Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/509

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I JSI D E,.X. lxv POLY GAR Catabominaioue, 3S6. 390^ 420. 422, 423, 424. O f Chicacole, One conducts the Morratoes over the mountains into the province, in 1754, p, 373. See underneath, Polygars of the Northern Province. C O N D O M N A IO V E , of GolLOKK- PETTAH, 4J.3. Of ElEREMPENAH, 125. O F E T l A p o R I M, 420. 424, 425 Lachenaigce, 3S1, 382, 383 ■ O F M a d v R a, their districts lie along the foot of the mountains to the w. 1J56, promise to join the league against Maphuze Khan, 420, 421. join, and are de- feated with their allies, March 21st. 423. O f Madura and Tinivelly, agree well with the Pitan governors left by Allum Khan in 1752. p, 399. their ravages in 1756, p, 424. 1 N M A H M E D A I, I. Y ' S AbHI, meaning Tondiman, and the Polygars of Tritchinopoly, 1752, their force not strong enough to protect Chundasaheb, who there- fore does not trust himself to them, 236. not obliged to act out of the districts of Tritchi- nopoly, 42C. Maladirao, 430. Moravar, The Greater. MomvAit, The Lesser. Of Nattam. Of Nelli Cottah. Of Xellitangaville, 390. he is the Pulitaver. N orthof madras s, they are Bangar Yatcham Naigue, Damerla Yenkita- pah, and Bomrauze. 1753. November, the X it mil and Kilpatrick march against them, 39S. 1756. January, they compound their arrears with t he Xabob, 117. the army marches out of their countries, 418. O F the Northern pro- yixci.s, they never pay but at the point of the sword, 404. Po LIT AVER, PlLITAVER, 390. 400, 401. 420, 421, 422, 423. 425. One possessing a fort called Sava- nore in the country near Savanore Banca- pore, 426. O F TiNivEUT, agree well with the Pitan governors, left by Allum Khan in 17o2,;>, 399. -1756, the eastren Polygars of Tiuivelly are led by Catabominaigue ; the western by the Pulitaver, whoproposesaunion between tin- two divisions, 420. MunltVllst, the eastern join and serve with MaphuzelChan in the battle agamst the confederates, 422. all in general ravage the country, 424. — - Tondiman, 208. 289. 357. 402, 403. 423. y . CIf Tritchinopoly, in 1752 y are notstrong enough to protect Chundasaheb, 236. not obliged to serve out of the dominion of Tritchinopoly, 426. 1755. February, the four principal settle and pay their arrears to Mahomedally at Manapar, 380, 381. of Yadacheiuu, 420. One near Verdachelum, in- vests the pagoda, but is driven away by the detachment withPigot and Clive, July, 1751. 181, 182. O f Viziapore, the Polygars of, reduced by Salabadjing and Bussy in their re- turn from Mysore, 1755,;), 403. O f Woriorepollam, 305. 396, 397. N. B. See the respective heads for such as in this table leant explanation. Ponamalee, Ponomalee, a fort, with districts 15 m. w of Madrass, built by the Moors. In 1755, belonging to the Eng. company. , October, Lieut. Linis retreats hither with his party from Trivatore, 191. which, reintorced there, proceeds with Kilpatrick to Arcot in November, 193. 1752. January, the dis- tricts ravaged by Rajahsaheb 209. 1753. infested by the neighbouring chiefs, 319. 1754. January, allowed to the Eng. by the Fr. commissaries at Sadrass, 338. POND I CHERRY, City, Government, 1736. Subderally and Chundasaheb go thither, 248. 1740. the reputation of its fortifications induces them to keep their fami- lies there during the war of the Morratoes, 43. 1742. Duplets governor, 45.— — 1745. Jvly, the garrison had only 436 Europeans, and the fortifications were not compleated, 60. alarmed by Barnet's squadron", 61. 1746. Ji«ie26th, Delabourdonnais arrives there with his squadron after the engagement with Pey- ton. 63. July the 24th, sails, reinforced to meet Peyton again, returns August the 10th, 64. August, he remains ill there, whilst his squadron sail to Madrass, 66.' m, 68. the go • vernment object to the ransom of Madrass, 69. September the 27th, three more ships having on board 1360 men arrive, 69. Octo- ber 2d, 3d, the storm at Madrass nflt felt here, 70. m, 71. October 15th, Delabourdonnais anchors with his sattered squadron, they sail the 20th for Mauritius, 72. with what men he left, the Europeans amount to 3000, p, 73. Paradis marches with a reinforcement for Ma- tes, which beats Maphuze Khan at St. Thome, 75. The inhabitants suborned, pe- ytttion Dupleix to break the treaty of ransom / for Madrass, 77. the governor of which is brought ostentatiously into the town, 78. De- cember, Paradis is recalled, 79. and, having been routed on the road, is reinforced at Sa- drass with a detachment from Pondicherry, 80. Sepoys raised and trained here before the English had anv, 81. 1717- January, the 9th>