Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/523

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I N ) E X. Ixxn montade after the victory, 314. October the 23d, return home, to celebrate their great fes- tival, 316, m, 325. December, a body of them stationed with Gauderow at Trieatopoly to oppose the Morratoes, 326. who pass by them intc. the Tanjore country, 326. 1754. January, their cavalry led by Monacgec in- tirely defeat these Morratoes, 341, 342. Feb. a party of horse lying at Cootaparah, march away three days before the Knglish and grenadiers are attacked and cut off, 344. May the 24th, 1500 horse with Gauderow, stationed again at Tricatopoly, are v defeated by iVIorarirow, 360, 361. June 7th, Monacgee reinstated, levies troops to recruit this loss, 361, 362. July 22d, after long delay, the Tanjorines join the English army at AtchempettaK, 365. they are 2500 horse and 3000 foot, mostly armed" with mus- kets, 36S. Auyust 17th, are disposed in the second line, to protect the baggage and con- voy, 368. their peons mentioned, 368. are amused by llydernaig, who falls upon the con- voy, 369. September, the army take the field to attack Tondiman, but stopt by the preparations of Calliaud, 403. and during the rest of the year by the contrived delays of Monacgee, 403. Tanks, the great reservoirs in India, from which the arable lands are watered, ,354. TARTARS, Mount Caucasus to the K. separates India from various nations of Tartars, 2. their cruelty in war, 13. TARTARS MOGUL, see Mogul. TARTAR)', the East Indies lye to the s. of, 1. crowds of adventurers from Tartary have esta- blished themselves in Indostan, 2 1. Tavernier, quoted, for a story of the des- potism of a Nabob, 28. Te, sung in l'ondicherry on raising the siege, 1748. p, 106. and on the death of Nazirjing, 1750, p, 159. Tellicherry, English settlement on the C. of Malabar. 1747. sends 400 Sepoys to Fort St. David, 87. treachery of their officers, 88. TEPRA, kingdom, east of Indostan, from which it is separated by marshes and rivers, 2. Terriore, a large tract of wood-land country, about 30 m. x. of Tritchinopoly of which the chief is called Rheddy ; it was over-run by the French and Mysoreans during the war; who deposed the reigning Rheddy, and sub- stituted his cousin ; and he not paying his tributes, Maissin marcheth from Pondichen y, deposeth him, and reinstates his antecessor, ! 396. IJXHAMAS KOULI KHAN. See Kouli'Khan. Tuevenot the younger (who travelled into India in 1665. ) says there were G'anibals (near Baroche.) p, 6. ^THIBET, the great and little. Mount Caucasus separates them from India, 2. The Ganges rises in the mountains of Thibet. 11. Thieves, the word colleries, it is said, signifies Thieves, 208. Timary, Timery, a fort 6 m. s. w. of Arcot. 1751. September, Clive attacks the fugitive troops of Arcot there, on the 11th and 16th, 184, 185. November the 9th, the governor surrenders the fort to him, 196. TINIVELLY, The City or Towx, the Country. The town is 160 m. s. of Tritchi- nopoly, the territory extends to Comorin, the country of Madura lies between this and the country of Tritchinopoly, 169. 1751. Ja- nuary, Abdull Kahim and Lieut. Iunis, sent with a force to settle the government, arrive at the city, 169. March from whence they return to join Cope at Madura, 170. 1765. February, 500 Europeans and 2000 Sepoys sent with them to reduce the coun- try, are joined by 1000 horse with Ma- phuze Khan, whom the Nabob appoints his Vicegerent in the Madura and Tinivelly countries, 380. they are bounded to the e. by the districts of Morayau, 381. who offers settlements on the sea coast, which will greatly abridge the communication with the city of Tinivelly, 384. the army arrives there in the middle of March, 385. Catabotmnaigue'l coun- trv is about 50 m. x. e. of it; Xelli Cotah about 40, s. 386. The Moravar sends 5000 men, to assist the Eng. in reducing the Poly- gars, 387. Colonel Heron lets the countries at farm to Maphuze Khan, 388. May the 2d, Heron leaves the city and marches against NeUitangaville, situated 30 m. to the w. 390. the recovery of these countries ad- vantageous to Arcot, and excites the jealousy of the French, 395. who plead pretensions to them, 396. the submissions made in them during Heron's expedition, proceeded intirely from the dread of the Eng. troops, 398. Mianah, Moodemiah, and Nabi Caun Cat- teck, were left by Allum Khan in the govern- ment of the Madura and Tinivelly countries in 1752; they acknowledge the Nabob, their licentious and profligate lule, 39y. on the ap- proach of Heron, Moodemiah and Nabi Caun Catteck retired from the town of Tinivelly to the Pulitaver, 400. The districts of Cala- cad lie at the foot of the mountains which separate this from the country of Travcncore, 400. the Traveneores retire from the fort and districts of Calacad on the arrival of Colonel Heron, 401. and Maphuze Khan sends troops to take possession of them, 401. May, he marches back from Madura to Tinivelly, and the Company's Sepoys go with him, 401. proceeds from thence to the Pulitaver' s 401. represses the incursions of his Colleries into the districts, 402. In November, returns to Tinivelly, 420. 1756. The Pulitaver has C u u 2 the