Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/510

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ix i INDEX. 9th, fouroi Delabourdonnais* squadron return from Achin, 84. the two Fr. deputies taken at Madrass, sent back from Arcot, 84. February the 8th, the 4 ships sail to Goa, 85. Maphuze Chan comes, 85. March, Admiral Griffin stations his squadron before Pondiuherry, and Dupleix recalls his troops into the town, 87. m, 88. 1748. June 10th, Bouvet passes Pondicherry and sails to Madrass, 'JO. and whilst Griffin is following him, the Fr. troops march and attack Cuddalore, 91. prepares to resist Boscawen's armament, 97. of which the seige of Pondicherry is the principal object, 97, m, 98. August 8th, the English army approaching, attack Ariancopang, 99. of which the garrison retire to Pondicherry, 100. description of the town, and boundhedge. 101. The sbioe, 101, 102, 103, 104. causes of its failure, 104, 105, 106. 1749. the number of troops brought hither by the war excite the Fr. ambition, 107. the wife and Bon of I'hundasaheb remained there, during his captivity, 119. m, 121. D'Autueil marches with tOO Kiiropeans and 2000 Sepoys to join Murzasajing and Chundasaheb, Rajahsaheb goes with them, 126. hi, 127. the town cor- responds with the Catholicks at St. Thome, 131. Murzasajing and Chundasaheb come hereafter the victory of Amboor, 131. Chun- dasaheb gives the Fr. company 81 villages in the neighbourhood, 132. they encamp 20 m. to the w. 132. October 22d, Murzasajing and Chundasaheb march with their own and a force from Pondicherry against Tanjore, 133. 1750. February, return on the ap- proach of Nazirjing," 136, 137. 2000 Europeans encamp with them at Yillanore, 138. March 22d, Nazirjing with his army encamps at Waldore, 15 miles w. of Pondi- cherry, 138. m, 139. D'Autueil obliged by a mutiny to march the FreDch troops back to the town, 140. Chundasaheb goes with them, 141. consternation on their retreat, 143. the army encamps again without the bounds, 143. two of the council deputed to Nazirjing, 141. who' is impatient to quit the neighbour- hood, and return to Arcot, 146. July, Ma- homedallv with his army afraid to pass near the districts, 148. m, 149. two officers sent by Nazirjing to treat with Dupleix, 153. December, the summons of the Pitan Na- bobs arrives before the treaty from Nazir- jing, 154. which he had sent ratified, 156. rh, the news of Nazirjing' s death arrives, 158. December 15th, Murzasajing arrives ; the next day the Pitan Nabobs, 159. the adjoining territory given by Chundasaheb valued at 96000 rupees a year, 161. in, 163. »>, 164. 1751. Chundasaheb and the Fr. troops march from Pondicherry to Arcot, Member, Rajahsaheb, with 150 Eu- ropeans, joins the troops sent by Chund: saheb from Tritchinopoly to attack Clive in Arcot, 186. October, battering cannon sent to their troops employed against Tritchino- poly, 190. Sorember, a party of Europeans with money sent to join Rajahsaheb a* Ami, 197. m, 202. 1752. February, Rajah- saheb, and the Fr. troops with him recalled, 213. m, 221. m, 233. June, struck with, consternation on the capture at Seringham,! 248. m, 252. m, 436. August, a company ( Swiss, going in boats from Madrass to Foi St. David, taken by a ship from the road, 255. motions of the Eng. and Fr.. armies near Pondicherry before the battle of Bahoor, 256. the Regent of Mysore sends ambassa- dos, 261. m, 201. October, detachment sent to relieve Cobelong and Chingalapett, 263. October 31 , the garrison of Chingalapett march away to Pondicherry, 266. November, all the Mcrratoes at Seringham excepting 500, sent to Pondicherry, 268. Devolton sent thither by Ghaziodean Khan, 274. arrival of a pie- tended embassador from the Mogul and Sala- badjing, 274. Dupleix's authority confined to the districts between Pondicherry and Gin- jlj gee, which produce 50000 £. a year, 275. 1 M ntizally invited to come, 275. — 50 Eu- I ropeaus sent to Velore, 275. 1753. March, Murtizally arrives from Velore, and returns, 278. April, a small party sent with the Mor- ratoes surprize Bonagherry, 280. Cap Chace dies at Pondicherry, 287. July, detachment of 500 Sepoys take Verdaehi lum, and go against Trinamalee, 305. August, 350 Europeans sent into the field, their mo- tions until they arrive at Seringham, 305, 306. September, a detachment against Palam- cotah, 326, 327. >■', 329. m, 337. Maphuze Khan taken at the battle of Amboor was brought to Pondicherry, and went away with Murzasajing, 34G. -1754. m, 365. August 1st. Godehcu arrives, director general in India, 366. Dupleix dismissed from the go- vernment, and recalled to France, 366. the Swi-s soldiers sent back to Madrass, 367. ' '" r 11th, suspensions of arms proclaimed, 371. by the conditional treaty, the districts to be allowed to Madrass and Pondicherry were to be of equal value, 375. the 80 villages pro- duce 105000 rupees a year, 376. the in- habitants lent Dupleix money to carrv on the war. 377. m, 378. 1755. they regret his removal and departure, 379- Feb. Gofteheu sails for France, 3S0. the govern- ment see the Eng. expedition into the southern countries with a jealous eye, 395, 396. De- leyrite governor, 396. July, Maissin's troops which had been at Terriore and against Arielore recalled into the districts, 397. the pretensions of the government to the southern countries opposed