Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/521

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I N D E X. ixxvii most the whole of Indostuu, 2. But Maho- medan princes had made conquests in India long before his, 9. 01' these Turmecliirin is esteemed the most famous conqueror, 11. his history quoted, 11. his historian, 12. Tamerlane enters India, in 1398; his march its, operations ; defeats and dethrones Sultan Mahmood, his return to Samarcande, 13, L4, 1"). his subsequent conquests, L5, never returns into Italia, dies in 1404. his . : , p, l(j. Sultan Babr, the first of the present Dynasty of Great Moguls, descended from Him," 17. the blood of Tamerlane is still a veneration in Indostan, 20 and 121. TANjOBE, Covntbt, Kingdom of, ex- tensive, 25. borders on part of the Com ic to the s. 37. governed by its own Rajahs pay- ing tribute to tin- Mogul through the N of Areot, 38. extent, 70 m. from s. to s. 00 from E. to w. bounded N. by the C e. by the Sea, s. by the Sea and the Mori w. by Til poly ami Tondiman, 108, 109. 1749. April, expedition of the English to conquer it for Succogee, 109 toll- to August, second expedition to take Deri Cotah, 111 to 118. 1719. Octi !,,,, ,.: lition of Murzafajing and Chuu- dasaheb, 133 to 136. the w ws of which hastens Nazirjing's march from Golcondah, 137. the territory of the Morattoe Kb extended' to the borders, 151. the French territory near Karical, valued at 106,000 rupees a year, 161. 1751. My, the de- tachment from Verdachehun sent to Tritchi- nopolv, through the Tanjore country, 182. Clive's detachment from Fort St. David and Clarke's from Devi Cotah meet near Cundore 182. Tondim in lies between Tanjore and Madura, Moravar to the s. 208. 1752. March, Lawrence and Clive with the rein- forcement proceed through it. 213. 1753. April, Lawrence and the Nabob coming on from Trivadi to Tritchinopoly march through it, 2S1. m, 291. Elimiserum ne- cessary to secure the communication of Tritchinopoly with this country, 303. S iber, Sixty-five Frenchmen, fugitives from the battle of the Sugar-loaf-rock, taken straggling in it, obi. December, 1200 Moxratoes penetrate into the Kingdom, 325. 1751. January, who are hemmed in between two rivers near the Sea Coast and all either killed or taken by Monacgee, 341, 342. the English army used to receive provisions from this country, 343. Febru- ary, after the defeat of the convoy, jget no more from thence, 346. m, 357. June, Maissin ravaging, 357. m, 359. the mound at Coiladdy, necessary to its agriculture, 360. Gauderow defeated at Jrkatopoly on the frontiers, 360. 361. supplies the Eng. camp, as before, 370. October, by the con- ditional treaty the English were to retain in this country Devi Cotah ; the French Kari- cal, with the districts then in their possession, 375. The Nabob, moving from Tritchinopoly to Areot, proceeds through the Tanjore coun- try to Fort St. David, 397. TANJORE, City, had been besieged by Chundasaheb, from Tritchinopoly, 129. 1751. December, invested by Murzafajing, Chundasaheb, and the French troops, 134. succoured by twenty Europeans from Trit- chinopoly, 135. operations and negotiations there, until the siege is raised, 134, 135, 136. the want of money to go on had caused Chundahaseb to attack it instead of Tritchino- poly, 137, 138. the money got there by the French oiticers the cause of the mutiny of i the rest, 139. 1753. July, Major Law-' rence marches thither with the army, 294. arrives there, 296. Conandercoile, half way between Tritchinopoly , 296. in, 352. 1754, May 23d, Major Lawrence marches again with the tinny to Tanjore, 358. arrives there two days alter the defeat of Gauderow, Pigou joins with the reinforcement from Devi Cotah, 391. in, 362. m, 364. July 22d, the army moves, and encamps at Atchempittah, 12 m. w. of Tanjore, 365. TANJORE, King or, in 1739, harrassed by Chundasaheb, incites the Morratocs to attack the Carnatic, 41. 1749 the Pretender to Tanjore. Saujohee; the King reigning, Pra- topsitfi . their family and descent from Sevagee the Morratoe's brother, 108. N. B. Frcm this time the King meant is Pratofsing. The two expeditions of the English against hun for the restoration of Saujohee, and the ac- quisition of Devi Cotah, 108 to 118. July, frightened by the revolution which had hap- pened in the Carnatic, makes peace and gives Devi Cotah to the Eng. company, 118. Con- ditions on which his ancestors submitted to the Moors when they conquered the Carna- tic, 129, his predecessor^ in 1736, attacked, and besieged in Tanjore by Chundasaheb, 129. 1749. October, November, the King, attacked in his capital by Murzafajing, Chun- dasaheb, and the Fr. troops, defends himself and negotiates, 134, 135, 136. December, 31st, ratifies the treaty, and, besides money to the chiefs of the army, gives 81 villages dependant on Karical to the French company, 136. 1751. Allum Khan quits his ser- vice, and goes to Madura, 169. cautious of declaring, permits both the English and Fr. troops to pass through his country, 182. 1752. February, sends 3000 horse and 200 foot under Monacgee to the assistance of Ma- M u homedally