Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/524

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lxxx I N D K X the ascendant over the Eastern Polygon Ca- tabominaigue leads the Western 420. The city of Madura is the bulwark of the terri- tory of Tinivelly, 421. Moodilee, a native, offers to take the country at farm, 421. Abdul Rahim, in Chevelpet ore, expe lure from Tinivelly, 122. the rebel confederates - to attack Maphuze Khan at Tinivelly b they attempt Madura, 122. March 21st, and are entirely defeated within seven miles of the town, 422, 123. i is 26 m. to the N. of it, 421. Tirambore, Town, 8 ra. w. from Madura, the l>„ '/ stands Ln it, Mali i Issoof passes through it, April, 175'i, in lii«  march from Tritchinopoly to Madura, 423. ToGLii'ooii, Tamerlane crosses the Ganges there, 14. V O N" I> I H A N, T OKI V M A N ToNDEMAN, THE P o L Y (i a K. 1732. February, sends 400 horse and 3000 Colleries to the assistance of Maliomedally at Tritchinopoly, 208. June, not strong enough, nor conveniently situ to favour the escape of Chundasaheb, not obliged to act with the Nab'b out of the districts of Tritchinopoly, 247. 1763. May, the Mysorean endeavours to deter him from supplying provisions, 28.5. and bribes his officers, 286. 1754. Maissin in vengeance of his assist nice to the Eng. ravages Iris coun- try, 357. the Polygar visits Major Lawrence passing tlvrough his country, and is received with the regard and attention due to his at- tachment, 366. 1755, had long been at enm'ty with the Moravar, and is offended at the favour" shewn him by Col. Ueron, 187. In 1749, he had assisted Monac- gee to take Arandanghi, who gave him A /- linelli Co'ah for the service, which the King of Tanjore reclaimed; the subsequent wara stopped the quarrel, but it breaks out in 1745, when the Eng. Presidency and Calliaud endeavour to reconcile them; and Monacgee delavs to commence hostilities against him, 402, 403. 1756. April, promises troops to accompany Mahomed Issoof into the Ma- dura and Tinivelly countries, who comes to Paducotta, and delivers to him the hostages of Catabominaigue and Etinporum, 423. a body of his troops follow with his brother-in-law and 1 join at Madura, where Mahomed Issoof re- tains them in the Company's pay, 423. TONDIMAN", THE COUNTRY AND WOODS of the Polygar extend s. and s. e. of Tritchinopoly, limiting in part the country of Tanjore to the w. 109. and lie between Tanjore and Madura, 208. 1752. De- cember, remain the only district from which Tritchinopoly gets provisions, 272. to inter- cept which the Regent forms a camp at the Facquire's Tope, 273. 1753. April, a party of Sepoys sent to escort provisions, can- not get back to the city, 281. but the convoys are protected by the army encamping at the Facgicire's Tope, 286. m, 280. June, and after tli«' victory of the Golden rot/,-, the Sepoys re- turn with a stock for 80 days, 294. September 21st, several of the French, who tied irony the battle of the Sugar-loaf rock, are knocked on the head in Tondiman's country, 313. 1754. the provisions were always brought to the skirts of the woods, and from thence es- corted by detachments to the city, 343. The road from Kelli Cotah to Cootaparah lies through the skirts iif i], r nimfc, 311. February, after the defeat of the convo . Tondiman's country remained again the only resource for provi- sion; and 300 Si poys are stationed to collect them at KUlanore, a village in the woods, 12 m. from Tritchinopoly, 346. m, 351. Maissin with a large force enters the country, the in- habitant their cattle, and abandon their- villages, which he burns, and takes KU- lanore, 357. Major Lawrence, marching to passeth through the woods, 358, Au- gust 20th, provisions procured as usual from this ami the country of Tanjore, 370. /'«- ducottah the principal town, 1750. April, Mahomed I-. thither in his way to i' Ton' »i man's i-b-Law. 1756, Calliaud 'sand co fers with 1 in on the Pol] I uing Arandanghi a Votah, 102. ■ 1756. pril 10th, he joins Mahomed Issoof at Madura with some of Tondiman's fori i, who retains them in the Company'- pay, 423. Topasses, arc the mixed Christians born in India, employed as Infantry; pretend to be de- scendants of the first Portugueze, and have their name I it is said j from wearing a hat, 89. Topassc.s, in the service of Chundasaheb. 1751. July the 13th, 100 advance with 4000 Sepoys to the attack of Daltou's post at "r, p, 175. Topasses, in the service of the English. 1716. December, 100 at Fort SI. David, 81, of which 50 are in the sally made on the Fr. troops retreating from the garden-house, 83. 1747. June, 200 arrive there from Bombay, 87, -1748. August, of the Com- pany's battalion serving at the siege of I'ondi- rry, 300 of the 750 were Topasses, 98. 1761. July, 100 stationed with Dalton in the advanced post at Vtatoor, 174. and be- have well when attacked and retreating, 157. IJ 7 54. May, in the battalion of 400 men, which marched from Madrass to join Ma- phuze Khan at Conjeverum, half were To- passes, 362. August, these and others form a part of the 1200 men in battalion, reviewed at Atchempefph, 368. Topasses, in the service of the Fittsc H. 1753. Mai/ 10th, in the fight on the Island of