Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/520

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ixxvi I N D E hailed, 156. m, 157. 100. 163, 240. S al.ib.idj ino, 248. 17-31. April, acknowledged at Golcondah, 250. m, 435. 274. 32S, 329. 331. 333, 334, 335. 337. 404. 428. 420. 136. See Decan. SOUBAHDAR, means Viceroy of a province, and is the proper word for what Europeans improperly rail Sonbah, 35, 36. SOUH.YIIsillPS, the same form of government in all, 37. SOUTHERN Countries, relative to Delhi, are the Decan ; relative to the Carnatic, are all South of the Coleroon, m, 102. Squadron. See under Bngliah ami /•>. nch Storm. 1746. Octob r 2d, demolisheth the best of Delabourdonnais' squadron, 70. 1749. April the 13th, the Namur, Pembroke, and Apollo, ol t's squadron, and two of the Company's ships lost ; the English ramp at Porto Nov.) ravaged, 109. 1752. Oc- idi, 267. SU 13 Di: RALLY, son of Doastally, 1" with his father's army, and accompanied by Caundasaheb, to Madrass and Pondicbj thence to Tritchinopoly, of which they get possession, and he gi irnment of it to Chundasaheb, ertoi when too late, 38. 1740. Hay the 20th, is I i the southward when his fathej ' and killed at Amboor, 41, 42. takes refuge in Ve- lore, 42. ransoms the province from the Mo- rattoes by the mediation of Mcerassud, 42. who agree to "return, and take Tritchinopoly from Chundasaheb, 43. 17H, resid is in Velore. 1742. sends his family to Madrass, and sometimes comes there himself, 45. is poisoned and assassinated in Velore by Mor- tizallv, 43, 46, 47, 4S. whom his army ac- knowledge, 49. 'niton Mortizally's flight from Arcot, proclaim Seid Mahomed, the son of Subderallv, 5Q. m, 51. m, 5-3. In 1740, his posthumous son residing in Vandiwash, 119. <n, lit. Tuckeasaheb, the governor of Van- diwash, married to one of his si- S i -coJEE, Prime Minister of the K. of Tanjore. 17-32. at open variance with the General M macgee, 236, 237. 1753. April 22, deputed by the K. to compliment the Nabob and Major Lawrence at Tanjore, . 281 . rides the K. and is bribed by the Myso- reans, 286. prevails on him to remove Monac- gee from the command of the army, and leads hint far towards an alliance with the Myso- reans, 319. 320. 1754. January, per- suades the K. to remove him again immedi- atelv aftei he had defeated the Morattoes, 342. and" to imprison him; negotiates with the Mvsoreans, 347. June, is himself removed from his emplovments bv the representations of Pals ana «- alliaud,. and retire tinder pre- tence of isiting a famous Pagoda at a greai distance, 361. Sugar-loaf-rock, in the plain of Tritchinopulij, about 3 m. s. of the French Hock. 17-32. March 29th, Dalton, with a large detachment, waits there to join Lawrence and Cliveaooml mg with the reinforcement, 214. m, 215. 1753. An/rust 9th, the main body of the enemy there, when intending to intercept Major Lawrence returning with the convoy from Tanjore, 300, 301. September the 1st, the enemy encamped there opposite to the Eng. at the Frenth rock, 307. the 20th, description of their camp there, 309. 310. the 21st, Bat- tle of the Sugar-loaf-Sock, 310 to 313. 1754. August 17th. Maissin draws up his army between this and the Fr. Rock, to oppose Lawrence returning again from Tanjore, 308, 369. St LTAN, the title of Mahmood Schah, K. of Delhi, 18. of Ivhalil, successes of Tamerlane, 16. of Bate, first of the G. Moguls, 17. Sun, Tiik one of the divinities of the Indians, his teeth knocked out in a broil with the others, 3. Si n :• , Stueig jits ok. French ships taken in them by liainet's squadron in 1744, p, CO. SURAT, in, 407. S w M v, meaning Gods, often repeated by thaj Colleries, when they recovered their images in i the attat k of the Eng. line in the pass of Xa- I . 694. Swiss, Paradis is one, 77. 1752, two com- i f Swiss sent from England to M adrass, of which one, going in boats to Fort St. Din id, I i- taken by a French ship, ami carried into I Pondicheriy, 285. August the Kith, Major | Lawrence proceeds with the other company irfl a ship, 2-3-3. 1753, January, 100 arriY^B from Bengal at Fort St. David, 279. Hay, I many desert in the march to Tritchinopoly, I 283." May 10th, a detachment commanded by l'olier in the action on tlte Island. 2S4. | 17-31. Aug. Godeheu sends back to Madrass j those taken two years before in the boats, 367.11 SYRl. 1, conquired by Tamerlane, 17. S v M M n D S, E M S i a x. 1 752. February, at I the battle of Covrepauk.advances from If eene'^B detachment reconnoitres the French artillery I in the grove, and rejoins with information, j 211. T. Ageddin Ildiz, slave of Seheabeddin, I pho appoints hiin governor of (jazna, whil-h is wrested from him by Mahomed the j 6th of the KJiotcrasmians, 13. TA.MAMA.on the C. of Malabar, the s. boun- dary of Angria's dominions, 4 07, 408. TAMERLANE, the Mogul Tartars, under him andhjssucc'tssors. have atlength conquered al- most ■ T