Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/507

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INDEX. ixiu Palk. 1753. June, sent by Lawrence to sooth the K. of Tanjore, 296. 1754. January appointed with Vansittart to treat with the Fr. deputies at Sadrass, 337. April, prevents the K. of Tanjore from concluding a tr«aty with the Mysorean, 347, 348. m, 351, 352. with Calliaiid, prevails on the K. of Tanjore to dismiss Succogee, 361. l"-5. August, deputed, with Lawrence and "Walsh, to invite the Nabob to Madrass, 398. Pal'.'acate, Dutch settlement 30 m. N. of Madrass, m, 66. PiL^..s, River, m, 248. m, 261. Chinglapelt withia half a mile of the Northern bank, 264. 1752, October 31st, by the reduction of which and of Cobelong, all the country N. of the Paliar is reduced to the Nabob's au- thority, 266. 1753, January, the Mor- ratoes plunder every where between the Paliar and the Coteroon, 277. 1754, pro- duce oftheFr. lands to the s. 376. of the Eng. to the n. 377. Panar, Pan tar, Panna Pannar, River between Pondicherry and Foci! .SV. David. 1746. December, the Fr. army crosseth it, 81. March 2d, again there, 87. 1748, Lawrence encamps the Eng. troops near the river, 88. Trivadi to the s. of it, 147. m, 148. 1753. January, the Fr. entrench on the N. bank in sight of Trivadi, 276. and in p, 277. Paradis, a Swiss. 1746. October defeats Maphuze Khan at St. Thome, 77. who in Dec. harrasses nim going with a strong detach- ment to Pondicherry, 79, 80. Dupleix's par- tiality to him contradicted by the Fr. officers, 80. ' 1747, is Governor of Madrass, and takes one of the Company's ship from Eng- land, which anchored in the road, 85. m, | 86. March 2d, commands theFr. army, which marches against Fort St. David, and returns I on the appearance of Mr Griffin's squadron. 1748. August 30th, killed in the sally on I the Eng. trenches at Pondicherry, 102. Parofamisvs, Mountains which separate I India from Persia, 2. Patnam, signifies a town, 146. Peans. See Peons. Pembroke, Eng. 60 gun ship, wrecked April | 13th, 1749, in the storm at Fort St. David, and onlv 6 of the crew saved, 109. Pennar, River, meaning that near and to the | s. of Nelore, 254. It must not be con- I founded with the Pannar. PENINSULA of India, more than half the i provinces conquered by Aurengazebe in per- son, 18. most of them are under the Viceroy - J alty of the Decan, 35. Peons Peans, the general nany of all the | infantry levied in Indostan which are not Topasses, or trained as Sepoys, 80. are variously armed, 80. 1746. in the Nabob's army at Fort St., David, 82. m, 99. 1751. March, 1000 of Mahomedally's go over to Alluru Khan at Madura, 170. 1752, of Moravar join Chundasaheb, 208. July, 2000 left by the Nabob in Tritchinopoly, 247 Bome of whose Captains conspire with the Mysoreans, 257. and are sent away with their companies to the Nabob at Trivadi, 258. 1753, 500 in the service of Velore. 288. cowardice of those in the service of Abdullwahab, 288. 15000 with the Mysorean at Tritchinopoly, 289. some beaten up at Wevcondah, 299. August, a great number with Morarirow, 304. 1754, 2000 with Maphuze Khan from Cudapah, 346. Tanjo- rine Peons, 368. Peranirauze. 1754. April, concerned in the * treachery of Poniapah, 350, 351, 352, 353. PFRSIA. The East Indies ccmmence from the eastern frontiers of, 1 . Homaion fleece into Persia in the year 1540, and in 1555 by the assistance of the King recovers the empire of Indostan, 17. the throne of Persia usurped a by Thamas Kouli Khan, who from thence invades Indostan in 1738, p, 22. and returns in 1739, p, 23. adventures from, settle in India, 24. the Eng. settlements in, subject to Bombay, 33. Kouli Khan assassinated in Persia, 122. the Mahomedans of Indostan trade to the gulph of Persia, 407. PERSIAN, the, meaning Thamas Kouli Khan, 39. PERSIANS, their invasion of Indostan causes the decline of the Mogul empire, 36. the provinces of Indostan ceded to them in 1739, are acquired by Ahmed the Abdalli in 1747 and 1748,.p, 122. Persic Language, thehistorvofFeritshawritten in Persic, 30. m, 144. m, 213. Pettah, the town contiguous to a fortress, of Trivadi, 147. of Vandiwash, 267. of Ghc- riah, 415. Peyton, commands the Eng. squadron in the engagement with Delabourdonnais, June 25th, 1746, p, 63. leaves the C. of Coromandel, and sails to Bengal, August 23d, p, 66. Phirmaund, patent from the emperor, 146. Photsdae, Phouzdak, literally means the j commander of a body of forces; they are the officers commanding districts immediately under the Nabob, and often assume this title themselves, 36. Phousdae, the meaning Mortizallv of Velore, 275. 278. 288. 305. 417, 418, 419,* 420. Pichard, Ensign, in the Eng. service. 1754. May, joins Maphuze Khan who wa s retreating, with a platoon of Europeans'; and retakes Outramalore by assault, 362. S s s 2 Pigot .