Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/528

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Ixxxiv I N I) E X. ity, 293. the Nabob, ready to proceed with •he army to Tanjore, is stopped by his troops in his palate, and rescued bv Dalton with the English grenadiers, 294, 295, 296. Woods skirt the plain to the s. 296. Conandarcoile in the woods half way to Tanjore, 296. where Major Lawrence marching from Tritchino- poly halts, 296. only 50 of the Nabob's troops accompany him, the rest remain under the walls, and go over at noon-day to the Mysoreans, not tired upon by the garrison, 296. Dalton blows up Warriore, the explosion fails at Weycondah, 296. De Cattans em- ployed by Dupleix and Brenier to surprize the city by means of the French prisoners, is admitted, and detected by Dalton, 297 to 299. Data way's Choultry, 6 m. e. 299. August the 7th, the army returning from Tanjore halt here; whilst marching onwards, signals from the Rock in the city, apprize them of the enemy's motions on the plain, 300. August the 9th, action in which the enemy endeavour to prevent the army return- ing to the city with a convoy of provisions from Tanjore, and are defeated, 300 to 303. a reinforcement of Morratoes with Morarirow, and of troops from Pondicherry, stronger than the whole of the English force, arrive to the enemy, 304. m, 306. Motions and situa- tion of the two armies near the city, 306 to 309. September the 21st, Battle of the Sugar- loaf Rock, in which the enemy are entirely routed, 309 to 311. Weycondah taken, 314, 315. October 23d, the army on the setting in of the rainy monsoon go into cantonments at Coiladdy,' when 150 Europeans and 4000 Sepoys are left to reinforce the garrison, 316. the city now well supplied with provisions, 319 November, design of the French to assault it, 320. description of Dalton's battery, and the gateway in which it was formed, 320, 321. November the 27th, Assault and Escalade made in the night by the French troops and repulsed, 321 to 324. a party from CoSa tdy reinforce the garrison. December the 3d, Lawrence arrives from thence ■with the army, 324. the repulse of the assault reclaims the King of Tanjore, 325. Tricato- poly, a fort, 18 m. e. Gauderow stationed there, pretends he is preparing to march with the whole army of Tanjore to Tritchinopoly, 325. m, 326. 1754. the English force never sufficient to carry on the war both at Golcondah and Tritchinopoly, 336, m, 338. February, not a tree standing on the plain, all cut down during the war, 343. the pro- .visionsout of the Tanjore country are lodged at Tr icatopohj ■'; out of Tondiman' s at the skirt of the woods; from whence they areescorte dto the city by large detachments, 343. (Feb. 12th, the great con i'oycoming with theGrenadiers.eut off between Cootaparah and Elimiserum, 243 to 315.) on the loss of which the K. of Tanjore discourages his merchants from supplying more provisions to the city 346. but some are got from Tondiman' s country, and brought tfrorn Killanorc, 340. the King of Tanjore suspends . his treaty with the Mysorean, but will not send his troops to Tritchinopoly, 318. April, discovery of Poniapah's treachery, and design to render Mahomed Issoof suspected of be- traying the city to the Mysorean, 348. Go- pinrawze, an inhabitant, concerned with Po- niapah, 350. the Regent offers to Pcwiapah to repay the Eng. their expences if they will give him the city, 351. May 12th, Major LawTence ill, is obliged to go into the city, 355. and views from the gateway the engage- ment of the two armies, 356. the attachment ; of Tondiman had alone of late enabled the Eng. to stand their ground, 357, Major Law- rence marches to Tanjore, trusting that the incursion of Maissin would induce the King to join his forces to the Eng. 357. adds 100 Eu- J ropeans to the garrison, 358. m, 359. m, 360. m, 362. m, 363. the city receives two or three convoys after the departure of the army, ] on which the enemy encamp on the plain, and effectually stop them, 361. Monacgee agrees to collect as much provisions as will be consumed in the city during the stay the Eng. army make at Tanjore, 365. August 17th, (Action on the plain on the return of the Eng. army with the convoy, 368 to 370.) during which Kilpatrick sallies with a part of the gar- rison against a party marching from Seringham, I 370. the enemy destroy at Mootacliellinoor the water-courses which supply the ditches and reservoirs of the city, 371. which are re- 1 paired under the protection of Mahomed Is- soof, and six companies of Sepoys posted there, 371. October the 11th, the suspension of arms proclaimed here, 372. when Major Lawrence quits the city and the command of the army, and goes to Madrass, 372. Decem- ber, the two armies waiting for the conclu- sion of the treaty had attempted nothing deci- sive, 372. 1755. Notwithstanding the truce, the Regent of Mysore resolves to re- mair until he gets the city, 380. Maphuze Kha f r, with a thousand horse, arrived in the end 'of December, 380. In February Colonel Heron with the "English troops, and those of Marivuze Khan, proceed to the reduction of the Madura and Tinivelly countries : the Na- bob gibes with them as far as Manapar, where four of the principal Polygars dependant on Tritchinopoly settle and pay their arrears to him, 380, 381. but Lachenaig, another, equi- vocates and Resists. 381 to 383. he is reduced and