Page:A history of the military transactions of the British nation in Indostan, Volume 1.djvu/529

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INDEX. Ixxxv and the Nabob returns to Tritchinopoly, 383, Desaussaye, the Fr. Commandant at Sering- ham, advises Kilpatrick of the Mysorean's scheme to surprize the city ; who in mockery offers to leave the gates open, 388. April the lo*ti, the Mysorean marches away to his own country, duped by all on whom he had relied to obtain possession of Tritchinopoly, 389. The army, with Colonel Heron, returns and encamps at Wariore Pagodas, 395. the districts of Terriore are 30 m. n. 396. Calliaud, ap- pointed to command in Tritchinopoly, pre- pares to oppose Maissin marching against Ter- riore / 396. the woods of Arielore begin about 50 m. to the N. e. of Wariorepollam farther Eastward. Calliaud ordered to opposeMui~sin attacking them, on which he is recalled to Pondicherry, 397. m, 399. m, 401. Calliaud goes twice to Tanjore, to reconcile the quarrel between the K. and Tondiman, 402. and makes preparations as if he intended to take the field against both 403. m, 404. the ho- stages of Catabominaigue and Etiaporum pri- soners in the city, 420. Calliaud receives in- telligence of the design of the rebels to seize Madura ; is ordered to equip and forward Mahomed Issoof, 421. March 24th, news brought of Maphuze Khan's victory over Moodemiah and the Polygars, 423. Mahomed Issoof marches with 1200 Sepoys, 100 Coffe- ries, some Colleries and artillery, carries the hostage^ of Catabominaigue and Etiaporum to Tondiman, 423. m, 427. m. 436. ["EIVADI, a fortified Pagoda, with a pettah, 15 m. w. of Fort St. David, 147. 1750. July, taken possession of by the Fr. it is s. of the Pannar, 148. the Fr. encamp 8 m. to the East, 148. Cope with Mahomedally sum- mon it : the Nabob's troops afraid to at- tack it, 148. m, 149. August the 19th, the Fr. camp reinforced, 150. they entirely defeat Mahomedally, left by the English, 150. m. 151. tn, 167.- 1752. July the 6th, the French Sepoys surrender it to the Nabob and Law- rence on the first summons ; the Eng. army encamps here, 248. Villaparum, 12 m. x. 253. the 26th, Major Kineer reinforced from Trivadi. 254. returns hither defeated at 'icra- rar.di, 255. the Eng. army move, and encamp at Ckimundelum, 255. m, 258. Major Law- rence having defeated the Fr. being joined by 3000 Morattoes Khan, encamps again at Tr October, marches from thence againft Vim- diwash, 266. the army returns October 31st, a violent storm, the rains and ,sickness oblige them to go to Fort St. David Novem- ber the 15th, 267. Innis Khan, in the begin- ing of November, quitted the Nabob at Trivadi and went to Pondicherry, 268. 1753. Ja- nuary, the French troops, andMorarirow with q. xuajor ljaw- r. at B ihkor, and ttoes witt. Innis it Trivadk, 261. 4000 Morattoes, encamp on the banks of the Pannar in sight of Trivadi, the Eng. and the Nabob return hither, 276. the 9th, Morari- row attacks the village and is repulsed, several fights during the month, the Morattoes har- assing the Eng. line marching to and from Fort St. David for provisions, 276. a detach- ment sent to bring up the Tanjore horse, who are recalled by the King before they arrive, 277. Dupleix reports that the English army are on the brink of ruin, 278. April 1st fight long continued, as the Eng. line are re- turning with a convoy from Fort St. David, Basinrow killed, 279, 280. Major Lawrence approaches nearer the Fr. camp, and canno- nades their entrenchment, but finds it too strong, 2S0. Kilpatrick detached to retake Bonagherry, 280. April 20th, the army sud- denly obliged to march away to the relief of. Tritchinopoly, which is reduced to the utmost" distress for the want of provisions, 281. they leave in Trivadi 150 Europeans and 500 Se- poys, 281. on the march of the Eng. a part of the French troops likewise march from Tri- vadi to join the Mysoreans at Seringham 283. the remainder attack the village and are re- pulsed by Captain Chace, 2S6. they some days ' after attack it again ; part of the garrison, having driven the Fr. back, quit the village to push their success, and are all cut off by the Morattoes ; the rest within the Pagoda get drunk, mutiny, and oblige Chace to surren- der, 286, 287. Trivandaparum, near Fort St. David. 1750. July, the Eng. troops encamp here, in readi- ness to join Mahomedally cooling with a large force from Arcot, 148. Tnratore, 25 m. w. of Madrass. 1751. October, Lieut. Innis, proceeding with a rein- forcement to Clive at Arcot, is surrounded in Trivatore by Rajasahab's troops, and after a sharp fight extricates his detachment, 191. Tkusler, Ensign. 1751. August, detached by Gingen, takes Coiladdy, defends it gal- lantly whilst tenable, 180. abandons it in the night, 181. December, salJies against the party at the Fr. rock, 205. detached to Kistnaveram with an insufficient force, which is therefore followed by more with Cope and Dalton, 206. Tcccogee, one of the three sons of Sevagee's brother, who in 1680 took possession of the kingdom of Tanjore ; in which Tuccogee himself likewise reigned, succeeding his bro- ther Serbogee, 108. Tvckeasaheb, Governor of Tandiwash, mar- ried to a sister of Subderally, 50. 1752. Oc- tober, summoned by the Eng. army, of which the Sepoys storm his Pettah whilst he is nego- tiating, pays the Nabob 300,000 rupees, 266, 267. X x s TURME-