Pondicherry, who make a breac' when it is relieved from Deri Cotah by Li tenant E,azer, 326, 327. 1754. A attacked again by the Fr. and relieved fr Devi Cotah by Captain Pigou, 358, 359. Palk